YES. Things definitely need to go back in this direction. Remember what your K/D ratio was in CS? Neither do I. Why? Because it wasn't there. All you got was round after round of search and destroy. So fucking awesome. Even now when you have objectively 'better' alternatives, I'd still play CS over BO...
Absolutely. Do you know what some of the weirdos I party up with say when I tell them to chill out as they're freaking out over being killed? "I don't play this game for fun. I play this game to boost my KD." Verbatim. Not wins, not to crush the enemy team, but the singular goal of having a large number in a game they probably won't be playing in 6 months.
Sadly it's always been that way in CoD. Hell check any kind of message board and you'll see it prevalent in any clan recruiting thread. Most won't even take a look at you unless your KDR is over 2.0. Don't see that changing any time soon. That's why I'm giving Killzone 3 a look see. Only thing I disliked about KZ2 was having to level to unlock classes and the lack of a party system and from what I've seen thus far both issues have been fixed. Hit detection is spot on, little to no lag, and the classes require teamwork and communication to win. Plus I'm really digging a certain mode I can't remember the name for. Basically you play on a map and then run through 7 different game types, varying from TDM to Search and Destroy, Capture the flag etc. Good times.
Either I'm in a rut, or something has changed dramatically in the last week with BO. My normal games im right around 30-15 in Dom, and lately im struggling to get to even. I havent changed my gameplay much. I'm still running and gunning with suppresed FAMAS, GhostPro, SoHPro. The only change 've made is switching from Hacker to Marathon. This has fucked me up, but should be dropping me this much. I've been getting spawn killed, randomly dropping like a fly, and paired up with gamers that seem to have never played the game before (I've had a whole team go .10 K/D on me more than once) It's not the connection, 90% of the time, I'm the host (playing on a college T1 line). WTF?
It depends on the group playing. A lot of the time, objective based games will have full parties going in and since you're playing alone, you're going to get stuck with randoms that suck. It doesn't matter how good you are individually if the other team won't let you get out of the gate. As much as one can bitch about having a shitty team and them holding you back, what can really help good players shine is having those extra targets for your enemies to shoot at. If they're so shitty that the enemy has already posted up, you're screwed.
You just nailed the reason why I typically don't play objective-based games. On a typical night, I will either be playing solo, or have maybe one or two other people in my party. If I go play a game of Domination, for instance, I will almost always be thrown in a party with a group of individual randoms. And almost without fail the opposing party will all be together and coordinated, they will all have mics, and they will absolutely run train my team. It seems that the randoms rarely even play the objective, they just run around like they are playing a TDM game and let all of the flags get captured. Then when the opposing team caps two flags, they just sit back and spawn fuck my team endlessly until they win or the host quits. It's about as enjoyable to me as shitting glass. That is why I stick with TDM and Mercenary. I know I would enjoy playing the objective-based games, but it gets too frustrating. At least with TDM, it is OBVIOUS what you have to do: kill every motherfucker on the other team. Period.
I should have COD4 back in my hands by the end of next week, thanks to a friend of mine who's going to let me borrow it once he gets back in town. If anyone would be up for turning back the COD clock and reliving the days of good graphics and hit detection, hit me up.
Since I've been unemployed, I play a lot during the daytime. While that's not possible for most people, I've noticed that CTF games almost never have parties playing together during the day. I try playing CTF during the night and would say the other team has at least a three person party 90% of the time. I wish there was more than just Mercenary TDM that didn't allow parties, because I would play that all the time. I stray from CTF every now and then to play Mercenary and it's so much more enjoyable not having to worry about the entire opposing team having mics and organizing the total destruction of my team. I rarely play at night anymore unless I'm playing with at least one other person.
This is an old clip I found while looking back on the Camp Hutch videos. Small Beans is crazy awesome with sniper rifles. For those of you keeping score at home, that's 12 shots in a row without missing.
I see your Whoa and raise you to an epically retarded level of insanity. 501 kills in a single game of Demolition. This is ridiculous, spawn camping at it's pinnacle. I would have broken something, this makes me glad I'm playing Killzone 3.
Video is set to private. How is Killzone 3? Is the demo still freely available? I finally reached my breaking point with BO and ended up playing MW2 all weekend instead. I will probably play a bit of BO here and there just to advance my guy to level 50 so all of the guns are unlocked, but after that I think I will shelve the game for a while. Maybe it's just me, but I am just not having fun anymore when I play BO. Too much bullshit with too little reward.
It was working before. I had a look at the comments and a lot of people were calling bulshit on it and referred to this: It does seem odd that they would keep playing when they're dying so often. edit : fixed video link
Agreed, that's one of the main reasons I picked up Killzone 3, well that and the Socom 4 Beta key. Melee just started infuriating me to no end, and ironically it's one of the most satisfying things in Killzone 3. Much more satisfying to get close and do one of the following things: The Kratos thumbs through the eye-sockets. Knife into the eye Knife under the chin Throat slitting - Both from forward and behind Neck snapping - From front and behind Best of all is that you can be saved from all of the above if someone kills the guy who using the melee on you. The level of customization is significantly lesser than Call of Duty or Battlefield, but the classes and the balance between classes more than makes up for it. Plus this is the first time in a while where I feel like I'm actually having fun due to actually playing the game. Usually the fun for me comes from talking shit in the lobby and then winning to frustrate said irritated person. But now I'm loving just playing the game for the game's sake and it's all due to 2 of the game modes. There's a standard TDM, but to be honest I haven't touched it at all. Warzone - Basically a map is chosen, then you play a best of 7 in game modes. For instance, the first round might be Assassination, where one person is the "target", it's then up to the teams to either kill said person or keep that person alive. Next round might be Search & Destroy, where one team has to plant bombs in two areas and the other defends. The best part is there is no break between rounds, so in a moments notice the objective changes and you see both teams rushing like fuck to head to the next objective. Objective - aka My Funnest Game Mode - This game mode is the shit, but ONLY if you enjoy playing as a team. It's best of 3 maps. Basically there is an attacking team and a defending team. The attacking team will have a 3 stage objective, but the game will end if the defending team stops them from doing so in the allotted time. For instance the attacking teams first objective is to capture and hold two areas on the map, if they do so another section of the map is opened up and the second objective is given, and if that is achieved the third and last section of the map is unlocked and the objective given, if that is achieved the attacking team wins. The genius part of this game mode, is that before during and after the game starts there are cutscenes, during the game the cutscenes only happen when an objective is completed or denied, and ONLY the best players on the team are shown during the cutscene, so it really gives you the extra push to try and kick as much ass as possible.
Lots of good stuff this week in the world of COD. There was a Black Ops patch yesterday. Check it: Xcalizorz started up another live commentary series. Knowing xcal and considering how good his last live comm series was, it's sure to be a blast. Just to illustrate what I mean: the video has been out for less than 24 hours, and nearly has an astounding 100:1 like/dislike ratio. Also, if you haven't been following Hutch in his Road to Commander series in which he holds open lobbies with his subscribers, I highly, highly recommend you do so, for a few reasons: (a) although RTC series are pretty cliche at this point, the premise of doing one primarily with subscribers is very cool, especially on a channel as big as Hutch's, (b) seeing his gameplay in real-time, complete with hearing his knee-jerk reactions and observing how and why he employs certain strategies, is great for learning how to get better/not suck at the game (Hutch rarely does live commentary, so witnessing him do so is pretty special from both an entertainment perspective as well as a strategic one), and (c) Hutch, Woody and Co. put on a fucking clinic in using callouts. If you want to see how a legitimately good party uses teamwork over the mic, watching these videos is a must. As of last night, there have been only 7 videos (each between 7-13 minutes long), so it's still early enough to get caught up, if you're so inclined. I want to emphasize a couple things. First, read the stuff Hutch writes in the description boxes. He usually (and especially in this series) writes stuff relevant to the gameplay in there that are well worth taking note of, such as in game #6: The second thing I want to point out is his great use of tactical insertions for spawn trapping during Domination, especially in games 6 and 7. I never use them, but I may have to try that method in future games. Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5 - 7:17: "I turned up Beast Mode a little bit on that one." Umm, ya think? Game 6 Game 7
Apparently, this coming weekend is a double XP/CP weekend. Anyone figure out why they do this sort of thing? <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Nadeshot and Hecz over at Optic discuss the snipers post-patch. The relevant part starts around 2:20. Hecz's thoughts were similar to mine, so if he's impressed at the update, I'll give it another go in a couple days.
TheMoodieSwede is a ridiculously good sniper, maybe one of the best in the community. Like Sandy Ravage, he's not a guy who has to cherry-pick his videos, because he's just that good. He's only 17 but he's more professional on his channel than most other directors.
The best change in the update, by far: changing Mercenary TDM to Mercenary Moshpit, and the L96 sniper shoots much more consistently. In the span of an hour and a half, I got my first Black Ops collateral, a 50-35 Demo game on Nuketown with the Spy-Counter-Napalm setup (prior to that game, my most kills in any match was 37), killed 3 guys in the span of 7-8 seconds in Search, and triple sprayed 3 guys capping the A flag on Firing Range...with a fucking Makarov. Oh yeah, I rock.