He's the one with the sweet skull ski mask right? Seriously though I played three or four levels of MW2 and switched too multiplayer. Honestly enemy AI in first player mode has always been fucking boring add to that linear as fuck levels. MEH. Even with retard cheaters, 8 year olds, and noob tubers multiplayer always trumps computer AI.
I really, really want to write another half serious half sarcastic nerd rant, but then most of you would take me too seriously. I consider them both different experiences. The single player lends itself to a sense of scale and at certain parts, immediacy, that the multiplayer does because "there's always the next round." Then again, I'm guessing your overall outlook on single player modes when it comes to FPS games is pretty "meh" so there you have it. They simply shouldn't be compared. As they are two experiences, but MW1s Singleplayer shits on MW2s.
I am a huge fan of the Modern Warfare games, which is to say, I love the multiplayer. With that said, the single player campaigns are atrocious: - Moronic AI and endlessly respawning enemies? Check. - On-rails levels with almost zero exploration? Check. - Monotony due to zero character-ability progression (i.e. all the weapons are the fucking same)? Check. - Overuse of "main character dying"-gimmick (MW2 very guilty of this)? Check. - MORE monotony because all you do is shoot, take fire, take cover and regenerate health, shoot some more until you inch forward enough to trigger a scripted sequence? Check. Seriously, the single player campaigns are BORING. I only got halfway through the one in Black Ops before I died of ennui. There are just so many better, more engaging shooters out there (Borderlands, Bioshock, Battlefield: Bad Company). Still, the inclusion of SpecOps in MW2 gave the game ridiculous value-for-money, so I`m not hating.
Solid day. Unlocked ghost and hacker pro. My KD suffered though because I played multiple games with just C4 to expedite getting hacker. It was actually fun as fuck though.
For the genre and what they were trying to do for the single player, they nailed it. I'm not saying you're wrong but I think you're comparing FPS games and FPS games with RPG qualities. For a straight pure FPS there are few better executed. When you consider its supposed to be a relatively realistic game that wants to give players a look into war and all of that, they are great games. I do not count and will not consider "on rails, no exploration" is a real criticism. Do you think roller-coasters are boring because you can't steer them? It is more of a genre preference. One coherent storyline, you're going to have this experience. I believe the experiences the games put out are top-notch. The storyline of MW2 got a little crazy, but unless you were trying to poke and prod either game, the experiences were fucking great. I also thought the AI was pretty solid. If your heart wasn't pumping during the Ghillie's in the Mist mission with Price, or enjoy the AC130 mission that's cool, but you might want to get your pulse checked. I liked Bad Company, but it didn't have 1 any of the "OH SHIT SON" moments either of the MW1 or MW2 missions had. Don't get me started on the gulag, that shit was incredible. And only a few parts of the missions have respawning until you reach checkpoint thing which I'm not a big fan of either. And Bad Company 1 was nothing but a multiplayer game with NPCs, some great dialogue and a storyline. There were zero "OH SHIT THIS IS CRAZY" moments in that game.
Did anyone else notice spelling errors during BO campaign? Seriously? They couldn't run a fucking spell check? It bothered me to an almost autistic level. And even though MW2 had all its flaws, people were playing the game despite them. BO fixes shit every other week, and I'm noticing less and less people showing up in lobbies. Draw your own conclusions, people. Enough BO-bashing from me though.
What matches are you playing? I rarely see them used in TDM or the like, but I still see them being used in Capture the Flag and Domination and matches like that.
I finally took the plunge into Black Ops today, mainly because someone gave me Assasin's Creed Brotherhood as a gift and I'm not into those types of games so I traded it in for Black Ops. I only got to play for an hour because I was busy all day but I was surprised at how well I played. Granted it's not a big sample size but right now my KDR is sitting pretty at 1.5. Considering I have nothing unlocked and zero knowledge of the maps, I'd say that is pretty fucking awesome. I was even lucky enough to get a gunship in a care package so I got to try that out. It got shot down pretty quick but I managed to get 3-4 kills out of it. I can't wait to get it again. Also, I already hate Nuketown. I don't like the knifing but everything else seems pretty solid to me. Maybe I'm lucky in that I got it after several fixes, but as of now, I don't see myself playing MW2 for a while. [/religious conversion]
I was fortunate enough to see one in TDM while running hacker. Last night I was obsessed with getting pro versions for all of my perks and only have about 3 or 4 left. I was messing around with a sniper rifle and the python for the Scout challenges and found the setup to be very effective on firing range. Flak jacket’s throwback challenge is a pain because the few people that use grenades tend to cook them. I usually avoid objective based modes because camping is so prevalent, but I might have to try them to complete this grenade challenge. Flak jacket is surprisingly good, I wish I could see the faces of those RC car users as they waste their killstreak on me. Knifing can be fun if you buy the ballistic knife. I used that for ninja’s backstabber challenge.
Why didn't you just use Claymores instead? MUCH MUCH easier to get 25 kills with those as opposed to C4...
Demolition or Headquarters seem to be the best game modes for completing this challenge. I ordinarily loathe both of those playlists, but they helped me get FJ Pro in just a handful of games. Luckily, you don't actually have to throw a frag; simply pressing the button to throw it back, even if it explodes in your hand, counts as a throwback. C4 is my go-to equipment in Domination, and I racked up kills with a quickness that way when unlocking Hacker Pro. Other than that, I'd agree that claymores are better. But don't underestimate the power of C4 in Dom. Lay the shit down and detonate it when the flag starts flashing or the guy calls out that the enemy is taking it. I've been doing that since COD4. On the topic of unlocking Pro perks, I'm a dozen flashbang kills away from Tactical Mask Pro. A couple nights ago when I was going for Nova Gas kills, the 6-man party I was in got into a Domination game on Nuketown. I had Flak Jacket Pro to prepare for the never ending explosives that are prevalent in that map, and Warlord Pro for the extra Nova Gas and Semtex. I'd just park on one side of that trailer by the bus with an M60, looking into the garage on the other side and take out whoever came out. With all the gas I was throwing (particularly over by the B flag), I ended up with 29 assists. Yep. 29. If anyone can top that number, I'd like to hear it. I have this particular game on my file share, if anyone gives a shit. Maybe one of these days I'll fork out the cash for a Dazzle and start my own channel, just for that kind of stuff. It could be hella fun.
Even better; If you're planting a C4, don't just plant it on the floor in the middle of the flag. Try to hide it. For example: Headquarters. If it's indoor and your team captured it, stick a C4 on the ceiling right above it. Even if people with Hacker spot it, there's a chance they'll think it's on the floor above and ignore it. Easy Multi-kill right there. Stick it on cars you're predicting enemies'll use as cover. Hell, you can even get creative and mix the crossbow, a C4 and a car for complete lockdown of an alleyway. Why god, WHY doesn't Black Ops have loud hit markers. I'll flash the whole team and think it's just one guy, only to run into a locked and loaded team behind the corner. Thanks.
I normally use claymores, but I got tired of just waiting around for the +100. It was honestly fun as hell to just lob C4 around corners and piss people off. Now I've been plying with just the crossbow and tomahawk as much as possible just for shits and giggles. Not much more satisfying than a tomahawk kill.
Until you've taken out a guy in Jungle on the rock overlooking the B flag, while STANDING on the B flag, you don't know a truly awesome tomahawk kill. I pulled that shit off a few nights ago. I was aiming for him, and was amazed when it actually hit him. The bullshit part about it was when I pulled it up in Theater mode, I saw that it hit him in the shin. Because, you know, that's such a vital body part... Oh well, I'll still take it.
My best so far is from the two story meal building on firing range. I saw a guy run into one side of the bunker the window overlooks and guessed as to when he'd come out the door. BOOM.
I have been fucking loving every minute of Sticks and Stones lately. I went on a rampage a few matches ago in the last minute, bankrupted the top four people in order, only to be bankrupted myself with barely two seconds left on a ridiculous bank-shot from the fifth-place guy. No other game comes close in excitement for me. Plus, it's made me ten times better with the tomahawk, and they're definitely the most satisfying way to get a kill in regular game modes.
I can NOT get these nova gas kills needed for tactical mask pro. I've been trying for about four days now and I do not have one, I've gotten probably six assists from them though. And has anyone noticed a huge increase in second chance pro lately? The last few days it seems at least 1/3 of the other team has had it(All but one player had it on yesterday), and I have had so fucking many kills stolen from me.
Updated. I've gotten a lot better...except when people stab me after getting shot multiple times in the face