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CoD Addicts Thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by JoeFresh, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. Macgruber

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 10, 2010
    I'm the same way after I Prestige. I'll tear shit up until about level 15 or so, normally being the top scorer on either team, and then it's like a button gets pushed and I'll begin to play mediocre again, 10-15, 20-25, with one or two awesome games for every seven or eight regular ones. It's pretty annoying.

    I'm glad to see I'm not the only person pissed off with the connection garbage. I normally play while I'm high so my reactions are delayed enough as it is, but the last thing I want is people fucking teleporting around me, or me getting off an entire clip at almost point-blank range and getting killed, only to see in the killcam that I apparently stood behind the person and didn't shoot a single bullet. It's way, way more prevalent in BO than it was in MW2 for me, so it's quite the piss off. Plus, I'm still extremely annoyed with the knifing, but I guess that kind of comes down to a connection issue again.

    As for second chance, I actually like when people have it. Normally whenever I get someone in second chance, if I have a second to spare, I'll throw whatever tactical grenade I have at them to kill them. My favourite killcam I've had since I've been playing BO was when I got a guy in second chance in a TDM game when the score was 7400-7400 and I threw my smoke grenade towards him, which killed him when it went off. Plus, I normally play CTF, and if people want to give up Marathon Pro for Second Chance, that just makes it easier for my team.
  2. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    Since Black Ops is substantially more fun when you're tearing maps up I'll try to give some advice:

    1) I used to be really good at Halo 3 but because the servers are dead I was forced to move on. The big similarity between H3 and BO is the connection. Sometimes it fucking sucks and that is out of your control. But unless players are actively hacking the lobby man up and do your best to compensate. You can play through a poor connection.

    2) Change to tactical if you haven't already. Crouch whenever possible.

    3) When moving around the map don't be randomly aggressive. Especially if you do not have Marathon Pro yet make every move a transition from one set of cover to the next. There's tons of shit to hide behind (cars, cement barriers) and it's so much harder to kill someone with only their head showing.

    4) Constantly plant claymores. Conversely, use your fucking head when turning corners.

    5) The knifing system in BO is stupid. I literally NEVER knife. I don't get why you would bother risking it when you can just shoot from the hip.

    6) Ghost Pro and Silencer are king.

    7) Always have a spy-plane as one of your KS.

    8) I highly recommend having several classes that you can rotate between. I have a silenced famas, silenced galil, silenced m16+red dot, and lightweight/steadyaim/marathon MP5k class. Famas dominates all medium-range fights. Galil dominates the other assault rifles in distance. M16 is obviously precise as fuck and the M5 is amazing for run-and-gun. I will regularly use 3-5 different classes during the span of a single game.

    9) If you want to rank up fast learn to be good at CTF, and headquarters. Edit: amusing side note for power ranking -- every kill you get while holding a flag is double points. When my friends and I are feeling like dicks we'll just rampage holding the flag before ending rounds. I've gotten over 35k experience from a game of CTF it's pretty great.

    10) Master the iron sights. It's a pain in the ass but when you can drop bitches across the map using an assault rifle burst-firing life is good.

    11) After reviewing some gameplay I realized my good games only have two play styles. First is heavy aggression. This means you play cover-to-cover. If you see an enemy only fire if you can kill him, if he's rounding a corner and you only got a single piece of metal into him he has the advantage. By playing aggressively you are in control of how your battles pan out (i.e. you flank them vs. getting mobbed in a heavily trafficked area). Second is playing zone defense. This is fundamentally camping for people that aren't terrible. On many maps there are two buildings that can each see half the map, most obvious example is the main building in Summit. Choose your zone and rapidly alternate between checking the choke points. This is quite difficult unless you develop your iron sight aiming, but can be used very practically in objective games. If you're dropping fifty kills covering the main routes the other team is at a serious disadvantage.

    I'm sure lots of this is common sense but it's what works for me. Shoot me a PM if you have any questions/want my GT.
  3. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    Nerdgasm: ranked 5681 in the world for CTF this week.
  4. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Great advice, there. Definitely worth heeding whether you're a beginner or have 65 days played. I'd like to add some things:

    Not to be an asshole, but notice how these two things sort of contradict each other. I used to always, ALWAYS have the spy plane in my setup. It used to be Spy/Counter-Spy/Blackbird, 95% of the time. Then Spy/Blackbird/CG once I decided my affinity for Ghost Pro & suppressors rendered the Counter-Spy Plane useless. But because of the popularity of Ghost, the 3-kill radar reward is less valuable than ever in COD, because you can count on at least one-third of the team not showing up anyway. Consequently, focusing on the 3-4 red dots on your radar leaves you vulnerable to the other guys who, like you, recognize that "Ghost Pro and Silencer are king." Just sayin'.

    In fact, I'll tack on to Politik's list: learn not to rely too heavily on your radar. People tend to get tunnel vision when a spy plane goes up, and next thing you know you're watching the killcam of some guy using Ghost, as you most likely loudly question his sexuality for using such a perk. Don't be that guy. Instead, look at where the red dots are, then be aware of where you could still possibly get flanked by someone with Ghost. Unless you take care to do that, the radar can serve as more of a liability that a tool.

    Having said all that, Ghost still isn't overpowered. It's just an awesome Tier 1 perk with no solid alternative. If Lightweight was a bit faster, Hardline Pro still allowed crate rerolls on Sentry Guns and Valkyrie Rockets, and Flak Jacket increased bullet resistance by, say, 3-5%, it might level the playing field.

    PROTIP: M-16 with ACOG is hard to match from distance. Cap C (PeruvianSoup on TiB) dropped this gem a week or so ago, and it's a great gun I'd have never tried. The ACOG eliminates almost all recoil for some reason. Also, since you're using a silencer and red dot, you must be using Warlord. If you use Hardened Pro, it eliminates the viewkick (which is sort of a must with burst/single-shot weapons anyway), making it even more powerful. Hardened Pro is essentially the Stopping Power of Black Ops, since every bullet counts. This class doesn't have a silencer, but if you use if properly, you won't need one.

    GFT on both counts. Many iron sights are forgiving in this game, and if you're not burst firing at medium-to-long distance, you're doing it wrong. Also, don't be that noob who uses a red dot/reflex on a submachine gun. Fire them bitches from the hip and put extended/dual mags on them. The only way to use them is run-and-gun anyway, so you'll need the extra ammo.

    These two play styles are the only ones I do well with also. I'm much more of a "zone defense" guy. For example, I usually have the same strategy on Summit, particularly for Domination and TDM: hang around the ground floor of the center building and control the few choke points. It's relatively easy not to leave your back or flank exposed, and you can use claymores for that.

    It's funny you mentioned that building specifically, because that's exactly what I did to get the 25-4 game I mentioned above, at level 3. I've also had some of my best games holding that building with a silenced SPAS-12 Ghost Pro/Steady Aim Pro/Tactical Mask Pro with the following strategy.

    If the enemy is coming from the A Dom, I just have to hold the two doorways by the B Dom and the checkered room to the right of it. In the second image below (of said checkered room), I'd either have a claymore laid down right where the guy is standing to prevent being flanked, or if I had reason to believe someone was making their way there, I'd be ready and hidden behind that green box on the right-hand side. In Domination, I'm also a short distance away to jump around the corner and ambush guys trying to take the C flag.

    If the spawns are opposite, I tend to linger behind the stairwell (where the two red arrows meet) to pick off guys coming down the stairs to cap B or coming from the room next to C. This also keeps me mostly out of sight as enemies look down from the second floor. After a few timely ambushes, I'll move into said room, with the doorway to my left (checkered room to my right) to shoot them from behind as they go to find me behind the stairs. I'll usually rotate between these two areas, usually racking up a good number of kills since I'm closer to the enemy spawn than our own.

    Some would call this method camping; I call it map control. I've said it this before: few people not named Sandy Ravage can utilize the entire map successfully. For the rest of us, it's about holding down a building or a critical flanking route. The great thing about this strategy on Summit is that you can seamlessly adjust for spawn flips, which is a huge advantage when you consider that the spawn system in Black Ops is poorly done.


    In related news, I take this game way too goddamned seriously.
  5. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    You forgot the only solid alternative to Ghost Pro, Scavenger Pro. Especially when combined with Warlord Pro, since you get extra tactical grenades, explosive grenades and the ability to restock. Use it in conjunction with the two most underrated pieces of equipment in the game, Motion Detector and Decoy Grenade, and you can create a web of deception that basically just brings the kills to you if you have a have decent defensive position.
  6. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    Rob, I was going to turn off spy plane...but then I looked at the score board.

    I kid. But seriously, spy planes are necessary for determining the enemy spawn. I guess perception means a lot in Black Ops because tons of people never use Ghost. Additionally, the second I hear an enemy spy plane is up I rampage with ghost/suppressor. If you use the mini map as a reference point you can feed off of others' stupidity.

    Also, I've won FFA games and dominated in general using dual pythons and steady aim. It's just fun to show people you can succeed without resorting to the 74u.
  7. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Count me in that group. I will occasionally throw Ghost on an air support class but I use it so rarely that it really isn't worth it for me. That's just the way I play though, and I do fully recognize the benefits of running Ghost. I would just rather have Lightweight or Hardline on instead and take my chances. To each their own.

    Broke out the M14 w/grip for the first time the other night, and had a blast playing with it. I don't know why I never gave that gun a serious run before. The grip definitely helps with the recoil and it sounds fucking pissed when you hammer on the trigger. Unfortunately just like the FAL, the fucker jammed up on me multiple times over the course of the evening. I don't know if that was an intentional move by Treyarch or just a shitty programming issue, but either way I was ready to throw my controller through the TV.
  8. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Haha, touche. Yeah, Black Ops and gravity bongs do not mix. I was surprised I could stay positive some of those games.

    I've learned not to hate the Famas when I aim square for the nuts. The recoil + viewkick gets me to their torso, and now I'm winning a SHIT ton more gun battles. It's ridiculous what aiming for your enemy's testicles can do to one's aim.
  9. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Here's an amusing little video, for a couple of different reasons;

    #1529 KIMaster, Feb 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  10. SwampDonkey

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Portland Ory-gun
    As an alternative to Ghost, use a silenced primary and the Strella-3 as a secondary. Shoot down spy planes as soon as they come on screen and you don't have to worry about showing up on radar. I noticed that the SP's spawn in the same spot in the sky every time. As an added bonus you can shoot down those annoying counter-spy planes (hint: They circle in the opposite direction of regular planes but spawn in the same spot).

    Say goodbye to helicopters too. When I'm playing domination with friends, and I'm out of rockets, I'll sometimes sacrifice myself and die on purpose if a chopper gunner is coming so I can shoot it down. Same with counter spy planes. I'd rather take a death than not have radar for a minute.

    In conclusion, you get XP for killing them, you open up the first perk slot, and it has to frustrate the shit out of the opposing team to have their air-support shot down the very second it shows on screen.
  11. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Now, this is just unfriendly.

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
  12. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    This will sound really, really pathetic (because it is), but I've watched pretty much every one of Sandy Ravage's live streams. At first I wondered if Sandy cherry picked his Youtube videos and montages, but he honestly is that good. Some of the really entertaining streams last year took place when Sandy would have people from the live stream request the most fucked up weapon combinations before starting each match in MW2, and he would STILL go out and rape. There was one FFA match on Terminal where he played with an AK47 w/thermal scope while running & gunning, and he won by a large margin. I tried that setup after watching the live stream, and it was absolutely impossible.

    To me the most amazing thing is that Sandy never gets mad or excited while he plays...just total concentration. I really wish I could keep my emotions in check like that because when I get pissed, it severely affects my game play and I end up getting slaughtered.
  13. PeruvianSoup

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 26, 2010
    It definitely depends on your play style and, more importantly, the game type. Flak Jacket is an excellent alternative to Ghost on games like Sabotage, Demolition and perhaps CTF. Being able to survive a hail of grenades is the difference between activating the objective and hoofing it back to the same spot only to find the enemy team is waiting. I choose Scavenger when I'm toying around with a gun too good to give up (AK-74u w/ rapid fire + grip or M16-ACOG).

    What really needs a buff is Lightweight. It seriously only gives a 7% increase in speed... which is negligible in the long run when competing with perks that prevent you from dying by explosives, prevent you from being shown on radar, or give you absurd amounts of ammo for your primary or crossbow (yes, Scavenger refills the crossbow bolts). Ideally, it would get a boost back to 10% increased speed and the ability to climb shit faster. Seriously, fuck getting shot while you're back is exposed.

    Ghost is only "overpowered" for the same reason the Strela is "overpowered". People feel a sense of entitlement at having earned their killstreak and want to see its full effects. Especially the hot shots who only play to raise their K/D, which is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. You'll never hear people freak out more than when their precious chopper gunner gets shot down before the bay doors fully open.

    On another note, it's utterly obnoxious to be playing with kids who bitch about every death and refuse to suck it up. Honestly, for the people Rob4Broncos and I pick up and party with, I mute half of them.
  14. Pato

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    Oct 25, 2009
    I watched some(most) of them too. One time he even accepted my suggestion, which was an M9 FMJ only on Trailer Park. He was just wallbanging guys left and right and ended up with a 10 kill lead.

    The man gets quad kills and doesn't even flinch. I'm seriously considering buying COD4 because the guy said it was an awesome game.

    Hi, I'm a Sandy Ravage fanboy.
  15. john_b

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2009
    He makes it look easy too. So what happens is that I watch a few of his youtube vids or streams, go play CoD, and don't play nearly as well (ie, shitty) and then get pissed and play even worse (ie. really shitty).
  16. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I already admitted that I am a full fledged Sandy Ravage nut swinger. That is pretty neat that he ran with your suggestion though on Trailer Park, by the way. One of the other impressive streams that stuck out in my mind was when he was playing while on a solid bender one night. His mic was still on and he was slurring like a motherfucker by the end of the night, yet he was STILL decimating every lobby he was in. Whenever I play that drunk, I go 4-25. Sandy plays hammered and goes 30-4. I honestly don't know how he does it.

    Funny you mention COD 4 because I thought the same thing. Since I came late to the party (MW2), I never had a chance to play COD4. It seems like the general consensus is that COD4 is the most balanced game with the best maps. I may pick the game up if it's in the el cheapo bin at Game Stop or something, but I feel like I would be at a SEVERE disadvantage since everyone else has a 2-3 year head start on me.
  17. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Nah, you should do fine. COD4 was my first game and I didn't start playing until 2 weeks after MW2 came out. It's still pretty simple: point and shoot at the bad guys. Some of my favorite COD maps were in COD4: Strike, Ambush, and Backlot in particular. As for the perks and balancing, it is better than, say, MW2. Just be prepared for Juggernaut. Worst. Perk. Ever. It's a bit overpowered. I'd like to see a mild version of it brought back into the COD series, because it does have its place if it gets reeled in a bit. Other than that, all I gotta say is M-16, ACOG, Stopping Power. That is all.

    Also, Fuzza is funny when he's high. The mention of Balance 2.0 is pretty cool. If you haven't seen the first one, I embedded it a couple pages ago. Great stuff. "Man, we got a DANKSKILLET, and then a ILUVMARYJANE, and then a kid who's really stoned. What are the odds, guys?"

    #1537 Rob4Broncos, Feb 17, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  18. mobkah20

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 26, 2009
    Just started using the Stakeout, and I love it. It's probably the class I have the most fun with, but I'm pretty inconsistent with it. I remember seeing a lot of talk about shot gun classes on here but I'm not going through 50 pages to find it. Any tips, hints, strategies?
    My class is lightweight, steadyaim pro, marathon with a python secondary and claymore for my equipment. I always turn my killstreaks down with this also to help me out a little.
  19. PeruvianSoup

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 26, 2010
    Shotguns are hilarious and deadly when used correctly. Hell, I've gotten dogs with just the SPAS.

    - Ghost or Flak Jacket:
    Here are my pet peeves with Lightweight. Its run multiplier is 1.07, so that means for every 100 steps you take, you gain an extra 7 more than you normally would. That's... pretty shitty for a tier 1 perk, even when considering the shotgun has no run penalty (speed at 100%). As for reference, assault rifles have a movement penalty of 5% and explosive launchers have a 15% movement penalty. I can't imagine a time when fall damage would be an issue, since a shotgun dominates at close quarters.

    Ghost stops you from being found on UAVs. It also allows you to run pistols as a secondary instead of a launcher, which is clutch when you're caught reloading. This perk is also essential for getting the drop on people who use the UAV as a crutch.

    Flak jacket is an interesting alternative since you can now plow through corners with reckless abandon. Claymores don't mean shit to you now, allowing your bukkake blaster to do its job.

    Always use the attachment associated with the shotgun:
    The Stakeout has a grip, which for whatever reason, reduces the amount of time between firing in addition to its usual recoil reduction while ADS.

    The SPAS-12 has a silencer, which currently, does not have any disadvantages associated with it. You get all of the range with the normal SPAS with the bonus of not showing up on radar.

    - Steady-aim or Sleight of Hand:
    Both have their strengths and weaknesses. Steady aim allows you to get the jump on an enemy and fire immediately from the hip. Its pro version allows you to sight up fast from a run. Sleight of hand has the advantage in terms of reloading and ADS from anything but a run. Ultimately, this is personal preference, but I've had the most luck pairing the SPAS-12 (silenced) with Steady Aim and the Stakeout with Sleight of Hand.

    As for why, the SPAS has okay range and is semi-automatic, so spamming it is in your favor. Reloading isn't as important so long as you're smart with your 6-8 rounds. However, when ADS, the pellets are more closely grouped together such that you can kill a singular enemy at further away ranges. This is more important for the Stakeout as you'll see below.

    On the other hand, the Stakeout benefits greater from Sleight of Hand because of its measly 4 rounds. It also has a significant increase in range if you ADS while firing, so you can kill someone perhaps 2x as far away as normal. This is crucial since the Stakeout has to be cocked every time before it fires.

    - Stay in close quarters: Shotguns aren't sniper rifles. Stay in close confines to rack up massive kills. This doesn't mean hide in one building all game, but be smart. Run from cover to cover and engage the enemy on terrain that suits you. In this case, corners and buildings. Get real close and personal.

    - Don't run out in the middle: If you notice what Sandy Ravage does, he hugs a wall and utilizes cover such that either A) He doesn't have to worry about an exposed flank and B) he has a burned out husk of something to use as body armor. Be that person. Don't run out in the the exposed middle and think you're going to Terminate people.

    - C4 vs Claymores: Claymores are useful when done right. They can definitely close off a choke point. I found myself using that or C4 depending on my mood. C4 is great because it acts like a quick acting Semtex when you're scared of entering a well bunkered area. Especially when you trigger it by double tapping X.

    - Non-lethal grenades: Use them. Just because you have a shotgun doesn't mean the enemy can't fight back. If the enemy is bunkered down, throw a flash or a stun and then go to town on the idiots hunkering down inside of a building.

    - Marathon: is excellent.

    Hope that helps.
  20. mobkah20

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 26, 2009
    I switched from Lightweight to Ghost and it definitely helped. Lightweight mixed witharathon was too much for me as i was just running aound carelessly. I think my main problem is not having a full knowledge of the routes I take with the shotgun. sometimes I just find myself doing things I normally would with an assault rifle and I end up dying. I'm starting to get more used to the adjustment in the maps and in playing more consistently.

    I do use my flashbangs all the time and tried c4 instead of a claymore, but i think I'm switching back to a claymore. I just don't pay enough attention to where I place it and when I should detonate it, and I'm not quick enough to throw it out at someone, somehow avoid them and blow it up in their face.