The thing is right now enemy footsteps/your footsteps are basically inaudible, even without Ninja. Soundwhoring is basically impossible so Ninja is worthless, although I read that they're eventually pushing out a patch to fix some sound issues, which might help.
I can hear footsteps and the lack of mine quite well, I don't know what's wrong with you guys' set up. So far the best Pro perk I've unlocked is Hacker Pro. In addition to seeing all claymores, turrets etc. you can also hack them, which essentially turns control over them and their perks to you. Supposedly you can hack enemy package drops but I've yet to get past a greedy fucker and try it out.
I can't hear anyone's footsteps either, but maybe they just sound different (quieter or something) from MW2 and I'm not really listening for them. If anyone wants to try out any Pro perks, try a split-screen game against yourself. All the pro perks are unlocked, as well as all the guns and everything. I tried out Hacker Pro, and you booby-trap someone else's care package by stealing it, which changes the contents to something else. When the person goes to get their care package it explodes on them. Pretty cool, but I don't know how often you'd be able to steal a care package without the original person seeing you.
What's everybody's setup looking like? I'm using the Galil w/RDS (I love that you can change the dot on this, I'm using the 3 dots which I feel like gives great visibility, on top of looking cool), the machine pistol, frag, flashbang, and the motion sensor which is AWESOME. It sees through ghost, which makes capturing flags a lot safer. Put it down while you cap, or put it down before you cap to see if anyone's hiding. Not perfect, but way better than just running in blind and hoping not to get shot in the back. It also makes defending flags easy - I put one down near B on (Crisis? in the bunker) and got like 15 defense kills because I knew where all the bad guys were coming in from. For perks I'm using hardline pro, sleight of hand pro, and hacker pro. I've gotten a ton of kills from second chance, but I think I just like hacker better. I haven't really gotten a chance to steal crates but I'm looking forward to it because it sounds hilarious. I also have a bored-with-the-grind Firebat class, which is a red Galil with flamethrower, LAW, nova gas, flak jacket, SoH, tac mask. It's fun for objective games, especially little ones like Nuketown. Not enough people have flak jacket pro yet to stop the flamethrower from dominating everything. Also, the "death" facepaint is extremely important for flamethrowing.
I may have spoken a little too soon on this one. I unlocked the PSG-1 last night and outfitted it with a variable zoom scope and used the Ghost and Scout perks. In MW2 I could hit them almost anywhere with stopping power and no suppressor and they would drop in one hit. Here you have to hit them in the head/upper torso, so you have to be a little more accurate, but one shot kills are definitely doable. I set up shop on that little catwalk in WMD that overlooks domination points A and B and was getting kills left and right. Had a claymore on the ladder just in case. I wanted to use a suppressor, but it just felt to weak. Of course now I just need to find good sniper spots in each map, a lot of them feel like they are just not made for sniping. Right now my favorite setup is The Galil with a red dot and suppressor. Frag, Stun, Claymore. Hardline, Warlord, Marathon. I'm loving the Galil, and I have no problem killing people at short-medium long range with the suppressor. I may have to give the Hacker perk a try, I'm using marathon just because there were no other tier 3 perks that interested me. I also started using a new red-dot reticle, an X with a dot in the middle, however it can be a little obstructive at longer ranges so I'm gonna play with some other options.
Enfield with Silencer, changes to AK-47 when I unlock it. Frag grenade Decoy grenade (probably the best addition to the game) Claymore Scavenger Pro Slight of Hand Pro - Sometimes i change to Warlord Pro Hacker Pro - Sometimes changed to Ninja Pro
Favorite setup right now: FAMAS w/ extended mag Frag grenades Flashbangs Ghost Slight of Hand Ninja This setup is awesome for running around in domination games and mowing down large groups. The combination of being able to sneak up behind the other team and the FAMAS's large magazine capacity results in me regularly getting double, triple, and multi-kills each round. The streaks you can get with this setup are unreal. My only complaint is the lack of ammo for the FAMAS. You essentially have 4-10 kills worth of ammo before you are picking up something new off the ground.
I played for about an hour last night. I only got to level five before I had to go to sleep. I started out playing the single player story. I didn't like it and switched to multiplayer, which is what COD is all about anyways. I liked it. I haven't gotten too far into the game yet; so there are probably faults I haven't discovered. Having to buy perks isn't that big of a deal. Eventually everyone will have everything. I can hear enemy footsteps just fine. But it's good to know everyone else can't. If it matters I set my settings to "playing on a quiet volume" but then turned my volume up to about 60.
Setup, Galil w/ suppressor (Iron sights are equally as good as RDS) Crossbow Frag Stun/Flash Claymore Ghost SoH Marathon I rape FFA's and TDM's with this setup. I find I wont need a secondary at all and use the bow for fun at times.
Maps that are usually medium to long range I go with: Fal with a a crosshair and dot sight Pistol of some sort (the last one to unlock I think) Frag Stun Claymore Lightweight SoH Marathon On closer maps I go for Ak47u with a grip (iron sights work great on this gun in my opinion Piston again Frag Stun Claymore Lightweight SoH Marathon. I should probably stop bullshitting around with the M14 and the Fal, but I just like playing with them more. I have a way better KD ration with the Aug, but that's because of the spray and pray type kills that I get. I like having to make each shot count. If I don't hit the dude first shot to get his sights off of me a bit I am boned. And I have decided that the spawns on this game are pretty much shit. I guess it discourages camping because the team will spawn behind you and on top of you willy nilly, but really all it does is give people free kills (whether for or against). And this isn't on some shit map like Nuketown. Even the bigger maps will do this to me.
I have been sticking to the Galil and Stoner63 for my weapons of choice. The AUG isn't bad, either. For smaller maps like Nuketown or Hanoi, I'll change it up and go with a red dot/foregrip AK74u. When I finally unlock the Commando and G11, they will be my primary assault rifles. I'm hating the game a little less lately, but it can still be really fucking annoying. Plus, I'm still angry that all the maps are nothing but corners and CQB. Make sure you guys take plenty advantage of the equipment, by the way. I love to carry the motion sensor with me and plop it down outside a house I'm about to enter, or lay it down to cover my 6 when I'm in the camping mood.
I heart quickscoping. I've been playing around with it the last few days and now I see why it's so popular. Add in throwing knife prowess, and everyone will curse your name. A few of us went into a private lobby just messing around with that setup, and it was probably the most fun I've had with the game since I bought it. Also, the M1014 shotgun with Marathon Pro + Lightweight Pro + Ninja Pro makes for some bitchin' times. Flying around the map unloading rounds with a quickness is fucking devastating in CQB. Rushing into the heat of battle with guns blazing may not get you the best K/D (if you care about that sort of thing), but it's pretty damn fun.
Some more thoughts after putting in a good 4-5 hours the past two nights after work. I keep trying to use a M14/FAL setup with an acog scope and all that, but its just not really working for me in this game. The Galil is doing wonders for me, so when I try to use the FAL I just end up going back to the Galil after I die once or twice. I also started using Hacker last night, and while I haven't used it to hack anything yet, just the ability to see claymores before I round a corner is great. All the different reticles that you can choose, while a fun idea I guess, just isn't worth it. I've tried a couple variations but everything just seems too obstructive, so I'll be going back to the simple dot. I will be using a purple dot though because the purple reticle seems to really stand out well. I think for now my main class will be my Galil w/ red dot/silencer, a strella 3, and hardline/Warlord/hacker. I also have two sniper classes with the PSG-1, the second one being the same except it has snow camo/facepaint for snow levels (not sure yet if this is even worth it). I'm gonna try Thorgouge's idea of having an AK74u for smaller levels, and then my 5th class is going to be either an FN FAL setup for longer levels, something between the galil and sniping, or a setup to dick around with the flamethrower. I also have to say that I got a gunship out of a care package last night and holy fucking shit, that thing is badass. If you get lucky and no one on the other team has a launcher (I got taken down by a strella) then you can rape some serious ass. I racked up at least 15 kills with that thing in no time at all and would have probably gotten a lot more if I hadn't been shot down.
People need to get off Nuketown's cock. I played 12 rounds in a row of it last night (8 in one lobby, then switched and played 4 more directly after. In the first lobby my team got destroyed at least 7 times out of 8 but those fuckers kept calling it back up.) and could probably draw it from memory right now. On a related note, how do people get 3:1 K/D Ratios on that damn map? Whenever I shoot a gun at all I have bullets coming at me from a third party, meaning at best I can get 2 kills in before I die, but mostly just 1:1 on that map. Are these people just camping at respawn points?
The question is how can you not get 3:1 on that map. If you stay in the house that has the garage connected to the house you can just pass back and forth shooting anyone that walks in. You can literally throw a grenade in pretty much every direction and get a guaranteed assist if not a kill. Try holding down behind the junk car on your left by the school bus. The moving van in the middle offers surprising amount of cover, and is a great spot for motion detectors. The yard on the right can offer good cover if you find a place to go prone, as can the Nuketown sign itself if you hide behind it. I think it's pretty cool that the population on the town sign changes depending on how many people are in the match.
I did well a few times on that map, but it was all from killstreaks and rewards while dominating the other team. Most of my kills were from napalm and chopper gunner. I'd say about a fourth of the kills were with guns and the rest were from the rewards. It's the only way to get a huge kill ratio.
Nuketown is so shitty atm. Once it comes up in a lobby, that lobby becomes Nuketown Only. It's possibly to do really well there (I see plenty of people on it go 50+ kills 10 or less deaths) but most people probably keep voting it just because they like the nonstop action. Sure, it's fun, but it certainly takes whatever tactics and strategy existed and implodes them. In other news, I wish the AK47u didn't sound like the shittiest firecracker ever so I could use it more.
I hope you mistyped and meant the AK74u, the sub-machine gun. Because the AK-47 assault rifle is a beast, even with a silencer.
If you are good enough to get 9 kills fairly consistently, you NEED to use the chopper gunner killstreak. I have single handedly won TDM's by getting one of these (think 30-0 and 42-0). This is especially important if you play either Jungle or the snow map with big dish thingy (Array?).
Yeah, AK74u, my bad. AK47 is the boom maker, 74u sounds like diddly. First patch notes are out. Some fixes are live, some will be coming. The sound issue in regards to footsteps/gunfire is being fixed. EDIT: Giving the notes a further read-through, looks like Nuketown lobbies won't be happening anymore. Hurrah! Spoiler 11/5 * - Villa: User can clip into rock at west edge of grid zone B2 and see through to the other side * - Crisis: User can clip into LVT between grid zone A3 and B3 and see through to the other side * - User can get an infinite number of 'Sam Turret', 'Care Package' and 'Sentry Gun' killstreaks (commonly referred to as the “care package glitch”) 11/9 * - Radar sweep when there are only 2 players left in One in the Chamber will stop functioning if the 2 players have multiple lives when the sweep starts * - Crash when viewing content (films, clips, etc) in the Community & Recent Games menu 11/10 * - Users’ rank and stats can get wiped under very specific conditions 11/11 * - Online number counts were not updating properly; these are now reporting exact online numbers * - Parties getting disbanded when host did not find a match quickly 11/12 * - Launch: User could access a small platform outside of the intended play space below the rocket gantry by jumping to a very specific location; now blocked from access * - Launch: User could access a small area inside geometry at vents near Dom flag A by going prone and moving around in a very specific location; now blocked from access * - Some users reported that weapon attachment challenges were not resetting after prestige; now all are guaranteed to clear as soon as selecting the prestige option IN PROGRESS * - Improved matchmaking to find matches faster * - Improved match and host selection; will result in much better networking conditions for all games (a.k.a., decreased lag) * - Weekly and Monthly leaderboards stats reporting incorrectly for kills, deaths and assists (All Time leaderboard not affected by this) * - Additional improvements to party system * · Improved matchmaking to find matches significantly faster * · Improved matchmaking to ensure that players are more effectively matched to games with the best networking conditions * · Improved host selection to ensure that the best host is always selected in the pre-game lobby * · Improved party system to ensure that parties don’t get broken apart * · Disable ability to join Private Match, Combat Training and Theater lobbies when searching for Player Match games * · Server-side and game-side changes to decrease the amount of failed Film uploads * · Weekly and Monthly leaderboards will now track all kills, deaths and assists properly (All Time leaderboards were not affected by this) * · Prevention of Combat Training stats getting crossed with Player Match stats under rare conditions * · Prevention of killstreak selection getting disabled in Combat Training under rare conditions * · Prevention of Valkyrie rocket exploding upon release under rare conditions * · Prevention of Gunship failing to give player full control under rare conditions * · Prevention of temporary loss of functionality when a button was being held down at the point of a disconnect * · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels and ranges for footsteps and gunfire * · Additional fine-tuning of audio levels for bomb plants/defuses * · Additional online security enhancements * · Array: Added collision to prevent players from partially clipping into a tree * · Launch: Added collision to prevent players from strafe jumping onto an invisible ledge at the base of the rocket near B3 * · Summit: Added collision to prevent players from jumping to a location outside of the map boundary when in Custom Games where player speed is maxed out * · Havana: Added collision to prevent players from jumping onto an invisible ledge above a doorway at C2 * · Nuketown: Adjusted a spawn point that would spawn players on top of a mannequin’s head when that mannequin was randomly spawned in that location * · Disable ability to vote for a previous map twice in a row * · Optimization to prevent friends list from spamming user while in game – will improve game performance for users with large numbers of friends