I'd love be in the tournament but my PS3 died a few days ago. I have to go get a kit to back up my HDD, saved games and all of that. Then drop about 180 or so sending it into to Sony and not having it for two weeks.
I'd be down for either mw2 or BO. My new name is PhetusPhister45. If my room mates are around they'd prob jump in too. We only have 1 copy of BO though. We rape the small team tac in MW2 when we play that. Love it. Haven't played MW2 since before Christmas though.
Yeah, I haven't played MW2 since BO came out either. That being said, a MW2 tourney could be pretty fun. Count me in tentatively if the tourney starts a bit later (maybe like 2-4 EST?). So has anyone bought the map packs yet for XBox? They don't come out for the PS3 for a little while, and I am seriously on the fence whether or not to buy them. If the levels are pretty fun it would be tempting, but I am inherently against giving Treyarch any more money since I still feel ripped off from buying such a shitty product.
I'm in. (PS3-Sohaib00) Even though I consistently do better on Black Ops than MW2, I have been missing it lately. I'm planning on staying in tonight, so I'll get a few games in to practice.
How many people in here play MW2 more often/instead of Black Ops on PS3? I've kind of been missing MW2 as of late. BO is getting ridiculous with throwing me into the end of games or only playing for 5 minutes before the connection interrupts.
I thought BO was all anybody spoke about on here so unsubscribed the other day and missed the announcement. It's a good thing I checked back again and hopefully there’s space to add me in. Never done a big tournament…. I'm lorro14 on PSN.
Today has been the most frustrating day of BO gaming ever. Not once did my lobby stay intact for more than two games, EVERY SINGLE PERSON was jumping/teleporting in the majority of the games, and even though the status bar says it's a double XP weekend, I don't appear to be getting double XP in-game (unless it just does it automatically after the game is over, which I haven't noticed). I haven't really had problems with the matchmaking before but today was fucking ridiculous. I played a game of CTF where it was me vs. five people on the other team (including someone I was in a party with) for five or six minutes, the entire first round. Infuriating.
Man, I could really go for some BO right now, but I loaned it to my brother since I hadn't played in a couple weeks. Fuck. Guess I could always dig up MW2.
So how did the tourney end up? It totally slipped my mind or else I would have dusted off MW2 and given it a go.
If you do set up another one I could ask one or two friends who are on PS3 to join and help make up the numbers.
Pretty good advice article from Games Radar for if you suck as hard as I have lately: Spoiler http://www.gamesradar.com/f/call-of...ou-suck-at-multiplayer/a-20110107103230526068
2 things: - Gold guns look awesome. - There's a patch coming out to supposedly 'fix' hacking in MW2. It might be playable for a week or two, so I suggest doing the tourney in that time period. Who knows, I might even get Fall camo on the Famas. Speaking of Famas, here's a little something something from our lord and savior, Sandy Ravage.
Yeah, I went back and watched that Sandy Ravage live stream yesterday. It's comical. The dude hasn't really played in a couple of months, gets thrown in a FFA match and in his first game goes 30-4. Unreal. Pato, is there any kind of a release date set for the MW2 "fix?" I have been getting real annoyed and bored with BO lately, and I doubt downloading the map pack is going to help. People camp so fucking hard now in BO that it isn't even enjoyable. I have been seriously considering dusting off MW2 for a change of pace. If a patch is released, that will make the move that much easier. Fuck it. The more I think about it, maybe I will toss in MW2 tonight. Totally off topic, but did Dmix3 turn in his copy of BO or something? I haven't seen him playing in a month or two and it was fun playing in his lobbies.
Nope, I still have my copy. January was a hectic month for me. Got engaged New Year's Eve, then in the next two weeks I bought a house, closed on said house, moved into said house while simultaneously painting and improving it. Also having the cable, internet, and power utilities transferred as well as having to start an account for water (apt paid previous water bills). Also I've been tearing ass through Mass Effect 2, Dead Space 2 and dabbling a little in the Killzone 3 multiplayer beta to see if I want to purchase that. Chances are high that I will anyway since pre-order copies supposedly come with a beta key for SOCOM 4, the game that started my addiction with online war games. But to answer your question, my internet is hooked back up and I'll be back on at night, only now I"ll be doing it from the confines of my beautiful, perfectly NFL team color (ATL Red) painted man cave, so the lobbies I inhabit will be even more colorfully insulted than ever.
Hutch's interview with David Vonderhaar is up on Machinima. Some pretty good Q&A to be had. The one I most looked forward to concerning dedicated servers: technically, it isn't possible. I wish he would have elaborated on what that means. As far as fixing the matchmaking in regard to skill level (which, so I've been told, is how Halo operates), nothing was said on the subject. Though he did mention that the matchmaking is fragmented enough as it is due to the high number of playlists, so that may explain why it's possible to watch an episode of Sesame Street in the time it takes to find a suitable lobby when I'm with a full party.