Last 2 games of the night, I slap on a nuke killstreak set on CTF. Then I got back to back nukes. God I love the TAR. Also I'm getting into the habit of getting awesome GWKillcams on FFA. A couple of days ago I got a sick no-scope on Bail-out. Jumped off of the wall near the truck near the center of the map and headshot a guy camping inside the swimming pool. There's nothing quite like getting flooded with praise after one of those. I play this game WAY too much.
I'm not sure what the fuck is going on with the game today, but I just played five or six games in one lobby and every single care package was either a chopper gunner or an AC-130, and the chopper gunner was killing everyone instantly (even without danger close pro). One guy had over 100 kills and under 10 deaths each game, and last game on Wasteland he went 122-8. SOH pro instantly reloads ammo (as in, your guy doesn't pull one clip out and put another in, the bullets just automatically reload themselves).
That's why I always spectate sessions I join. Next thing I know I'm in a challenge lobby and it was all for nothing. Fuck that.
Whats everyone thought on the next one? MW2 was my first CoD game. My brother claims WaW was pretty solid. Itll be a while before Im back in the states anyway but it seems natural to move on to the next newer thing right?
I'm buying it.. eventually. I'm going to MW2 until the end, though. If that only happens in 2015, so be it. I also started out with MW2, and it's still as awesome as the day I first played it, fuck the haters. Who wants to go in a few hours? I FINALLY have Sitrep Pro. My god this perk was invented for FFA's. If you've ever seen me do a FFA, you'd know that I usually suck. 30-18 isn't too uncommon, for instance. Then I tried Scavenger, Cold-Blooded and Sitrep pro. First game I went 30-1. This is insane. Definitely recommend at least trying it out. Scrambler is still worthless, though.
I disagree, Scrambler has its uses albeit limited. I'll prove this when we have a large group of people since it really is useless when playing solo or with just another person.
It could be nice with a 4-5 man party on scrapyard for example. Constant counter-uav is okay I guess.
I'm telling all of you, loud and clear, Black Ops is all pretty trailers and flash. You're going to play it, it is going to be fun, but it will not be, and never will be the high you had when playing MW2. I bet cash money the only people playing WaW still are the people who just bought the game last week because it is 9.99 in some bargain bin. I don't think I even finished the demo for that damn game. I'd be surprised if the servers are still up. Treyarch will always be in second place to what Infinity Ward was. You'll waste your money. If I buy another military based FPS again it'll be MOH or whatever Respawn puts out. You'll hear arguments like "Oh they're using the same code, and the same programming and they have Activision behind them, yadda yadda yadda." Then do this. Take a recipe from a cook book, a hard one, and make it. Then give that same recipe to a top chef or Gordon Ramsey. Compare the results.
Now that I think back on it, I've gotten some serious highs playing MW2. Even with noobtubes and danger close and UMP's, it's all worth it. You have just saved me €65.
This could very well be the case but when Black Ops comes out the MW2 PC population will plummet. Because PC has no way to prevent, detect or report hackers and cheaters. It is nearly impossible to play a game without some 10th Prestige level 70 asshole with an RPD just standing in his spawn firing through walls getting instant headshots. IW seriously fucked the PC gamers with MW2 and had the opportunity(ies) to add and Anti-cheat client with every single update and both expansions. But did nothing at all.
I'm sorry, I don't want to sound like a dick I'm going to though, but get off the fucking PC already. I abandoned PC FPS after Unreal Tournament 2005. Once Live figured out how to get an FPS right, and PS2 locked in with SOCOM, it was over. Consoles can't get hacked so easily, and have one set of specs to worry about. The better FPS companies just don't give a fuck anymore, i.e. Infinity Ward. Only reason DICE did what they did was to try and not get crushed under the MW2 juggernaut (sidebar: it barely worked). As soon as the Crysis people got access to console they jumped on that shit. Buy an Xbox or PS3, and you won't have to worry about your PC overheating or the games being hacked, or graphics card patches. I'm sorry, I just am so tired of PC people, it's dead. Keep it for WoW and/or Starcraft. For FPS, PC has gone to complete shit. My complaint is that when BO comes out, all the children and casual gamers will leave, and MW2 online will get a lot fucking harder except for the few times some of the late adopters (i.e. cheap holiday buyers/game of the year edition) people jump on board. All the hardcore people like Pato and Maltob know to fucking stay because BO is going to be shit.
Just bought CoD Modern Warfare 2. I'm pretty sure that's the one everyone said to get. I told the kid at gamestop I needed the CoD that everyone plays online and he got all excited and geeked out for me. Gonna try it later tonight after I study for midterms. If any of you want to add me I'm HundredT2 on the PS3 network. Doubt I'll try the online stuff til I get it all figured out. What's this headset icon for? Can I hook up my bluetooth to the PS3 too?
Yes, you can hook up your Bluetooth to the PS3. There are a shit ton of people that play, as you see on the PS3 so you'll have a damn good time. Here is my advice, create another PSN account and practice your multiplayer on that. Play your campaign on the your main for trophies. Also, when you start playing online. Play 5 matches with one sensitivity, write down how it felt, then move up. Play 5 more matches, write down how it felt, move up and down accordingly, you get it. I played an entire year on the wrong sensitivity getting my ass kicked, I change it 1 fucking point and I got 3x-4x better. The earlier you can figure out your sensitivity, the better. And of course I suggest using the same gun while doing this.
Great advice. I really, really wish someone had suggested the above to me when I first started playing the game earlier this year. To this day I still struggle with finding "The Right" sensitivity, but at least I have the range narrowed down.