That video doesn't look like it's being viewed in the theater. Looks like it's the original game on PVR.
I was playing yesterday and had similar experiences. Its frustrating when it happens to you, but I'm sure I've done it to other people. I tried a couple of rounds in MW2 after BO and noted some differences: -BO moves at a faster pace. I'm the type that uses marathon, so the increased speed is great. However, sleight of hand has become mandatory for me. -Red dots on the BO mini-map are MUCH closer to you on screen than the map suggests. When I just started, I walked into a lot of enemies because I was looking at the mini map and misjudged their distance from me. -The previous two points have made it harder for me to use stun grenades. This will hopefully pass as I get into BO's rhythm. -Claymores explode immidiately, making them hard to escape. -Second chance is overpowered. It only takes a couple of shots to kill someone. -To echo others, RC cars piss me off and the chopper gunner is very strong. I also went up against the veteran bots in combat training. Its good practice, but they headshot you most of the time.
I actually love the fact Claymores will kill you no matter what, because now, you only get one. Perfect balance. I do have to say that decoy grenades are the greatest thing in this fucking game. Especially on TDM and Domination. 50% of my kills are because of it them. Hm, I need to combine C4 with decoy grenades for fun. See what happens. People never realize that you're just tossing them out like hotcakes, moths to a flame, moths to a flame.
I need to try decoy grenades some more. I do, however, love how the claymores are in BO, I have them on almost every one of my classes. I love dropping one on cap points in domination and getting a defense kill almost every single time.
For what it's worth, I usually play on regular. I only break it out now if I'm on a bad streak and want to get in a good score before calling it quits. It's slightly easier than playing against humans, and it's a good way to run around learning the map. Plus I can spend COD points on certain guns and other things I may ordinarily decide against online, to see if they're worth it. Some may call that cheating; I call it clever. Because some guns on this game really do blow.
This is what bothers me with the new system. I can't experiment with new guns or equipment without spending the COD money. I'm using the ak74u until I unlock the FAL, and don't plan on buying anything that is available along the way. I like how you don't have to give up grenades if you want to have a claymore, but I tend to forget that I'm carrying them because I never used them in MW2. So far, I don't really see either MW2 or BO being superior to the other. They're just different. Each game has things I like and dislike, but I can have fun playing either of them. Since I already have MW2 and have zero interest in the zombies or campaign, I'll wait until BO costs about $40 used if I decide to buy it. For now, I'll keep playing my friend's copy.
Who even buys guns? MP5 all the way baby. And if you do need to switch it up, pick up guns off dead enemies. Like the gripped RDS M60 yesterday. Went 55-2. I'm really warming up to this game. Seriously, watch the fileshare.
Cash only applies to new players and those who suck. Anyone over level 25 or so should have enough cash to buy whatever they want.
The thing that is making me not want to use this game for a coaster is the only fix it has "Local Games Only" because you get into a game and realize you're not going to win because you have full bars, but you're always 1 second late to the draw? The M60 is the shit. It is so upsetting how the Stoner63 or whatever is completely useless. I only use the Galil Silenced with Reflex and the M60 gripped. I never used SMGs. Oh and let me once again say Decoy grenades will get you at least 4-5 extra kills a game if you're using a silencer and you get a good position on yourself. Also you need one more person to cover what I now call a "decoy drill" to make sure they don't come after you post killcam.
I used to attach the grip, but find the supressor to reduce spread the same with the added bonus of staying off the radar. I think the supressor may limit distance, but not enough to affect my game.
I seriously don't know what my problem is. I'll play MW2 and have consistent 20-10ish games, usually MVP or 2nd/3rd. Pop in BO, and I go to absolute shit, struggling to break even, usually something like 8-12. I find myself often getting the draw down on somebody, but still dying. Another odd thing is I seem to do better if I'm not split screening. Anyone else experience anything like that?
Well you're not getting as many KSs, and the guns require more leading shots than they did in MW2. Check your sensitivity again, try a bunch of guns and play practice games. Also, change your game search to Locale or Local Only. Lag benefits the laggy in this game, it sucks.
There's a whole lot to be said about the connections everyone has in the game. Another thing to consider is whether or not you're account for recoil. A major difference between MW2 and BO is that MW2 weapons tended to have limited recoil. Those weapons that did have recoil were made monstrously powerful, like the UMP. It also takes time getting used to maps that people have had about a month to know the ins and outs of.
Be glad it's only been a month; I didn't start MW2 until a couple months ago, after damn near every nuance of the maps, perks, killstreaks, etc were already found out. Talk about being late to the party. For what it's worth, I went from beast mode in COD4 to having similar struggles when I switched to MW2. It's all part of the learning curve.
Just played a few games of capture the flag and got completely robbed of a capture. The guy that shot me even admitted it was a bit of a hail mary type kill. We both laughed at it, but when it happened I definitely shouted obscenities at the tv. Not sure if anyone knows or cares, but if you're going for the challenges where you need to empty an entire clip into an enemy without missing, you can shoot aircraft and it counts. I whipped out the python and blasted on a chopper out of anger and the challenge popped. That was the only positive outcome from that situation.
I feel dumb. How do you guys change to 'local'? I've never even noticed the option before. In other news, 2.00 K/D and almost 1.5 W/L. Thanks HuPiT. What an amateur: Ever since this guy faked 2 nukes on Machinima, he's been hated by the Youtube community. It's funny to watch.
Joined a local game of hardcore TDM tonight with my neighbor and his clan. His buddy was barking orders so I cut his throat. And fuck the RC-XD, we'd all get more points and kills if you chose the spy plane.