This isn't quite as awesome as El Presador's hilarious commentary, but I think just about everyone here would find it useful. Hutch, who I'm sure some of you have seen before since he's one of the most popular COD commentators on YouTube, put this vid out a while back giving some very useful tips that have helped me a lot. The great part is all of his advice isn't unique to MW2; these are tactics he used in his COD4 videos (especially spawn trapping) and no doubt he'll continue to do it in Black Ops. Great shit, because I'm sure we can all agree that the games are more fun when you're doing more winning and less losing. Sorry if it all seems like fundamental, low-level advice, but fundamentals tend to be overlooked in any activity. Basketball players who can't hit free throws consistently is one example. Next up is WoodysGamertag, a guy I found through Hutch's channel, who may be my favorite commentator because of how practical and frequent his advice is. Among other things, he stresses tactical knowledge, map control, teamwork (especially talking on the mic), engaging every firefight on your terms, and the best ways to capture/hold flags in Domination. Guys like him help keep the fun in gaming, particularly in the hostile, ornery world of public COD lobbies. Definitely check out his channel, because I think everyone here could learn some cool stuff from this guy.
My preorder on Amazon for Black Ops has shipped and should arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon. I'll be playing it all day and night tomorrow. If anyone wants to join in on the awesome, add Thorgouge on Xbox Live.
I'll be picking it up on my lunch break today. I resisted going drunk to pick it up after the Steelers game last night so there is no way I won't be playing for about 5 hours after 7pm tonight. Check the XBL list for gamertags.
I'm still on the fence about buying Black ops. I'm waiting on friends to buy it and tell me if its worth it. The customization doesn't appeal to me and the COD point system seems unnecessary. Not only does your level still seem to restrict what you have access to, buy you need to have enough COD points too. Also, in some cases, you are required to purchase all previous guns in the class to get the weapon you want. It looks like there's a care package glitch as well... <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... re-package</a>
I should be on playing Black Ops tonight. I went on a spree and bought Reach yesterday and going to get Black Ops today. Should be fun to shoot some people in the face again. XBL: Forecheck.
I'll be picking up my copy in the next hour or so, I'll be on this afternoon gambling my stoned ass off.
Yeah, I'll be picking up a copy hopefully over my lunch break, assuming Best Buy or Gamestop aren't sold out.
Initial Black Ops opinion: I've put in about two hours so far, and I like it a lot. You're given the choice between two maps, and the players vote on which one they'd prefer, and the majority wins. The in-game HUD shows numbered sections, which is awesome for team games where you can tell the rest of your team where other people are. I don't notice much difference in gameplay apart from the sounds of the guns, and I couldn't care less about that. I got the attack dogs in a care package and they fucking ripped the other team apart, getting me 15-20 kills. The flamethrower attachment is pretty fun, and I really like the way they've set up the classes, and the equipment they make available. I think my favourite part is that I can finally use Scavenger, Slight of Hand, and Marathon all at the same time. So far, so good.
Attack dogs were fucking overpowered and stupid in World at War, so I'm sure Treyarch kept them that way since don't learn shit. I'd be playing now but Fedex dropped the ball big time and still hasn't delivered it from Amazon. Usually when Fedex is delivering an overnight it comes by 11 the latest.
Update: - In Domination, if your team is losing a flag, it is only announced once out of every 10 times or so. Huge piss-off. - It seems like people have to be shot A LOT of times to die. I had a game-winning kill cam where I unloaded almost an entire clip into the guy before he died, and everyone in the lobby said it seemed like it took a shit-load of bullets. I miss stopping power pro already. - Grenade launchers are definitely not as powerful as MW2. Frag grenades seem to have a huge blast radius, though. - The melee knife seems really, really fucking inconsistent. I got one kill from like eight or 10 feet away, and another one from four or five feet didn't make it. - Either I'm retarded, or it's impossible to aim properly when someone else is hitting you with bullets. Even if it looks like you're hitting them, you're not. That's it for now.
I got my copy last night at midnight, and I'm completely pissed. Multiplayer: I wouldn't know, I can't connect to any games. All the xbox network tests come up fine, but I just sit at the lobby screen, with a message "waiting for x more players..." and it never connects. Campaign: Three times now I've been in the middle of a level, and the game stops progressing. Last night in the Cuba mission, I got to the courtyard and that was it. I sat there for a half hour killing enemy soldiers while the two AI players didn't move. I had to restart the campaign, and the second time through the level Carlos and his men showed up like they were supposed to. Today I've played through the Soyuz launch level twice, the first time I got to the auxiliary control bunker and Woods froze and I was just stuck standing outside the door. I restarted the level, and only got to the roof of the Com building when Woods froze at the top of the stairs on the 3rd floor. Shooting him and throwing grenades didn't do anything, he just stood there and the game stalled once again. I've played through both levels twice now, and spent 5 hours, and I'm still at the second damn level. Anyone have any idea what the hell is going on?
I heard about this, but can anyone confirm if they actually went through with that? I know Treyarch is dumb, but are they really that dumb? Is 'alienate our fanbase' part of their mission statement? Optic Hecz made a commentary in response to that, and his defense of quickscoping is worth a listen. Nonetheless, I'm just starting to get good at MW2, so there's no point in me dropping $70 on an unproven game. Besides, I'm willing to bet Activision will try to release yet another COD game next November and continue to water down the franchise a la Madden, so I'll just wait until then before I consider moving away from MW2.
I bought it on PC and to be honest, this game is fucking pathetic. The campaign seems interesting ( I'm in Khe-Sanh) and the story has me wanting to see the ending. The multiplayer is atrocious though, I can't really tell if it's lag or that they didn't optimize that portion of the game but it runs very choppy while single player runs fine on my rig with everything turned up. Another nuisance is the inability to customize a class between matches. The money/ experience system seems pretty cool. I seriously hope Treyarch fixes this game shortly, it has the capacity to be a very good game.
Looks like we were pretty accurate with out guesses about the game. But this is a good thing. MW3 which will come out next November will take the lessons learned from MW2 and MW3 and should shape up to be an epic game. Needless to say, looks like I'm sticking with MW2. Fuck dogs.
I played it for a few days before it came out. I liked the campaign a lot, the story was pretty cool. The Multiplayer sucked. I'll echo others: -people take a clip to kill -the knife is all sorts of fucked up -the maps are to tight there isn't any open space its all corners -I could give a fuck less about face paint -cod points is a pretty retarded concept
How many bullets does it take to get to the center of a terrorist? According to Treyarch, a shit ton.
The other points you made were valid, but what about the COD points do you not like? I haven't played BO myself, but in the interview that was linked on here last week, that was the part that intrigued me the most. In my opinion, the economy system has been long overdue and makes the class creation more fun. But that's all just speculation on my part, of course. Some things may not translate as well in practice as they do in theory. Can you elaborate on why it's a bad concept? A side note in regard to all the bugs being found in multiplayer: I wasn't around when MW2 was released, as I was late to the COD party and was just starting to play COD4, but I remember everyone voicing similar complaints such as lag, bad lobbies, and shitty/overpowered guns (the 1887s, for instance). Is it unreasonable to think the bugs in Black Ops couldn't be worked out within the next month or two like they were with MW2? Ideally, they shouldn't be rushing out these games, but fuck Activision for wanting to put one out every holiday season. From what I've read, Infinity Ward is still rumored to be in the mix for MW3, but there's no telling how that will play out with the whole lawsuit fiasco still unresolved. Also, the next COD game is expected to be in the hands of Sledgehammer Games, according to their website, and if the rumors are true, the theme won't be modern or set in a certain war era, but in the future. In space. Fucking space. Sigh.