I opted to the silencer for the stealthy-like business, and it's really helped me string together streaks from room to room without alerting enemies via the radar. I'll give the FMJ a go, though. I didn't win a single game in FFA when I previously owned MW2 last year (at least, not that I can remember). In the past 2 days alone, I've won about a dozen.
I remember when this video first came out. Not sure if it was posted here already, though. Sadly it doesn't yet have 3k views, but it's one of my favorite COD montages ever. And that's in spite of the relatively poor resolution. The quad headshot was my favorite.
So many campers on tonight. I don't understand what the fun is in sitting inside a room with a Claymore at the only entrance for ten solid minutes, but I guess I'll just be thankful I can't understand the mindset. What IS fucking enraging is snipe campers on Wasteland. Holy FUCK do I hate that map.
I got so frustrated with the snipers on that map I changed my tactics a long time ago. It seems best to stay away from the middle of the map and sweep around the perimeter with cold blooded and a silenced weapon. You can catch a lot of snipers unaware. I also like to pick up their sniper in my secondary in place of a rocket launcher. That way you can switch between close and long range.
That's worked for me a few times, but it only earned me two kills last night. When it's only one guy and the rest of the team is tied up with the usual tubefest in the middle, I can usually do as you said and catch the guy off guard. It's almost impossible to do when there's a a pair of them covering each other, or even a single one who knows to move about a bit and watch his flank. I've tried coming around the long way, but by that point they've either moved or I get shot in the back by a respawning teammate - for me at least, it's incredibly hard to learn all the spawns that are used throughout a match and Wasteland makes it fucking HARD to see someone sitting still at long range. I'd like to get a W2000 Thermal, but that would take me months with my sniper ability. Coordinating with teammates would probably be my best solution here, but nine times out of ten they're all busy blindly spamming launchers into the middle cavern.
Agreed, Wasteland on TDM can be a nightmare. You really can't win regularly if the other team posts up first. Usually it's a couple guys in the middle underground bunker with scavenger, and snipers on the perimeter of the map. I generally leave my lobby if Wasteland comes up so I don't have to deal with all the assholes camping. For some unknown reason I decided to prestige again in BO a couple of nights ago. I think subconsciously I did it just to provide a challenge in that steaming piece of shit game. Doing so did allow me to rediscover the awesomeness that is the MP5K with extended mags though. Did any of you guys buy Portal 2? I need a game to distract me from COD for a while and while I have never played the original, a buddy of mine swears that I'll love it.
I don't remember if this actually ever worked out, but we need a TiB MW2 match. I imagine that a match with something other than campers, launchers, and token "I know exactly where every person on the enemy team is at all times" guys would actually be fun. Not that I could say for myself, because I can't remember one in recent memory. Sorry if I come across as enraged to the point where I would gladly reach through the TV and start nutbusting scores of players.
Just traded in Black Ops for a used copy of MW2. Got tired of unloading a full clip into someone and having them turn around and spray me with the FAMASShole, I haven't played a game of Black Ops in two weeks because of that and every other well documented problem it has. That being said I have never played a minute of MW2, whats a good setup for starting out? Other than some of the perks being different and stackable Kill Streaks I know next to nothing about the game. Soon as the PSN is back up I am going to give it a try.
There are tons of good tips on how to get started/better at MW2 in this thread. Give it a quick read. There's also an XBL/PSN list of people on this board who play semi-often, just remember to say 'TiB' in the friend request. On a different note, I just love getting MW2-related hatemail. French people are almost adorable when trying to insult people in English.
I'm switching between MW2 and Black Ops. I only play Black Ops with my brother since he doesn't have MW2. On Wasteland, I have a lot of fun getting to a minigun and laying waste with it. Dumbasses start raging and forget to use cover. Miniguns are so powerful it's almost a one shot one kill situation. Since there's no recoil, it's ridiculous how accurate you can be.
Enjoy that when you can, because in 9/10 games there will be someone on the opposing team with an Intervention Thermal/ACOG, and he will one-shot you before you even know he's there.
Aww. I don't get any hatemail. *sad panda* Not even the other day, when I found a couple of boosters during Quarry FFA and used them to propel me to a 24-kill, second-place finish, all the while telling them how empty and useless their existences were for playing the game in such a braindead manner. I was happy to say that the tool who was boosting only finished 3rd. Yeah, they promptly left. As an aside, my anti-boosters class is: TAR-21 + Grenade Launcher Thumper (I switch classes for my Stinger when air support goes up) Stun Grenades C4/Semtex Marathon Pro Danger Close Pro SitRep (no Pro yet; 5/120 so far...ugh)
I need my COD fix after nine or ten days with the PSN being down, so I activated one of the "1 Month Xbox Live Trial" cards I have lying around for the 360 I haven't turned on in a year or two, and went to the closest Blockbuster* to rent Black Ops. They were out. Went to the next closest one, and they were out. Went to THREE MORE fucking rental stores, and they were all out. Went to the last store I knew of within acceptable driving distance, and they had a copy! Took it up to the front, gave it to the girl, and she says, "Oh sorry, I don't know how this got out there, but we don't have any copies left." FUCK. *Has anyone been in a Blockbuster lately? Holy fuck what a ghost town. Half of the store had merchandise in it, the rest was just empty shelves. Tough break.
Yeah, Netflix, VOD and Redbox basically tagged team them out of relevance. The funny/sad thing is watching them try to copy Redbox and Netflix with terrible results. I mean seriously, they are trying to do a subscription model with pay-per-view streaming. And have you seen a Blockbuster movie box? Me neither. Pretty much all the Blockbusters around me are closed or are about to close.
Around here, there's a Blockbuster movie box outside of every Sheetz. That's about the only place I've seen them.
Man, I just got slightly depressed reading your post about Blockbuster. I know I'm like 5 months late, but I just played the Helicopter level in BlackOps, and I have to say, the single play does not suck as much as I thought it would. I'm kinda tired of the whole flashy, psycho, montage thingys but otherwise the storyline is solid.
So I stumbled into a hacked FFA lobby in MW2 a couple night ago, and got first blood. Bam - match over, Rob wins. Oh, and I got 2,516,000 XP in the process. From one kill. That's the exact amount needed to Prestige, by the way. The rest of the lobby was not pleased.
I ended up borrowing a friend's copy of Black Ops yesterday, so I've been trying to play since last night. Trying being the important word. I've tried playing between 25-30 games, and I was only put in two different types of lobbies: 15 times or so I was put into a game with less than 2 minutes left against a full or almost full party, and the remaining times I was put in a lobby with no more than three other people, and stayed at the "waiting for _ more players" screen until I backed out. I've currently been sitting in a lobby by myself for 18 minutes so far (I'm curious to see how long it'll actually take), and not a single person has been put in the lobby with me. Is it always like this on the 360?