Sorry if this gets old, if it does let me know and I'll stop posting up Sandy Ravage rapefests... 67-1 on Hanoi.
These are two of the things that have really been bothering me. Nuketown was fun at first, but I've noticed that if it is a choice for the next game, it gets voted in. Every. Fucking. Time. Doesn't matter if we have played on Nuketown for the past 3 damned games in a row. And like someone else said, the spawning sucks on that map, I got spawn-killed constantly playing on it last night. And the wager point differences is really frustrating too. The 10 point matches are pointless, but 1000 points is just a tad too much. I would be broke after just 4-5 losses if I were to play right now. I will say though that I haven't been seeing most of the other problems some of you have. I've gotten lots of kills off of one burst from the M16 at fairly close range (2 bursts further away). I've had pretty good luck with the FAMAS getting kills of 1-2 short, controlled bursts. ...That is until last night. Maybe lag is causing all these problems, but I had to quite and start the campaign last night because I could fucking kill anything. Overall though, I've been pretty happy with Black Ops so far.
Jesus, trying to play a CoD game through lag is such a terrible idea. Tanked my KDR by like .2 before my connection got better (damn university wireless). My KDR graph could be the fastest sled run ever. Nuketown is Rust 2.0 - smaller, worse spawns, more annoying than ever. And you're right, every time it gets called up people keep voting it in for some damn reason. I hate that about the new map vote system, where the same map gets played 3+ times in a row. It seems like the AK47u is gonna be the new Scar/UMP, it's just a great gun. So far silencing my weapons hasn't really been working, it just feels really weak, especially with the Gilan or whatever. Red dot sights are a bitch too, they all feel like the clunky as fuck TAR RDS from MW2. Level 32 so far, hopefully 45-50 doesn't turn into the soulsucking XP grind that 60-70 was.
- October 7th, 2010 For all the people complaining about the quality of Black Ops, don't you wish someone in this thread warned you about it? God, I really wish someone said something. Then again, if someone did say something, they were hypocrits and bought the goddamn game anyway because Best Buy just HAD to send them a 10.00 gift certificate he knows he should have used on Vanquish. If you fuckers keep playing it, I'll keep playing it. But I will not, under any fucking circumstances buy a map pack for this shit. I will not.
You know, with most of the people gone to BO, the bullshit in MW2 has been turned down a few notches. Not to say that OMA/DC or tac knifing is gone, but you can sense the difference. For some reason quick scoping hasn't been working for me lately but that really hasn't mattered, with the bullshit gone I've been having some amazing matches in my opinion. Take a match a played a bit earlier where I went 10-0 in a matter of 60 seconds on Estate finishing 41-3. Just using the SPAS, balls to the wall rushing and my kill streaks. Or when Pato and I were playing, we were going on average 10/1 KD sometimes hitting 15/1. In other words, I might take longer than expected to buy BO.
If y'all are getting sick of the BS happening on BO, hop back on to MW2. Rob4Broncos and I need some more than just some prepubescent moron spewing out inane ramblings.
This. THIS. Yesterday I went 52-2 with the Soh/SP/N setup, just picking up guns as I went along. Bless the Silencer + FMJ ACR people.
People who actually defend the fucking flags in Dom would be nice, too. I think me and PS were the only people bothering to cap and defend before we said 'fuck it' and went into regular TDM. I regret that I didn't own this game a year ago when you guys would band together and talk shit to random people. If we ever get enough people on, I motion that we get some kind of FFA drinking game going. Maybe like drink a beer for every 10 kills you get or something. That would be interesting to watch play out.
Holy shit, this is absolutely true. What better way is there to finish off the unwashed masses other than to herd them into specific spots? Both R4B and I would get some monster scores and we'd still lose because we couldn't get our team to defend the other flag.
OK, so I've never posted in this thread and if this has already been discussed then I apologize, that being said.....Treyarch can lick a sweaty hobo chode. (Disclaimer: I am old and don't play online, I just like to kill my kids and their friends in offline multi-player.) Offline fucking sucks! No options whatsoever. I cant set points, turn radar on and off, no ranks, and everything is already unlocked. Fuck this. Great I have zombie wave defense, ohhh how awesome. Thanks for fucking up a major part of the game just to give me zombies. Anyone know what the trade in value of this POS is yet? (and if I am perchance missing some hidden options menu for the multiplayer, then ridicule away but please, please let me know before I start using this thing as a beer coaster)
Glad you assholes are having fun. All day yesterday I was on the team that receives the CoD buttfucking. More than a few times I would go something like 6 - 5, thinking I'm doing terrible and low and behold I'm the only person on the team with kills RAAAGGGEEEEEEQQQUIIITTTTT
How the fuck is it possible for a game developer to forget that people also have the ability to, y'know, hear sounds? I have not once been able to soundwhore people. It's like they're all running around with Ninja Pro, except they're not. If Treyarch wasn't going to put effort into implementing decent audio, why even make audio settings? It's all bullshit. Fuck. This is like the Asian sweatshop version of MW2, the kind of game you'd expect to play if you paid 10 bucks for it at a flea market. .. If they patched the sound it would become half decent.
I think I'm gonna switch back to MW2 after exactly 1 day with this. I'm way out of practice but BO is just disappointing in so many ways. The graphics look closer to Goldeneye than MW2, hit detection sucks, 14 hits from a silenced weapon for a kill sucks, shotguns as a main sucks, shitty teams using the RC-XD instead of anyone ever calling in UAVs sucks... It's sad because I really want to like it because I think the points/contracts are really cool and I like that they put the gungame from CS in. It's just so damn ugly. Anyway, I'm awwwSNAP on PSN if anyone wants to add me. Don't expect great things and ridicule me for failing until I get back into practice though
Couldn't agree more. I was on the fence about black ops but everything said in the thread has made the decision easy. MW2 seems like a whole lot more fun right now. It may just be in my head but it seems like there are far fewer noob tubes flying around, and I don't know if I'm getting better but or if it's all the asshole shit stopping but I'm having significantly better games. Even fucking ground war is playable now. I'm nowhere near pato or maltob's level but getting my third kill streak reward is happening more and more often now, especially in FFA. Also, I still maintain that the silenced holographic m16 with stopping power and sitrep is the best combination in the game.
The noob tubes aren't as bad on the 360 either. Hell, I played a TDM match on Rust and brought out the Noob Tube/OMA/DC combo just to make sure I wasn't going to get dicked over and not ONE other person used the set up. I think that was the first time I felt shame in a video game.
Just in case someone here hasn't seen/played the new nazi zombies mode in Black Ops: Spoiler Intro and the first couple rounds of a solo run. I spent about 18 months of my life slaughtering zombies in WaW, all the way from Nacht to Der Reise. I was disappointed that MW2 had no similar bonus game, because frankly I am not that big of a fan of FPS (compared to say, fighting games like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter), but am a very big fan of killing zombies. It never occurred to me that Black Ops would put the zombies back in. But now, regardless of how shitty the multiplayer may or may not be, no matter how many apples defy the laws of gravity, no matter how many thousands of bullets it takes to kill a man, no matter how inferior the graphics compared to MW2, I will be forced to purchase this title. Nothing in my life will be good again until I have the ability to pit JFK, Tricky Dick, Castro, and some random dillhole against the legions of undead. Damn you Treyarch, damn you straight to hell.
So apparently there's a way to compensate for the no-quickscoping business in Black Ops. Optic P shall explain. Of course, Smokey the Bear says that real men play MW2.
One thing I like about Black Ops is that there are separate leaderboards for different game modes. That is to say, me getting killed 100 times in Domination trying to capture flags has no effect on my K/D in the Team Deathmatch leaderboard, which I think is great because (in theory) it will encourage people to play Domination like they're supposed to, rather than worrying about dying a lot. That having been said, no one likes to die and I'm sure people will still play Dom like it's TD half the time, when they could just choose to play TD if that wanted. Fuckers. Personally I feel Black Ops is a tragedy. I really want to like it. I like a lot of the changes Treyarch made, it's just that their practical implementation sucks balls. I know I'll get red-dotted for this, but fuck quickscoping. Being able to one-hit people from basically any range is annoying as hell to everyone else, and ruins the balance. Sure, it takes skill, and if you can do it well I can't say I blame you, but that doesn't make it bad that Black Ops got rid of it. If you were supposed to be able to one-hit people from any range they'd make a gun for that and make the other guns work accordingly. Clearly, since they got rid of stopping power, they want it to be a bit harder to kill people (for balance purposes), and quickscoping can really fuck that up. Similarly, I'm a fan of things like killstreaks not stacking, and the points system for buying perks and etc. I have yet to run into attack dogs, presumably because killstreaks don't stack, whereas in MW2 nukes and chopper gunners weren't as rare as I think they were supposed to be. That having been said, once people get better that could change, but we'll see. The points let me buy which perks when I want, which is great. All that having been said, this game is really pissing me off still because of implementation problems. If you're going to get rid of stopping power, don't also decrease the power of all the guns (which is at least what it feels like). It's ridiculous. And I continue to run into knifing problems, where sometimes I can't knife a guy who I'm touching dicks with, but someone else will knife me and the killcam will show him doing a Commando-style lunge. Luckily, I think the problems I have with the game can, and probably will be fixed with a patch or two. I think some other people's problems with it are more ingrained and won't be fixed, but I plan on sticking with Black Ops.