Not sure if someone else covered this. If you want to fairly easily get the tac knife unlocked, use the Recon (I think) pre-made class. It already has the tac knife. Run around and use it to see if you like it. The kills you get with it will count towards the 100 you need to unlock the tac knife for the 44 mag. And I've read some opinions that commando is not good to pair with tac knife. Anyone know otherwise?
I usually rock Ninja Pro with my tac knife instead of Commando. Being able to sneak up on people is more valuable to me than a couple extra feet of knife length. There have been multiple occasions where I've heard someone with Commando running up on me and I've been able to turn around and kill them before they reach me. That never happens with Ninja. As for sniping, I usually use the Intervention with FMJ and M9 silenced (you can pull a pistol out much faster than any other secondary which has saved my life many times) along with Slight of hand, Stopping Power and Steady Aim. I don't know if Stopping Power adds anything to the Intervention, but I like to use it. And Slight of hand makes it so you pull up the scope twice as fast.
For right now I'm going to use my name here (minus the e at the end) to play with you guys on xbox live for two reasons 1. It'll be easier to organize who's who on my friends list and I might as well use my one free month 2. My gamertag is embarrassing. Microsoft just surprised me with a one year renewal to my debit card without telling me so I wasn't able to change my gamertag. But they can lick the shit nuggets in my ass if they think I'm paying them the ten dollars it costs to change my name. Even if we all can't do a big meet up I'm cool with just playing with one or a few of you guys individually. xbox live: redbullgreygoos I play weekends and week nights. You should see friend requests from me soon.
I think that I have like 2 hours of multiplayer under my belt. Anyway, my XBL tag is TheMephis. Trying to level my way up.
Thats a pretty good idea, I'll have to try that out the next time I play. I'm guessing it doesn't really matter a whole hell of a lot which pistol you have the tac knife on, does it?
Has anyone else seen the influx of emergency air drops? It must be a glitch like the care package glitch from when the first game out. I was in a domination game today and there was an emergency airdrop like every minute or so. They sky was full of harriers and choppers and these fuckers had like 6 turrets guarding the approaches to their little air drop landing strip. It has happened on multiple games in a row now.
Ive found the game to be buggy as hell since the update the other night, lagging out server drops etc. I have noticed more air drops and people setting up camp around them.
Little research when I got home gave me the answer. Google Emergency Air Drop Glitch and just watch the first video. It shows how you too can have a sea of crates. 1 in 3 games have been just a crate fest for both sides. I'm on XBL and it has been brutal.
Has anyone else been playing TDM and someone from your own side just stands there and continuously knifes or shoots at you. It's fucking annoying and pointless, and happened to me a few times. One guy spent a whole TDM game doing it. After the game he sent me a message saying "oh hey my name is martin too!" (my username is "marto___"), to which i replied something along the lines of "that's great but fucking leave me alone". So of course he took it upon himself to follow me for the entire next game whenever he could, until I used cold-blooded perk and lured him into opposition Harrier striking range.
I'm Schmidster34 on PSN. I play for a bit every night but I often play pass the controller with my buddies so be prepared for varied skill levels.
Finally starting to get my shit together. Thanks for adding me Maltob, haven't seen you on yet. I'm going to send out some friend requests. As a heads up, my girlfriend's 12 year old son occasionally may play occasionally, you'll know him when you see him: he's better than me. Although that may not be for a while as I'm revoking his privileges for starting shit with another player while on my account when I told him not to. I'm working on a whole range on unlocks, so I'll pull out shitty stuff at random. Already have my danger close, so no more n00btube.
These videos are really cool. Basically these two guys go around and test all these glitches and myths in the game. I always knew there was something up with the banana leaves.
I'm just about ready to go buy an Xbox 360. So fucking sick of the shitty server hosts with terrible computers and connections. But the worst is the goddamn hackers. Fucking assholes with aim bots. IW really fucked the PC players with no anti-cheat client and no way to vote kick a player from the game.
CoD journal for tonight: First killstreak ever. Getting slaughtered otherwise. Lol'ed at "MyLittlePwny."
Hey not the worst player in the world but far from the best my Xbox Live SN is Pandemic221 if anyone likes playing the objective games, HQ and Domination Add me, usually on in the evening for a while
Hey, for all you new XBL guys, either pm me your tag or add me to your friends list...I'm the unofficial XBL rep for when we have TiB matches. Mine's shtpiese.
My tag is potboiler on XBL. I'm an average player with few talents. Unless being cannon fodder is suddenly considered a talent that is.
A "glitch" I just learned yesterday: To get on the roof of high rise, go to the building where the yellow window washer thing is hanging by one cable. Aim your sights up to the corner and run towards the crane. When you run up onto the corner hit "A/X (never tried on ps3)" to jump and let go of your controller. If done right, you'll be hanging off the side. You can climb up, run along the ledge and get to the second window washer. Walk to the top of that, jump up to to the top ledge across the fence, walk across that to a platform on the roof. I don't think it's a glitch though. I actually think it was intentional. But it's still pretty cool, since not many people can get up there.