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CoD Addicts Thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by JoeFresh, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. Paperbag

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    For anyone thinking of picking up BO, has it for $40. I'd jump on this, but it costs about 10 bucks to ship to Canada and I'm currently occupied with Arkham Asylum.
  2. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Everything besides the gameplay is awesome. I love all the trimmings of BO. Zombies, COD Points, Customization, Reticles, Gameplay Modes, and maybe 1/4 of the maps. After the countdown and when it's time to shoot other players is when I get depressed and angry. I think Sniper Rifles needed to get nerfed because quickscoping was retarded, but there aren't any maps where they can be used effectively.
  3. Macgruber

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 10, 2010
    Just out of curiosity, what is it exactly that make the sniper rifles so terrible in this game? I fucking hate them either way; I would rather have a handgun as a primary weapon over a sniper rifle, so I never use them. However, I have two friends that use only sniper rifles, and they both love sniping in BO more than MW2. They're both usually in the top two or three at the end of a match, so it's not like they're going 6-19 every time or something.

    On another note, I fucking love the dual mag/extended mag attachments on the assault rifles. I never unlocked extended mags in MW2 because I couldn't be bothered to do all the challenges and shit, but now that I can just buy them, I've been tearing up games. And now that I've unlocked Marathon Pro, I can't wait to get back home Tuesday and rip shit up.
  4. Maltob14

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    Space Cadet

    Jan 19, 2010
    Halifax, NS
    Please don't start this argument. QS'ing was just fine, it was different from noob tubes and tac knifing because it took skill. Based on that, to alienate an entire subgroup from the game is just lame. I mean come on, you've had great games even with quickscopers playing against us. Quickscoping isn't the issue, it strategies you have to employ based on who you're playing with (randoms) and when you're going up against the nube toobers and tac knifers.
  5. PeruvianSoup

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 26, 2010
    People are just disappointed that they can't slap on Stopping Power and kill someone in one shot regardless of placement. Prior to the patch, there was a game mechanic that prevented a player from being able to "quick scope". Treyarch implemented this via off-setting the path of the bullet from the crosshairs for about 1-2 seconds after you've scoped in.

    Dual mags are amazing. Extra clips and a faster reload every other clip makes it like part Scavenger and part Sleight of Hand.
  6. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    True, true.

    I'm mad because the hit detection is terrible. I'm actually a huge fan of most of the changes they made with the guns. Especially the fact someone can't kill me with an SMG halfway across the map by shooting at my leg. I like the fact it takes more to kill people because (IN THEORY if the hit detection and lag didn't suck) you can react to someone shooting you and if you aim right can come out of the fight with a win.
  7. mobkah20

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 26, 2009
    If anyone hasn't seen this, new map pack coming February 1st

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    Stadium sounds awesome and the Berlin Wall map might be sweet too, let's hope they don't fuck them up.
  8. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    New COD player here, I just got Black Ops.

    Any advice for a new player? I'm getting my ass handed to me. Is the Combat Training worthwhile? Tips? Hints? Tricks (not glitches)?

    Thanks in advance.
  9. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    First off, don't be discouraged about losing a lot when you first start out. There's a learning curve to every Call of Duty game, and even seasoned players have to learn to adjust between them. When I went from COD4 (which I was very good at) to Modern Warfare 2, I was doing just as poorly as a beginner would. But as Omar Little might say, it's all part of the game, baby.

    The Combat Training section is definitely worth a go, for both old players and especially new ones. I'd recommend playing through that for a bit to get a feel for the guns, maps, and everything else. The 'Regular' A.I. setting seems to be most comparable to the skill level of human players, but don't hesitate to lower it to 'Recruit' if you're still having difficulty. Losing your COD virginity and all, I'll offer up a few fundamentals. My brother just got Black Ops and it's also his first COD game, so I'll tell you what I told him. Hopefully, I won't be the only one to chime in here. FYI, I'm listing these in the order of priority, more or less. Some people may rank certain tips higher or lower, but this is my list. It's all just one man's opinion.

    • Learn the maps. Map knowledge is directly proportional to how well you do in every incarnation of Call of Duty. There's no substitute for experience here. Just play through naturally, and over time you'll learn the best way to engage a particular building, room, window, objective site, etc. A good rule of thumb is to stick to the perimeter of the map and keep your back to the edge so you can heighten your awareness of where your enemies can come from. Don't run through the middle or out in the open unless you're fond of dying a lot.
    • Patience. You're not Rambo, so don't try to be. Sit back, pick your battles, and don't try to take over the world right away. Some players out there can go 34-5 seemingly without effort, but they've had much practice and know how to do it. Baby steps first. Don't be ashamed to get "only" 7 kills if it means only dying 3 or 4 times. That strategy may not work for everyone when they first start out, but it worked well for me.
    • Burst fire. Don't fall into the pattern of holding down the trigger for every firefight. Luckily, you won't have any bad habits from MW2 or other previous COD games, namely that you won't default to emptying an entire clip to kill an opponent. Accuracy is KEY in this game. Fire a short burst, reset your sights, and repeat. Make every bullet count. Unless you're in close quarters, fully-auto spraying is a cardinal sin in this game.
    • Fire from cover, always. Ideally, when you move around, it's to move from one point of cover to your next. Try to limit your engagements in the open as much as possible. This goes a long way towards being the one doing the killing and not being killed.
    • If you're sprinting in close quarters, you're doing it wrong. This is true for online first-person shooters in general, but especially in COD, which are games of milliseconds. The time it takes to aim/shoot after sprinting is enough to get you killed against any marginally good opponent. In CQB, there are corners galore where an enemy can pop out at any given moment, so you have to be prepared for that. Make an effort to sprint as a last resort (escaping a high-traffic area, moving between points of cover, etc), not as a default tactic. I can tell you firsthand that this is a surefire way to do poorly.
    • Experiment with different guns, and stick to ones you like. This sounds obvious enough, but a gun that works wonders for one player may not work so well for another. Pick your weapon to suit your playing style. If you have a tendency to rush and get in close to the other team, don't equip a sniper rifle or light machine gun. Conversely, if you like to shoot from afar, don't even think about using a shotgun or SMG. Beyond that, guns can very widely within their own class, so you'll just have to play around and see which ones feel best. For example, the FAMAS and AUG (both assault rifles), are very comparable in how they look and sound, but differences in their recoil patterns make me choose the latter over the former, 100% of the time. Don't worry about being well-rounded with the weapons or feel guilty about neglecting certain guns. 95% of the time, I use either the AK-74u, SPAS-12, or the AUG. Likewise, you'll eventually find your own go-to guns.
    • Experiment with different perks, and stick to ones you like. Exactly like the step above. Choose perks that cater to your play style and game type. Don't use Flak Jacket, for example, if you don't have a tendency to experience nearby explosions. Over time, just like with the guns, you'll find yourself using certain perks with greater frequency. It's all about what works for you. A quick suggestion to get you going: you can't go wrong with Ghost, Sleight of Hand, or Hacker. You can also employ all 3 simultaneously, so there you have it. Being hidden from the radar, being able to reload faster (and also aim faster, with Sleight of Hand Pro), and being able to detect and subsequently avoid enemy claymores all go a long way towards improving your longevity. Once again, play around with them and broaden your horizons. Eventually, you'll discover what works for you and what does not.
    • Hip-fire in close engagements. Don't aim down your sight unless you're firing a good distance from behind cover. If you turn a corner and there's an enemy in front of you, don't bother aiming unless he's at the end of a narrow hallway or something. Not only does the short distance render the increased accuracy from ADS irrelevant, but you also turn much more slowly while aiming, which can hurt you if your enemy runs by and gets to the side of or behind you. Hip-firing in CQB ensures that you can stay on target more easily.
    • Play with friends whenever possible, particularly in objective-based games. When it comes to playing with people you already know, more is always better. It's not mandatory, but by and large it makes games more enjoyable, and you tend to perform better and win matches more frequently this way. You can still enjoy games solo, but be aware if you play something with an objective such as Domination or Search & Destroy, as opposed to "sandbox wars" such as Team Deathmatch or Free-For-All. If you have to capture a flag or destroy a bomb site without being able to effectively communicate with your teammates, you can be severely handicapped against the other team, especially if they are coordinated and are better prepared to thwart you.
    • Check out YouTube commentators. If you're a tryhard (as I am), you may even enjoy turning to YouTube to improve your gameplay. As far as commentators who stick primarily to sharing tactics or discussing facets of the game in general (as opposed to using their gameplay merely as a backdrop for their soap box, which I fucking hate), you can't go wrong with WoodysGamertag, xcalizorz, or Blame Truth, in that order. IMO, those are the 3 best guys on YouTube to learn strategy from.
  10. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Xcal doing live commentary. He's even funnier off-the-cuff. Also, WGT addresses the issues with Black Ops, particularly the visuals. His idea for a stackable killstreak playlist is interesting. I wouldn't be opposed to that. I'd also like to see them get a quickscoping playlist implemented, not because I do it, but because its subculture is so large and so opinionated that it'd be remiss of Treyarch not to consider.

    #1350 Rob4Broncos, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  11. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I forgot a good one:

    • Use suppressed weapons as often as possible. Staying off the radar when firing your weapon is huge. People rely on it so much that preventing the red blip from showing makes you much, much harder to kill. Getting used to the iron sights on most guns isn't that hard to do, especially on assault rifles like the Galil or the AUG, so no use of a reflex sight isn't that big of a loss. People tend to avoid suppressors because it's thought that they lower the gun damage, but that's not the case. Rather, equipping the suppressor means you have to be closer to your target for the minimum damage hit markers to register. Up close, the guns are just as powerful as they are when unsuppressed.
  12. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Even MW2 guys agree that zombies are awesome. Xcal shows some interesting tips:

    #1352 Rob4Broncos, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  13. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I feel your pain. As I've stated in here before, the last COD title (Modern Warfare 2) was the first FPS video game I ever played, so I know what you are going through. On top of what Rob4Broncos said, here are a couple of things that I figured out along the way...

    Get used to dying. Some of the best players around have a 3:1 or 4:1 kill/death ratio. Most of us on here, if I were to venture a guess, are somewhere around 1:1 to 1.5/1. That means that (obviously) over the course of many games, most "normal" people are roughly going to die for every person they kill. So don't feel dissuaded if you die a lot in the beginning. Because even after you get better, you will still die a lot.

    Try switching your controller setup from Default to Tactical. This is more about personal preference, but some people (myself included) prefer the Tactical setup, which switches your melee button with the prone/ducking button. This allows you to move more naturally along the maps, since all of your body controls are done with just the two analog sticks. It makes drop shots easier, and also prevents you from knifing thin air accidentally if you tap the left analog stick.

    Killcam can be helpful. If you get killed by a guy sitting in a corner, by watching the killcam after you die you can sometimes get a feel if he was sitting there fore a while, as well as if he moved after the kill. A lot of idiot campers will kill someone and stay in the exact same spot. If that's the case, make 'em pay.

    Killstreaks are a huge benefit to your team. Pick them accordingly. When you are just starting out, don't setup your killstreaks to something unobtainable. Stick with a 3-4-5 (Spy Plane/Counter Spy Plane/Napalm Strike) or something similar. If you call in a Spy Plane, everyone on your team benefits from your gain since the enemy position is given away to everyone in your group.

    Play with a group if at all possible. Already pointed out but this deserves repeating. There is a list a couple pages back with a bunch of our PSN/XBox Live usernames. Add some people to your friends list and play with them. Team communication is a major part of this game so buck up and buy a headset if you haven't already. Teamwork really does make the difference in BO.
  14. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Sensitivity: Once you find two guns you feel you're the best with, play 5 games with each on one sensitivity level, then move it up one, or down one to get your better sensitivity. It's very important. Sensitivity alone helped me go from a negative KDR to a 2:1 KDR in a week.
  15. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Additionally, don't be afraid to post your GT on Hupit Gaming. My friends list has blown up over the last couple weeks because of that place, so now I have no problem getting in with parties on a regular basis.

    I can't believe I forgot to mention tactical vs. default. Good call there, because it's an invaluable tip.

    I know I tend to blow up this thread with videos, but these are very relevant for the whole "tips to improve" conversation. Some stuff may be mentioned in these videos that were already listed here, but that just goes to show how important they are.

    #1355 Rob4Broncos, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  16. Tuesday

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    Oct 26, 2009
    holy shit, anyone else playing mw2? seems like a ton of people picked it up for the holiday. Buuuunch of new guys running around sucking dick right now. I'm prety drunk and still getting 20+ kills a game, usually mvp. wouldn't have guessed mw2 would have this spike. We'll see how bo is when I get back to school
  17. Macgruber

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 10, 2010
    I played last night at a friend's place and we joined one of his friend's sessions, and in 15-20 games of ground war, I think we were top three in all but one game. There were a few games that we were the only people with a positive K/D ratio on either team. It was crazy.
  18. Haterade

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    Village Idiot

    Apr 28, 2010
    Pomona, CA
    Hey I was just wondering, but does anyone play duel wielding scorpions? I use it with Scavenger Pro, Steady Aim Pro, and am finishing up Tactical Mask (getting nova gas kills is a bitch).

    Also, do most of the people on TiB play on PS3 or 360?
  19. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    It's split pretty evenly between the two. There's an old list that was bumped a few pages back. How many people on those lists play with regularity is hard to say. My advice is just send out invites and see where that gets you.

    The list: <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?p=91125#p91125</a>. It'd be nice to get some kind of big list that updates regularly. We have one already on the main page, but not everyone who lists their XBL or PSN gamertags on there play COD. In the meantime, just make do with the above link.
  20. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    I'm on PS3, VIcious72. Not that I'd be of any help or anything.