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CoD Addicts Thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by JoeFresh, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. PeruvianSoup

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 26, 2010
    Keep in mind the shotgun only works in certain maps. But yeah, knowing the maps help.

    Glad you got something out of all of that text though!
  2. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was laughing the entire time I read this post. If you've ever played with me on Xbox, you'd know why. Cap C knows exactly what I'm talking about. In short: if you're not on my team when I'm rocking my Bukkake In A Cup, prepare to fucking hate me. Great post there. The SPAS-12 and Stakeout are, by far, my top two favorite guns in the game. My ever-faithful, go-to strategy overlaps almost everything you wrote:

    SPAS-12 + Suppressor *or* Stakeout + Grip
    Python + Dual Wield *or* CZ75 + Dual Wield
    Concussion Grenade
    Claymore (on Domination: C4)
    Ghost Pro (certain maps on Domination: Flak Jacket Pro)
    Steady Aim Pro (with the Stakeout: Sleight of Hand Pro)
    Tactical Mask Pro (on Free-For-All: Ninja Pro)

    I've earned more Blackbirds, Hueys, and dogs with this class than any other. Whenever I have this setup, I just put on my imaginary Marshawn Lynch jersey and go straight to Beast Mode. All the steps Cap listed are on point. I do each and every one of those things, and they are fundamental to the shotgun classes. Some thoughts:

    This is true.

    All true. SOH Pro is necessary for the Stakeout, for both reasons already mentioned. Keep in mind: always ADS with the Stakeout, and never ADS with the SPAS-12.

    Okay, well, that's not entirely true. Aiming down the sights of the SPAS-12 does work...sometimes. You can spam LT/L2 to rapidly - rapidly, mind you - alternate between ADS, so that you reset your aim between each shot. This is due to the terribly unforgiving iron sights. Like Cap said, the pellets are closer together, but it's hard to aim down the sights. This tactic sort of compensates for that, but it definitely takes some practice, as it can be tricky to do consistently.


    Negates the need for this:

    I tend to play "zone defense" as I wrote the other day, holding down a particular building or section of the map. Do a schizophrenic, non-stop patrol from window to window and corner to corner (never sprint while doing so, if you can help it), keeping a close watch for enemies like you're Anne Frank. If you see an enemy who sees you: duck out of sight, set a Claymore, go around the building to flank him and bait him into following you into your Claymore. If you see an enemy who doesn't see you run into a nearby building, gauge where you think where he's going and what you expect him to be doing there, and act accordingly so that you can ambush him. Remember to use a few seconds' patience when you know you're enemy's oblivious to your presence.

    If you die with any kind of 'nades still in your pocket, you're doing it wrong. Toss them motherfuckers early and often, even if it's Hail Mary shit over small buildings. If you have any reason at all to believe an enemy might be there, toss first and ask questions later. They're especially useful around choke points and into key rooms: if you think there's a claymore behind the door and don't have immediate access to safely shoot it, throw in a flash/concussion to disable it. This frees up my perk options, reducing my need for Flak Jacket or Hacker in favor of Ghost or Ninja. I play much more comfortably when I'm stealthy, quiet, and patient, so I'm willing to forgo explosive resistance and awareness so that I can ignore spy planes and not hear my own footsteps or become flashed or stunned. Dear sweet fucking baby Jesus, do I hate getting stunned...

    Aside from disabling equipment, I prefer to throw tactical grenades into buildings a lot anyway, because I have zero fucking tolerance for corner campers. PROTIP: concussion grenades are thrown about twice as fast as flashbangs, so there's a smaller chance of getting caught in the middle of the throwing animation if an enemy suddenly appears. I was just made aware of this last week.

    Please. I can take a SPAS-12 to Array or an L96A1 to Nuketown and smack down Asian kids with no bedtime like a bunch of defective Russian mail-order brides. I stand firm on this: you can make any gun work on any map, provided you know which parts of the map to focus on and which parts to avoid. It all goes back to Call of Duty 101: know the maps, because everything else follows from that.
  3. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    Look, if you want to get 11 kill streaks Ghost Pro, SOH Pro, Marathon Pro, silenced Famas and an aggressive play style is how you do it, period. My second game of TDM with Rob I got a Gunship, this class literally works every single time. You should be too busy sprinting around the map shitting on conservative nubs to care about whether or not you properly used your nades.
  4. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
  5. PeruvianSoup

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 26, 2010
    It has a nasty recoil that tends toward the upper-right of your screen after the first 4 bullets, which given its RPM (937.5 rpm), happens in about the time it takes you to tap the trigger. For reference, that's 25% faster than most other assault rifles can fire. Thus, it's great for close quarters but harder to use at long distances.

    Also: lag.
  6. john_b

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2009
    I've always hated the ACOG, but I tried this last night. I set up in a house on Villa with the M-16 with ACOG and a motion sensor and goddamn if I didn't rape the hell out of people. I think I went something ridiculous like 16-2 or somewhere around there. The only times I died were when they ganged up on me and launched a shit ton of grenades up at once. I was using scavenger/hardline pro/something so when I ran out of ammo I went downstairs and re-supplied. I'm not a big fan of camping in one area but damn if it wasn't fun.
  7. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    I was pretty baked when I posted and have no idea why I was so aggressive. For me the famas sucked until a week ago when my friend dominated with it and showed me how to control the recoil. Since then my average kill count in CTF/HQ is 40+. I can only explain it as pretend you're playing with the UMP in MW2. I guarantee you'll own.
  8. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Likewise. While I feel like I am more effective with the AUG and FAMAS, I definitely have the most fun running around with a shottie. I just prestiged again a couple of days ago and forgot that one of the default classes has the Olympia. Wow. I forgot how god damn VIOLENT that gun is! I pissed off the entire enemy team running around with that gun, but the thing is nobody can really talk shit since it's so hard to kill more than one or two people with it. In fact one of the opposing guys said, "Fuck the guy with the Olympia, but props to him for using it."

    Another gun that I rediscovered is the MP5. That thing is a hip-firing beast, and it may stay on my Run & Gun class for a while.

    Unrelated question, but does anyone know if it is possible to watch more than one recent game from a certain player in theater mode without having to start at the main screen, select leaderboard, and then drill down and find the guy you are looking for? I have been on a kick of watching the top players' recent games lately and it's a total pain in the ass to watch more than one game at a time the way I am doing it.

  9. Limes

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I was having a good session on MW2 last night until the Hackers came on. It was obvious they were hacked because I’d shoot at people three times with a spas, and then they’d just turn around and shot me.

    Anyway I went on a couple of hours ago and noticed that the silencer and other add-ons for my weapons had all gone, as well as all my titles and emblems. Then I realised I’d been assigned a clan tag that simply said “CUNT”.

    I hope this patch does something malicious to these people, like turn there PS3’s CPU fan off so that they burn out. It was bad enough with campers and noob-tubers before but now it’s barely worth playing.
  10. mobkah20

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 26, 2009
    I had some hackers last week, all of the enemies were in red blocks on their kill cam and completely invisible on the regular screen. I seriously don't understand that, why hack? Good scores? Nobody accepts that. The kids on YouTube are legitimately good, not just because of hacks. Fuck them. They ruin games.

    On another note, back to Black Ops: keeping up with the trend of switching up my classes, I started one with the M14. What makes the M14 perfect? A masterkey.

    As long as you are patient you will OWN. The M14 needs to be babied at long range, but a quick hit to the left D pad makes it PERFECT. I use it with hardline pro, hardened pro, and tactical mask pro so I don't get flash fucked by some pissed of kid whos gotten picked off 5 times by me already. I'm probably going to switch to ghost but as of now it's my favorite class. It works on any map, 2 shots kills with it and anytime anyone gets close just blow their shit off with the masterkey.

    The M14 can probably be switched off with the FAL but I've learned the FAL takes one more shot, plus I like the iron sight on the M14 better.

    And if this doesn't make sense I will edit it tomorrow because for now I am too drunk.
  11. Macgruber

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 10, 2010
    Today has been quite the day for matchmaking. In the 20 or so games I tried playing, at least 15 times I was put into a game that was almost over, and the entire other team was in a party/clan together. I got put into one game on Nuketown with two minutes left on the timer in round two of CTF, and every player on the other team had at least 40 kills. The only player on my team that actually stuck around for the whole game finished 13-184. I looked at their combat records afterwards and everyone had over a 5.0 W/L ratio and 2.5 K/D, including one guy with a 7.2 W/L ratio and a winning streak of 1371 games. How the fuck is that even possible?
  12. Politik

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    Jan 5, 2010
    I hope I don't get flogged for acting out of line but I humbly ask my fellow gamers to check out my budding Black Ops youtube channel. If you want to see more videos WITHOUT the AK-74u, something of a rarity, please promote the page in whatever way possible. I will obviously reciprocate for any other user.

    #1552 Politik, Feb 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  13. PeruvianSoup

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 26, 2010
    Well, went back to MW2 for a game. The first game was one of those, "Welcome back, buddy!" games were I went some ridiculous score. I kept laughing my ass off at the lack of recoil, the spot-on hit detection and watching my killstreaks stack. Then I got thrown into a game where I felt I got my faced raped in and the rest of my team did none the better.

    Let me just say, MW2 players have way better twitch reflexes. I scurried back to Black Ops to salvage my ego.
  14. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    That was pretty much the exact same experience I had two days ago when I tossed in MW2 for the first time since BO came out. First game was remarkable. Got tossed in a great lobby playing Mercenary, and everyone was on fire. I remember getting a predator, calling it in and getting two kills and then being so confused when the harrier icon showed up. "How did I get another killstreak?" popped up in my head until I remembered that killstreaks stack. We lost 7200 to 7500 on Highrise but it was an absolute blast.

    The next game I paired up with a buddy and played regular TDM. We went through 8-10 lobbies trying to find a game without somebody playing on a hacked account, and it was impossible. At least one person in every single fucking lobby was 10th prestige with the spinning skull icon, and watching their killcams was like watching Neo inside the matrix. It was a total game breaker and really disheartening.

    I will definitely give MW2 another try though. The guns (TAR 21 w/Spas12 secondary? Yes please!), the significantly better sound and graphics, the spot-on hit detection, the lack of connection and matchmaking immediately came back to me why I liked MW2 so much. Despite the 'tubers and assholes running around with commando, MW2 would be getting constant play in my PS3 if it wasn't for the god damn hacked accounts.
  15. PeruvianSoup

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    Experienced Idiot

    Mar 26, 2010
    Oh. My. God. Every gun sounds like it's just waiting to push someone's shit in in the least pleasant way possible. The SPAS makes me feel like the Terminator every time I fire it.
  16. Pato

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    Oct 25, 2009
    I'll tell you how that's possible. It's called dashboarding. Whenever a game's about to end, look at the killfeed. You'll see people suddenly start to 'time out'. This means they turned off their PS3 in order to preserve the winstreak. You do get the loss though. So technically it's possible to have played 2000 games, have a 2000 winstreak and 250 losses, thereby getting an 8 W/L ratio.

    Fuck those guys. Stat whoring is retarded, and the more information you show people, the more they'll want to buff that up.

    For me it should be like Counter-Strike. No W/L, no K/D, no streaks, no accuracy percentage, nothing. Just theater mode and the game you just played. People actually had fun back then..
  17. magz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, that was probably the biggest (and most welcome) surprise. I forgot how brutal the sound effects are in MW2 compared to BO. That is actually one of the reasons why I love the TAR-21 so much. It just sounds so...beastly. Combined with the SPAS, it really does make you feel like a badass every time you pull the trigger.

    Fuck it, I'll toss in MW2 later tonight. If anyone is on PSN around 8 or 9pm CST, look me up: rectum_inspector
  18. Macgruber

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 10, 2010
    That's fucking ridiculous. Do those people really have so little going on in their life that they need to basically cheat to make their video game statistics higher? That's pathetic.

    In other news, I now refuse to play Jungle in CTF games. No matter which side you're on, there are four or five spots on each side that people can stand and watch people spawn directly in front of them. A few of those spots allow you to see more than one respawn site, which results in total annihilation of the opposing team. I bet I died six or seven times in a row within two seconds of respawning before I rage-quit, which I seem to do a lot more in BO than MW2.
  19. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    On-topic: Game Informer magazine had an interview in this month's issue with rapper Ice-T (#215, pg. 16-17), who apparently is an avid gamer.

    That shit cracked me up. On a more serious note, he later says in the interview about Call of Duty, "It's the only game I've been able to get into and actually feel a skill curve on it. A lot of the games I've played -- Battlefield or Medal of Honor -- have great single-player, but when you get into the multiplayer I personally don't feel like I'm getting any better. Call of Duty, the way it's set up, you can actually get better."

    Having never played Battlefield, MOH, Halo, Counter-Strike, or any other online FPS other than COD, can anyone elaborate on this for me? Have any of you guys felt similarly?
  20. The Dread Pirate

    The Dread Pirate
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    Oct 20, 2009
    My Secret Evil Lair
    CoD definately has a skill curve that's above other online FPS's. However, it doesn't come close to Counter Strike. In my opinion, CS 1.1 was perfectly balanced. You could watch another player's camera and immediately know how good they were. Expert players moved differently, aimed differently and thought differently than average players. For example, the clans were ranked in CAL by divisions. The best division was CAL-I, then CAL-M, then CAL-O (I think they later added something between M and O, but I forget). I played CAL-M for about 6 months.

    Within each division, most players were relatively equal in skill. But when people sandbagged, things changed drastically. One CAL-m player in a server could tear up an entire team of CAL-O players 80% of the time (think Sandy Ravage). However, most CAL-M players had individual skill levels fairly close to CAL-I players. The difference between the two divisions became a question of team cohesion and tactics in matches.

    You see an individual skill breakdown in CoD, but not the team level difference. One awesome player can still run everyone's shit on a map.