Yesterday something weird happened. I actually had fun playing Black Ops. Like 'Holy shit those guys got raped'-fun. And it was all thanks to the most awesome kill setup ever: 8 9 11. I took the motion sensor advice and my god did it pay off. Especially on Nuketown, pop one of those babies in one of the houses and you essentially dominate that side of the map. I thought chopper gunner was bad. Gunship is even worse. They didn't even get to shoot it down. So yeah, I'm giving it a chance. As I said, fix the sound and it's decent. Because getting blasted in the back in a hallway by a machine gun and not hearing anything kinda blows.
I am praying for a noticeable difference post-patch. Both my buddy and I are still experiencing heavy lag and choppiness/frame-droppage randomly on the PS3. While it's not quite a deal-breaker for me at this point, I do get frustrated and rage quit more than I ever did in MW2. Care to enlighten us? I haven't used the motion sensor yet so am at a loss as to how it works. Do you just plant it in an area with heavy traffic and it lights up on your HUD when someone is in the vicinity? If you run Ghost are you immune to it? Got some more games in last night with Dmix3 and the crew playing TDM and we definitely came around at the end.
Yeah, plant it down and it sends out a pulse every 2-3 seconds, highlighting enemies within its radius in red. People using ghost are not immune to it, which is one of its main benefits. Flags/high traffic areas/behind you are good places to use it. Although I don't have much experience with it yet, it seems like it can be pretty damn useful.
I've been having too much fun with the decoy grenade. I throw it into a room, set my claymore near it, and then run off to kill other people. Nine times out of ten, I get a kill from some guy looking for the red dot on his radar only to find Mr. BoomBoom. I just unlocked Hacker Pro last night on my last game and can't wait to start booby-trapping some care packages tonight. I'm really liking the new COD-points system too. I don't feel like I'm grinding to get attachments or camo anymore. MW2 started to feel like work trying to unlock everything and now I can focus more on playing the game.
I've been playing nothing but Zombies the past few days, and am getting fucked over hard on the Mystery Boxes. Ballistic knife like three times, China Lake three times, Monkey Bomb twice, Python twice. In the past 15 or so purchases I've got the Thundergun once, and all the other things have sucked. But fuck, does the Thundergun ever dominate. Level nine has been my highest so far, though. I've seen videos of people making it to the upper 20's and have no idea how they're managing it. But I'm having a helluva fun time trying to find out.
Amazon says my game should be here today. I NEED it for the weekend. I can not fucking wait any longer.
I broke down and got Black Ops because everyone was playing it. Thankfully, MW2 skills translate nicely into Black Ops ass kicking. GT: Cap C
I get home from work tonight and one of my roommates has a friend over and they're playing online. My other roommate comes home a minute later with his friend and he has his XBOX and a TV. Apparently there is a COD party tonight. I've been playing my roommates copy so I run to Best Buy and pick one up. We have 4 XBOX's on four TV's in three different rooms plus a fifth of whiskey, two fifths of vodka, a fifth of rum, a case of Bud Light and a few Four Locos that my roommates are drinking. I finally got to booby-trap a couple of care packages with Hacker Pro. What I didn't realize was that you can steal the care package contents, and booby-trap the box. For some reason I thought you had to chose whether to take the contents or set a trap. Anyways...I'll be online killing bitches tonight. Gamertag LBDER on XBOXLive
Here's my set-up: Ghost Pro Hardened Pro Hacker Pro / Ninja Pro Either Claymores or the motion sensor. God damn, that thing is awesome. I put it in the back part of Firing range and got a Huey because of it. I would definitely recommend Hardened Pro. You win so many gunfights because of it. Gun of choice? Either the Commando (awesome for spraying and accurate in bursts) or the G11. The G11 is so badass it doesn't even come with a silencer attachment. This thing is ridiculous. I've gotten 3 man final killcams because it just annihilates people. You don't even need SoH because it comes with a 48 round mag, 16 bursts. Anyone prestige yet? I'm almost there.. Damn you Treyarch for putting in stuff that's only unlocked after prestiging. Also how does one get a golden gun camo?
Don't think easter eggs for Black Ops have been mentioned yet. When you're strapped to the chair in the main screen, you can actually break free out of the chair and walk around. There's a computer terminal in the corner you can access all kinds of shit - pics, backstories from the campaign, etc. There's even a few arcade games on there, one of which is an overhead shooter that's addictive as all hell.
I have played 150 games and been killed 80 times by those little fucking RC cars. I am a magnet for those little fuckers.
In response to a rep comment, thought I'd put it up here instead. Put the Strela in every class. It's the BO version of the Stinger. I won the game earlier by getting a Huey, raping face, then they called in theirs which was immediately shot down by me, before it even got a single kill. Awesome. I also put some 25 - 0 games and the game described above in my fileshare. Check them out.
I don't know if BO being released factors into this but all of a sudden I'm taking faces at MW2. It's becoming rare for me to not get at least one AC130 every game. Silenced TAR/SCAR+scavenger, red dot ACR, .50cal, and cold-blooded pro UMP -- choose based on map size. And it's not even like I'm a camping little bitch, thanks to copious amounts of Halo 3 my play style is aggressive. Anyone else notice it's way easier to pick up killstreaks now?
Ever wanted to learn how to play like Sandy Ravage? Here's how: Side note of awesome about HUPIT gaming: it's a website where players of various FPS games (COD, Halo, L4D, etc) can congregate and form teams, because we all know how much it sucks to play in random lobbies. Definitely check it out. When you have a good team going, you do cool shit like this:
This. Oh my god, THIS. The best part? No painkiller and being able to immediately see people when they spawn. I always get a kick out of hearing the air support noise and it cutting off as I mow down those fools. The Blackbird is the best killstreak of them all though. This is how I stack my killstreaks: When you get a Blackbird, don't call it in. Camp a bit until CG. Die. Get a 2-3 killstreak, call in the BB. Enjoy the second CG. You could even get another CG or BB in the Care Package. By the way, there is a way to stack up a killstreak as you're in the CG. Call it in after you die and aim for people next to cars. If they die to the explosions, it counts towards your killstreak. Ghost Pro (essentially Cold-Blooded Pro) is very useful too. You can just go prone in the middle of the map and noone will suspect anything. Abuse the fact that people don't know the maps too well. Use these tactics wisely, children.
I have totally gone ga-ga for Zombies mode. I swear I spent about 10 hours playing that mode exclusively this weekend. That being said, random groups suck balls, any of you PS3 players out there down to group up sometime for strategic zombie slaying?