Matchmaking on the 360 is usually pretty terrible. The worst is if you are about to start, then someone backs out and you no longer have enough to play, it will hang there forever. It usually takes a lot to get me to back out of a working lobby for fear of spending 20 minutes trying to get into another one.
Tell me about it. I have been going through COD withdrawal since my PS3 has been down for two weeks, so I ended up playing on my buddy's 360 for a bit over the weekend. It was an eye opener. The game looked better, didn't seem to have as bad of a lag issue and frame drops, and it didn't seize up every time I was host. However, I couldn't get into a fucking game. Every time we joined up with another lobby, it would take a solid 5-15 minutes sometimes to get into a full lobby. There was one point where I joined a lobby, went upstairs and drank a full beer, took a piss and the game was STILL waiting for more players. Maybe it was because I was playing on a Saturday night? Who knows. I was definitely surprised though. The other big difference I noticed was how bad people were camping in Mercenary TDM. I had to jump in to regular TDM and Ground War matches and get my ass whooped, just so I could get in on some action. Is the 360 always that bad?
I know I don't have as bad of a problem connecting to a game. Couple min wait, if not quicker. I have it set to locale only search though, that might be it?
I just downloaded the new maps last night basically for the simple reason there was a new zombie map. The new zombie map is a trip. There is some large electric dude who follows you around from the start, enraging and sprinting after you if he catches a stray bullet. It seems as if he was put in there to make sure that you can't just camp in a spot with 1 window and a staircase. The new zombie map is BIG, and has some interesting twists. The new guns are going to take a little getting used to, one changes a zombie into a human and the other is kinda like a delayed mortar round launched at where you shot it. The new multiplayer maps are BIG. My buddy and I went into combat training to get a feel and felt as if we were just running around. My favorite at this point is probably Zoo, but its also just the one I have played the most. They all are fairly large, at least as big as Cracked. I got the new maps for the zombies, not for the multiplayer maps. All in all I am pretty satisfied with them. We had to buy it twice to be able to get the 4 player split screen going on two tv's. Still to early for a final decision, but if you are on the fence I would say go for it.
I assume you are on a 360, since you can, you know, actually PLAY the game and stuff. For you PS3 guys though, it is possible to share the maps (unsure about 360 & PC players though). On the PSN, you can login to something like 4 or 5 PS3s with one account before Sony intervenes. For instance, I have my account on both my PS3 and my buddy's PS3. As long as you trust leaving your password saved on the other device, it's all good. When the last map pack came out, I downloaded the map under my account. I then logged out, called my buddy and had him login with my account on his PS3. The map pack re-downloaded on his machine, and once the download is complete, it is available for all accounts on that device. So we effectively got the map pack for $7.50 each, instead of $15 a piece.
You would think after playing however many days I've played of Black Ops, that I'd be used to the constant lag, in every single game, without fail. But I'm not. When I fire half a clip at someone, seeing multiple hit markers, only to get killed and see in their kill cam that I didn't even shoot a single bullet, I still get mad. When I shoot at someone, then take cover behind a wall/crate/something else for a full second at least, only to get killed and see in their kill cam I didn't move an inch, I still get mad. When I sneak up behind someone and knife them, only to have them turn around and kill me, then see in the kill cam I was actually still 10-15 feet away, that results in a rage quit. Pretty sure I can say with almost certainty that I've never played a game on the PS3 without feeling like I was behind every other person playing. It's pretty much the most frustrating thing ever. /bitching
That's just CoD, and online FPS in general. I hate playing MW2 and trying to shotgun a guy as I come around the corner, only to see that he came around the corner, saw me standing there with my dick in my hand for ten seconds, and SPAS-ed me. All you can really do is have a high-speed connection and pray the others in the lobby have one too.
Modern Warfare 3 details leaked
I played against a full party last night, every person of which had at least 30 days of time played. One guy had 49 fucking days played. If my math is correct, that is at least six hours of playing every single day since the game has been released. Holy shit. Dude probably hasn't seen the sun that whole time. Or a vagina.
Ahem, let's not talk about that shall we? It makes me feel depressed. In other news, MW3 leaks. Apparently there'll be non-combat vehicles because the maps are so huge. This concerns me. My wishlist: Include SoH and make it count for sniper rifles too. Include Stopping Power and put it in the same perk group as Cold-Blooded (or whatever they're going to call it). Do not include Last Stand/Deathstreak rewards/OMA/tubes that can be replenished with Scavenger/Commando. There you go, game of the year.
gonna go pwn some noobs in MW2 on 360 now. anyone care to join, GT PhetusPhister45, just mention TiB. Difficulty: 6ish beers in already. usually switch to noob tube/riot shield/relentless trash talking mode somewhere north of 12-15. And I haven't played MW in aaages.
Anyone up for some MW2 action on the 360 this evening? Call me selfish, but if I'm going to repeatedly get stuck in games that either have a)quickscope/sniper teams, b)5/20 k/d teammates, and/ or c) nine year olds repeatedly singing this shit, I'd prefer to have someone there to have to suck it up with me.
It kind of sucks MW3 and BF3 will be coming out at the same time, and both during fall quarter. Why the fuck don't those greedy assholes release one during summer?
So what do people expect to be the better single-player game, BF3 or MW3? How about multi-player? I have very limited experience with Battlefield. I played Bad Company 2 for a little while, and couldn't get used to the controls and I felt like the animation was very clunky. The multiplayer was even worse; who wants to spawn at the end of the map, just to run for 2-3 minutes before seeing an enemy? Screw that noise. That being said, I'm looking forward to BF3's campaign more. As much as I like the Modern Warfare storylines, I feel they're too over-the-top at times. I'm half-expecting one of the objectives in MW3 to be "Stop the Bad Guy From Pressing The Big Red Button." But I'm salivating over multi-player. If they could learn from their strengths and mistakes in MW2 - as well as Treyarch's in Black Ops - they could churn out one hell of a game. I don't understand how that makes them greedy. What about Mass Effect 3, Batman: Arkham City, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Uncharted 3, Gears of War 3, or Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? The truth is, most of the previous Battlefield games have been released during the spring or summer. I can't blame them for wanting to compete with MW, et al, for holiday bragging rights. If anything, we should be happy about the switch: adding another AAA title to the fall quarter mix could (theoretically) drive down the sales of everyone else, thus leading to lower prices across the board. Not saying that it will, but I guarantee that MW3 won't crack the sales numbers of MW2 or BO, simply because of the buzz surrounding BF3.
As a fan and owner of both series, the Battlefield games have always been superior to the MW games. MW just has much better PR and distribution. The MW3 trailer looks good, but BF3 is going to blow it out of the water.
Ive been watching my little brother play some BF2 on his computer and it looks fucking deep and much funner than the run and gun deathmatch battles (or any fucking multiplayer game for MW2 for that matter). I know Ill fucking get MW3 any fucking way but shit if it's not paper thin at this point.