There's nothing wrong with preferring MW2 over Black Ops. Some people prefer one, some prefer the other. That's just how it is. But I think it's silly to try and say that either is objectively better than the other, when they both have their healthy share of flaws. For me, I'm able to ignore those in Black Ops more easily because they aren't as pronounced. But I do take issue with some of the statements in your post: Not to be a dick, but I feel this very same way about MW2. At least Treyarch put Black Ops through beta-testing. Maybe if IW had done the same, a lot of problems that ruined MW2 for a lot of people (such as myself) could have been avoided. The "cash cow" watering-down didn't start with Black Ops. COD games have been released every single year going back to COD2. And perks with more balance. And guns that aren't all 2-3 shot kills. And guns that actually have recoil. These things force people to bring skill or GTFO. I can handle getting killed in Black Ops better than I ever did in MW2, because I can trust that the other person at least *sort of* knows what they're doing. Give an 8-year-old with no prior experience in the series a controller and a 3-5-7 setup in MW2, and he could get a 2.0 K/D with enough practice. Like xSocrates said (and I'm quoting this for the second time in less than a week, because it bears repeating): "In COD4 everyone has the chance to be a phenomenal player. In MW2 everyone is given the ability to be a phenomenal player." Let's not even pretend like this is unique to Black Ops. In fact, it happens a lot less than it ever did in MW2, because assholes aren't sitting back and letting their air support do their dirty work in pursuit of the fabled Tactical Nuke. There will always be those players who disregard the objective, but Black Ops doesn't give them as much incentive to do so as Modern Warfare 2 did. Seriously, fuck the nuke. That's the worst thing ever implemented in the franchise. Nothing's more irritating than being up 195-120 and hearing that stupid countdown go off. The game's already been out two months. If nothing substantial has reared its head by now, what makes you think a few more months will make a difference? Any major exploits made by the community would be well-apparent by now, as it was with the 1887s in MW2, or Juggernaut and Martyrdom in COD4. Nothing nearly that bad has surfaced yet with Black Ops. Know why? Balance. The 74u could be harnessed a tad, but that's about the worst of it. You can't really compare the flow of the Summit game to the Highrise one, because the size/setup don't really compare. Summit is multi-tiered and has many avenues; Highrise is just a glorified version of Wet Work in COD4. The Estate game, on the other hand, is a good comparison. But then look at him headshot some guy with a FAMAS across the map at 4:35. No way that should have happened. The lack of recoil in the game is absurd. The only thing that could have made it worse is if he used an SMG with iron sights...and it still would have been possible. That's horseshit. At least you use the term 'game.' But the better 'first-person shooter' is clearly Black Ops, simply because it actually is a shooter, not a 'get a couple of kills and let the computer do the rest' sham that MW2 became. I'm willing to bet (and I'm not making an accusation towards you or anyone else in particular here; it's just a theory) that at least half of the people who disliked Black Ops and went back to MW2 did so because they didn't like their game being "neutered." Players got used to getting ridiculous amounts of air support, stroking themselves over going 30-8, and not being able to have nearly that level of success in BO because, God forbid, an emphasis has been put back on gun-versus-gun. At this point, we'll have to agree to disagree. Debating these two games can go only so far, like PC vs. Mac. Obviously, some people on here, like you and Backroom, will play 'MW2 or bust,' and that's cool. It just gets tiring hearing all the improvements Black Ops made being hated on as if they were flaws. Yes, the guns are weaker. Yes, they have more recoil. No, the killstreaks no longer stack. No, you cannot get a nuke. No, you can no longer carry overpowered secondaries. If any of those things are enough to turn you off from the game, fine. But resorting to calling it an objectively poor game, when many people would disagree with you (and not just the volume of people playing, but also respected players in the YouTube community), is silly. Like I said, both games have their share of flaws, but BO doesn't have nearly the game-breaking flaws that MW2 did. I'll take on an RC car over a guy with Marathon/Lightweight/Commando any day. The graphics and sounds can still suck a cock, though. I'll give you that. Modern Warfare 2 had the best of both in the entire franchise, and the juxtaposition is depressing.
Saw this on Twitter, in case no one here has seen it yet: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -Ward.html</a> They're just rumors, but I really hope they aren't true...No new engine and revisiting places from COD4 and MW2... doesn't sound too awesome.
No new engine, bad. But seeing the same stories from a different perspective could actually be cool. It wouldn't be breaking ground, but retelling the same story in a different light isn't necessarily a bad thing. Consider the very end of Black Ops' campaign, and just stretch that out over a whole game. It has potential. But like you said, it's all rumors at this point. Last I heard, MW3 was slated to be made by Sledgehammer Games, so who knows. As long as we don't get another fucking Call of Duty game in 2011, I'm happy. MW2 and Black Ops both have much mileage left in them. In other news, who the fuck is Ghost? Maybe that's a detail only the uber-nerds would know.
I'm currently on a 15 game win steak playing Domination. My capture class. Ak74u w/silencer Strela 3 for secondary Flak jacket Sleight of hand Marathon Willy pete smoke grenade I rush the B flag right away and throw a smoke grenade ahead of me to cover the flag. Flak jacket makes you immune to almost any grenade except being stuck. Since I don't have ghost on, I shoot every spyplane down the second it comes in game. The last game I played I went 45-6 with 8 captures and 6 defends. Beware fools!
That's what I've been running for about six months, and what a difference they made for me. Granted, the sound quality is about what you'd expect for something in the $75 range, but still. Having the inline game volume/voice volume/mute controls is really, really nice.
Anybody get shit talked for using a silencer? WTF? After I got done raping and pillaging the firing range today some douche bag was crying about him getting killed multiple times by my silenced Aug. What a terrible excuse for sucking - not being able to see my red dot in the radar.
Haha. Yep. All the time. You know the best way to deal with whiners? Figure out why they're mad, and then continue to do that exact same thing. It's awesome. Anyone who can't cope with getting beat by a silenced weapon should go play something else. In other news, I've taken far too much interest in my player card. Mine features a SPAS-wielding T-Rex with 'FTW' stamped along his back, wearing a crown and standing over a dead raptor that has a bloody shotgun blast in its torso, as a Huey flies overhead. It's so ridiculous, yet I love it. One guy on my friends list put it best: "It's like playing with a Barbie doll."
On new year's day we all went to a friend's house and someone brought BO to try and convince another friend to buy the game. We tried wager mode and couldn't stop playing gun game. My friend was definitely sold and i'm sure he'll pick it up in a week or so. My copy arrived yesterday and I spent most of the night getting all of the flag captures for my marathon perk. The previously posted ideas of using a silencer and ghost were very helpful for this. Its going to be hard to get the pro versions for all of the perks though, so I probably won't prestige. Do I get access to more challenges if I prestige? That was something I liked about MW2. I know I'm in the minority here but I don't like the concept of the contract system. I prefer the regular challenges that are always open.
What? First of all, I'm not an Uber-nerd. Second of all. I can't red dot you enough for this (I won't red dot you anyway). He's fucking Ghost! How do you not know who Ghost is? Do you know who Soap is? Do you know who Captain fucking Price is? Are you one of those multiplayer only hacks? Are you? ARE YOU!!!???!!! All of your comments about MW2 are now null and void. I don't want to hear it, nothing you can say will reverse this, you don't know who Ghost is. I can't believe this. I just cannot believe it.
I spent the better part of an hour last night crafting a Batman symbol for mine. clutchbde on Xbox Live if anyone wants to see it.
I've been trying to play in a party for the past few hours with a guy on my friends' list, but we haven't been able to go two games with one of us getting stuck on the pre-game loading screen and have to restart. We've played at least 15 games, and it's happened every single time. What a piss-off. In other news, thanks to whichever person recommended the Stoner63. I put it on with extended mags and have been absolutely demolishing games. Definitely my favourite gun now.
I just got hardened pro. It was harder than I thought to destroy a piece of enemy equipment through a wall.
Thanks for all your collective wisdom. For the first time since I started playing, last night I had a KDR of 1 or better. Apparently an old dog can learn new tricks.
Get into an FFA game and have a friend get into the same one by using the "Join Session in Progress." Yes, it's boosting, but for those who are sick of random events dictating your ability to get Pro perks, this is one method. Alternatively, another option that works is the above.
Yeah, because most of the maps are so shitty, there are 500 ways to get around them, and they're not even 50% as effective as they were in MW2. I think I've gotten a total of 3 kills in a killer position. It can soften people up for you at best and distract them at worst. Other than that its useless. Yeah, I didn't think about just getting one and giving it to the enemy for Ghost Pro, same thing I've been waiting on also. Stoner63 is awesome. I have it Reflexed + Extended Mags. It's the AUG-HBAR or BO. The LMG that is actually a super AR. Also, I've been trying my ass off to get more headshots. I cannot do anything except shoot people in the crotch. I even turned off Aim Assist, but that really fucks shit up. Anyone have any tips. I just can't seem to get the hits I need to be more effective unless I'm using the G11.