I thought he was hated because of the cadence of his speech. The way he randomly slows down/speeds up when he talks is irritating for me to listen to. The interview with Hutch a while back admitting that the nukes were fake was great, though. He literally cannot say the word 'illegitimate.' As in, he stumbles over the word multiple times and just gives up. Regardless, his gameplay is really good, especially in this one running only the 3-5-7. HUPIT is baller shit. I've gotten into games with people a few times (though I ought to do it more often), and it rocks to actually communicate with your teammates, especially in Domination, which is my favorite game type. Also, the SPAS in this game...holy shit. It's my new favorite toy. Changing it from pump action to semi-auto completely changed my opinion of the weapon. I'm also glad to see its range is comparable to what it was in MW2. If you're a Domination/CTF guy, I highly, highly recommend going out of your way to get Marathon Pro. I played CTF for a few hours last night for this purpose alone, and it paid off. Coupled with Lightweight Pro, capping flags become cake. Truly a case of the rich getting richer. My thinking is that over time, as more people get Marathon Pro, getting flags in CTF could get more difficult. So I locked it down early, since I have no intention of Prestiging anyway. Just throwing that out there in case anyone plans on doing the same.
Just my luck. Two games into changing my killstreaks, I start out 10-0 on Cracked. I have hardened pro, so I have it set on SAM, Care Package, Attack Helicopter SAM drops, and I change it up, counter-spy... ok decent trade off, whatever. Care package comes, and I get a RC-XD. Change it into a sentry gun. place it in the street and instantly get 2 more kills. I play very timidly, but I lack the ability to camp, so it takes me a while to get another 5-6 kills. I've been waiting to get this thing FOREVER. So I earn the Attack, and I am giddy like a little school girl. I'm flying in, and notice 2 red diamonds. It seems that everyone on that fucking team was using ghost pro, and I'm just mowing down the two poor guys that aren't using it. I might have registered 8 kills before flying off. Totally unfulfilling.
I'm picking this up in a few weeks and I just wanted to know, is using the SAM kill streak better than having a luncher for a secondary? I like having a pistol as a secondary at times. Or have things changed so much that your team mates are useful and can be counted on to take down air support?
At least for the 360, it's a 1 in 9 chance that your teammates will actually do anything. People still run out and die via the chopper gunner, for God knows what reason. The SAM launcher is a nice complement to the launchers but does not necessarily replace it. The SAM launcher is defenseless against players and can be taken out with one knife. Those using Hacker Pro can either hack it or find it glowing red.
Agreed. SAMs are useless. Keep a launcher handy if you can. Or at the very least, a class you can switch to specifically to take down air support. Thankfully, choppers in any form aren't as common in this game since killstreak rewards don't stack. Unless it's from a care package, safe bet is that the player manning that chopper earned it. I can respect that. On the topic of Hacker, that's a great perk, especially since claymores are deadlier in this game and worth being more mindful of. Coupled with Hardened, you can take out any piece of enemy equipment with ease. That includes cameras, motion sensors, jammers, and C4. It may not necessarily be worth taking up 2 perk slots to do (Hardened isn't necessary, actually; it just makes it easier), but it's a good angle worth exploring if that's your thing.
Also, as a head's up, Ghost no longer protects you from being targeted by killstreaks. You have to earn that ability via Ghost Pro. It was a tremendous pain in the ass when I was dying left and right to helicopters without knowing why.
I'm pretty confident pistols are useless in this game. This game relies heavily on ARs and SMGs. In my experience people rarely have anti-air, and never shoot down spy planes. I'm always the one racking up points taking them down, and Hueys are hard to take down because he can see you, you're dead. You might be able to come in and own with the pistols but I'm not sure.
In my experience, the Python revolver isn't half bad. I tend to have shitty aim with my run & gun style, so sometimes I'll find myself with an empty clip halfway through firing at an opponent or two. Switch to Python, clean 'em up, and keep on moving. The rest of the pistols can go suck a cock, though.
I think i've said it it before, but i'm in love with the crossbow. Using to to clear out a sniper nest is the some of the most fun I've had. Also, I must have gotten at least 600+kills in Nuketown from shooting through the bedroom windows.
Here's my philosophy, since my teammates are generally retarded, if I'm not silenced then I'm laying down as much fire as I can. Dual mags + SoH might negate the need for pistols when I run out of ammo in a fight, so we'll see. It's just that I've gotten so used to using the USP to save my ass when I get caught in the enemy spawn after I run out of ammo in my primary.
Well I'm officially done with MW2. I haven't played a game in like 2 weeks that didn't make me want shoot the fucking TV. So which TiB member is buying me BO for Christmas? anybody??
I do. Gamertag is "NipSlipChip" and I usually just play TDM or Ground War. Anybody have this: happen to them? Apparently if you get Valkyrie Rockets in a care package and die before you use them, they just explode in your face when you try to launch them. Every time you respawn, you still have both rockets and it happens again if you try to use them. Because of this, there's no way to get rid of them. The worst thing is, it basically makes any killstreaks you already had before then inaccessible. The first time this happened to me, I had a chopper gunner and blackbird waiting (thank you hardline pro), and couldn't use them for the rest of the game. We lost. Me:
Here's a tip, Treyarch. When trying to stop cheaters / glitchers / modders / hackers, make sure you don't screw over the regular players. I've raged so fucking hard about this lately: Now I find using guns such as the FN FAL or the M14 harder than full-auto weapons and then they do this? It's like they want us to use the AK74u. I do recommend the FAL though. It has no recoil. In MW2 that was pretty much the standard for 95% of the guns but in Black Ops it just rapes for long distance firefights. It seriously outshoots all other assault rifles. Not to mention sniper rifles but any pistol can outshoot them. Speaking of pistols, the ASP is amazing. Decent clip size, nice stopping power. I did a Headquarters match while only using the thing and I went positive with 40 kills or so. So yeah, use it. Also, play in parties. Can't stress it enough.
Holy shit you guys missed out on an intense Domination game on Radiation tonight. Me, PeruvianSoup, and one other guy were in a party and had a 17-game win streak going, and in comes this clan of a half-dozen guys talking shit. Fast forward we're down like 124-68 and being dominated, and we managed to take all 3 flags and hold at least 2-3 up until the very end. Ended up losing 201-199, but it was an awesome near-comeback. I'll post it on file share for anyone who gives a shit.
Well, I made the mistake of logging in to Steam today. Went for a nice game of MW2... and got 0-0-17 instead on Derail. That's right, 0 kills, 0 assists, 17 deaths. I think maybe I should just not bother again with this game, since I'm obviously useless and slow internet (even against other players in S.A.) doesn't help. In fact, I probably will have no further reason to post in this thread, since I will NOT be playing Black Ops online. I hope they fix all the bugs for Fallout New Vegas, soon...