OK. I don't play a lot of FPS games. I own Metroid Prime: Trilogy (technically an FPS), The Conduit (which really isn't that good when you own the fantastic Metroid Prime series), MoH: Heroes 2 and GoldenEye. I've been playing GoldenEye online a lot recently and having a lot of fun with it. I understand that the game is essentially a Call of Duty title in a different package, so I went to Best Buy last night, cashed in some Reward Zone certificates and bought Black Ops. Just under $17 after taxes. With the exception of playing the PS3 version of the game for an hour or so at a party in December, this will be my first CoD experience. I posted about my decision to buy the game yesterday on Kotaku and I was surprised at how quickly people were talking shit about Black Ops. I'm apparently in for a generic, uninspired experience that was a waste of money because it'll get old fast. And they weren't even talking about the Wii version. Just the title in general. Which is fucking ridiculous. If Black Ops is even HALF as fun as GoldenEye is, then it was worth the $16.49 that I paid for it.
Yeah, he jumped in to a couple of my sessions late last week on TDM and we kicked ass for the most part. Lahey definitely likes to hold down that server room on Radiation, that's for sure. So I was home sick from work yesterday, and with nothing better to do I decided to get some Black Ops in. What a mistake. Treyarch couldn't keep a lobby together for more than one full game over the course of six hours. There was a period where the host dropped mid-game seven games in a row. That was on top of the game hard locking on me twice in ten minutes. By this point I am used to the typical shitshow that is BO on the PS3, but yesterday was something else. Fuck Treyarch.
No. I have not. I didn't own a Call of Duty game, so I saw no reason to venture into a Call of Duty thread.
Putting this on this thread instead of the general one because it looks like it'd appeal heavily to COD players. "I was like, 'Man, that game looks dope.'" Yep, those are my thoughts as well.
I've been interested in Crysis 2 and have heard a lot of good things about it recently. I don't like the idea of giving players the ability to be invisible, but apparently there is a perk that allows you to see through cloaking. I think Crytek's offering of an online demo speaks volumes about their confidence in the game's quality. I might cancel my killzone pre-order and buy this instead.
Had 63 kills in a game of HQ using the G11. 47-3 the game after. That gun gets headshots when you're aiming at the enemy's leg. Does anyone else quickscope in black ops? It's very challenging but doable.
I just had to register my name at the Array and Firing Range because I raped so many people there. I cannot wait for the new maps, though I'm pretty sketchy of the turrets on Berlin. I can see that royally pissing me off if I get killed by something that the other team has mo control of. Id rather be killed by a car.
Switched over to 360 for Black Ops. I can't stand the partying system on the PSN. Hit me up, I'm horrible, have a bad temper, and will quit if I'm having one of my bad days- Gibbler Goblin
I played on the 360 for the first time a couple of weeks ago, and the difference was amazing. Got paired up pretty much right away, none of the frame drops & match making issues, and I swear it actually looked better. I just couldn't get used to the controller though, especially since the triggers are reversed for shooting/aiming & grenades. One thing I did notice though was that EVERYONE camped. Everyone. And according to my buddy who owns the system (we normally play on the PSN together), it hasn't gotten any better. Is that a pretty common issue on the Xbox?
I would say there is more camping on Xbox Live. I once played a game of TDM on Cracked that had a stretch of close to 1:30 without the score changing because almost everyone was holed up somewhere and no one was moving.
My room mate moved out and took his PS3 with Black Ops with him yesterday, which puts me in a quandary. I can't afford to buy a PS3, but I would much prefer to play on the PS3. I do own a 360 and could afford buying Black Ops for it, but I hate the idea of paying for online services, and the large majority of my friends have a PS3. Anyone own both or play both regularly enough to offer any advice as to which would be the better idea?
This is why I love ground war. The additional people ensure constant excitement and loads of fun for players like me who can't stay in the same spot for more than a few seconds without getting bored. I used to like it in MW2 until OMA, DC, and noob tubes made it unplayable.
Sell your Xbox and get a PS3? It's the only solution. When I worked at Best Buy, I asked people which system their friends had. Always go with that, unless you want Blu-Ray and don't have one.
Awesomely enough, the day after you mentioned this, a cop friend of mine said he saw a PS3 for sale at a pawn shop in the shittiest part of town that has sold stolen merchandise in the past. It was on sale for $100, including a game and a controller. I ripped on down there and it was still for sale so I grabbed it, along with UFC 2010, for $112 after taxes. $190 total spent after buying Black Ops. Fucking awesome. Anyone on PS3 that would like to add me for Black Ops, my PSN is Bob_LobIaw (capital I, not lowercase L). More of a Dom, TDM and CTF player than anything else.
I wish I could jump on and play with you, but after about 2 hours of Black Ops, I switched to Infamous and 30 minutes later my PS3 just shuts off. I'm blaming Black Ops for this. I'll have to send it in, Yellow Light of Death.
Check it. Hutch think it's the best COD Montage to date. I'm inclined to agree. NSFW language: Also, some insight from Treyarch:
Haven't read this thread or played in about the... since Cataclysm came out. *sigh* I know, that makes dorks think I'm dorky. Does XBox always get the new map packs before PS3?