Just use them on downed Second Chancers. You answered your own question. In other news, there is a God:
That second to last clip (the semtex to the pillar) made my day. I am a full-fledged Sandy Ravage nutswinger and I readily admit it. A few days back, Sandy updated his Youtube page with some COD4 gameplay, stating, "Well I haven't played anything in about 6 weeks now because lets face it, Black Ops sucks." I didn't think much of it, but when I checked out his Justin.tv stream, there was a screen capture from Facebook. It had a post from David Vonderhaar, the design director at Treyarch, stating something to the effect that, "Our game doesn't suck," to which Sandy replied, "Not only does it suck, but it's boring too." Gotta love it. In response to the Second Chance comment, I have definitely noticed an increased number of people running around with that fucking perk. It sucks because I end up burning through the better part of a clip, just to make SURE that everyone is dead.
Well, it looks like Treyarch is working on another update. It's a long post, so I will just summarize the main points. -Second Chance is getting overhauled. If you shoot a guy and he drops in to SC, you get the kill at +100. Once in SC, if your teammate finishes him off, he gets the assist. Also, if a SC user gets dropped by a shotgun, they die no matter what. -RC-XD will not be as fast and will have max damage dropped a bit. -AK74u is receiving "minor tweaks." No mention of the big problems like dropping frames on the PS3, connection issues, etc. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=395159&sid=0en8kh6tf12i7vh43d0pspce12" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.callofduty.com/board/viewtop ... 3d0pspce12</a>
LOVE it. It's almost as if the public is haggling with Treyarch. They say they'll pay this much or they walk. Treyarch doesn't budge. People start walking. Treyarch starts making minor concessions. People will keep walking. I'll enjoy watching this thing burn to the ground. Regarding the MW2 clip, the AC-130 headshot multi-kill is from now on my favorite sound ever. Seriously, go back and listen to it. Hail to the king, baby, indeed.
If IW was half as good as Treyarch with their updates, maybe not so many people would have walked away from MW2 to begin with. These "minor concessions" would have been very appropriate for shit like OMA noob tubes and nukes in objective games. I still can't fathom why people would go back to MW2, but I won't go down that road again... Regarding the update itself, how has it taken this long for either company to credit the kill to the right player when they put someone in Last Stand? At any rate, it's about time. And shotguns being automatic kills will bode well for my SPAS tendencies.
I wasn't trying to be smug or anything. MW2 is already dead, burnt, quartered and buried. Every game starts out normally then suddenly you move at superhuman speeds. Or you jump as high as a sky scraper. Or (this one is especially fun) you and your whole team get teleported to some random alcove, one gajillion miles away from the map. Watch them capture flags and use you as target practice while you're too far away to even see them. It sucks to have put this much time in a game and watch these fucking nerds rape it. God damn it. I need to find a new fix.
The only issue I have with BO is that it rendered two types of guns basically useless - Sniper Rifles and Shotguns. Large amounts of COD players use these guns, and sometimes only these guns. In MW2 I'd be far more likely to alternate between these two weapons than to use an assault rifle. It was just what I found fun. Everyone had their problems with akimbo shotguns, but I could easily get 20+ kills on most maps just using these, or the SPAS, and without much effort. It's a lazy way of playing the game, but it was extremely effective, and when I play COD, or any other playstation game, it's because I'm in a lazy mood. With BO, this whole enjoyable style of playing has gone out of the window for me. Sniper Rifles are also underpowered. However, I suppose BO has forced me to improve my play style. Instead of depending on my knowledge of the maps and rushing people in closed quarters, I know have to be more tactical and effective with an Assault Rifle. It's not as enjoyable for me, but it has improved me as a player. I guess the kicker that made it easier to leave MW2 was Fuel. Fuck that map
When did this start happening? I played MW2 for the first time in a couple of months last night when something like this started happening. At first I thought my connection was crap but then I saw on the kill cam he was bringing up this menu with god mode and various other stuff on it. Everyone else on my team quit and I just kept dying instantly until he brought in a nuke. I wonder why they bother. Maybe they were just really bad at the game and this is their way of fucking it up for everyone else.
I haven't been on for over a week so is this only on the PS3 or is it both systems? I'm on 360 and last time I played hadn't seen anything like this.
I do see what Chater's seeing on my PS3 as well, so I've stuck almost exclusively to mercenary and I've noticed far fewer issues. Can't wait til they fix those RC-XD's. I fucking hate those things.
I never understood how people had 50.000 kills and only 10.000 deaths. Now I know why. Demolition with a full party is such rape, it's unbelievable. I was getting over 60 kills per game half the time. One game I even went 147-5. Jesus Christ. This is only possible because of the incredibly fixed spawns. I was constantly running circles around the back bathroom in Firing Range, they kept spawning around the corners. Constant Blackbirds, Chopper Gunners and Dogs. One guy went even went 0-83. Bottom line? Scavenger, Sleight of Hand, Marathon, Enfield extended mags: perfect rushing class.
So last night while battling insomnia, I played Merc for a couple hours, and got into a random game with WingsofRedemption. Kinda cool, if you're a nerd like me. He left about halfway through because the rest of his team was absolute garbage, though. Still, it was cool. I also outscored him head-to-head 1-0, so...yay? Also, I popped in my roommate's copy of WaW just for shits and giggles. Never played online before, and was surprised that people still do. Went 12-3 with 2 assists in TDM on Dome. Not too shabby for my very first (and last) time playing. Unfortunately, my 2-bar caught up with me in the next 2 games, and I immediately lost interest.
Tried playing zombies last night on xbox live with random kids...blazed out of my mind. That teddy bear is SCARY. Managed to survive for a really long time but had no ability to work with the team whatsoever.
Apparently, hackers broke the PS3's key or something like that. Essentially, they now have full access to any part of the PS3 they like, including fooling security checks. Sony is powerless to make a new key because by doing so, they would invalidate any and all games made prior to the key switch. So, that's why you get the bullshit on the PS3.
Just waiting for some talking head to blame this on "No Russian". <a class="postlink" href="http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/01/24/russia.airport.explosion/index.html?hpt=T1&iref=BN1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/01 ... 1&iref=BN1</a>
All I'm gonna say is I'm on a chopper gunner streak. Maybe 6 or 7 of the last ten. Gamertag is nattylightsmash. Let's have some fun.
Fuck, do I ever love the Blackbird. I was on fire today and ended up getting one or two almost every game, which made playing Domination pretty fucking easy. If you have a Blackbird up and don't get at least five more kills from it, you're doing something wrong.