Can you elaborate on this at all? What aspects of it would you consider better than what MW2 has to offer? For what it's worth, I also can't stand deathmatch in COD games; I'm more partial to objective-based games, like Domination, S&D, or CTF.
Ditto. As I've only ever played COD (more specifically, MW2 and BO), I have no frame of reference and am genuinely curious what makes the other brand better? It seems like people are pretty divided in the two camps but I've never gotten a better explanation than, "COD sucks and has the same engine from Super Mario Brothers", or, "BF is just a wannabe COD! n00b!" I know I will buy MW3 when it comes out, just because, but if there is a good reason to switch to another product/series/whatever, I am all ears.
I think this will be the perfect time to change franchises. I bought BF2 but it was glitchy as shit on my PS3, so I returned it a day later. I didn't give it a decent chance. That will change. On the other hand that does look fucking sweet. I think I'll buy them both, why the fuck not. It'll be awesome. It doesn't make a difference for me whether I play objective based games or not. TDM is the game type I've played the most, bar none. Domination and Search are tied for second place. If it moves, I kill it. That's my objective.
I have to say, as much as I love the concept of Domination, I haven't had many good experiences with it. I have yet to see ONE match where a team actually communicates and works as a team, and in such an objective-oriented mode, that really makes things incredibly chaotic and frustrating. Additionally, I've found that team players tend to mass to defend or assault an objective - which would be great if there was communication- but since there isn't, that seems to only encourage the tube-toting punks who wouldn't know the difference between a UMP and a SCAR. That said, I have had the joy of playing a few Domination matches with a friend, and those are the rewarding ones. One of the changes I really hope to see in MW3 would be an team-chat option. This would be incredibly beneficial in rewarding team-oriented players. And for the love of sweet baby Jesus, I really hope they fix the respawn system. Overall, I'm excited for MW3. The graphics look great, and as Rob mentioned, if they learn from the pros and cons of MW2 and (outside of my experience, mostly) BO, this title has some seriously gratifying potential.
I'm probably going to get BF instead of MW3. They scalped IW's team, so I don't even know what kind of game to expect. Their single player mode has been progressively getting worse, and the multiplayer seems to be a rehash of the previous games. I'm not excited at all about MW3. I've always said if they had BO's methods/perks/etc on MW2's style, it'd be a fantastic game. But at this point I think I'm done with the CoD franchise. It seems to be turning into Madden, where they tweak a few things and crank one out every year just because schmucks will buy it. Whereas BF is a whole redesign from the ground up. My $0.02.
Now the biggest question comes to mind. Should I continue playing black ops or switch back to MW2? I am thinking of going back to MW2 because the game play between the two feels completely different. I really hope they fixed some of the major bugs from MW2. I also hope that quick scoping gets its own lobby.
I switched back to MW2, and love it. None of the glitchy bullshit that existed last year seems to exist, and the hit detection is far superior. That was the deal-breaker for me with Black Ops - endless hit markers and inconsistencies in the hit detection does not a happy R4B make. That, and Black Ops' hatred of primary colors grew old on me after a while. MW2 looks and sounds how an FPS ought to.
If that the case I will have to switch back. I hated the hack lobbies/quick scoping/noobtubes I was playing black ops yesterday with my friend and its fun but not like MW2. He also want me to download the new maps, not gonna happen with MW3 right around the corner.
Be advised - the quickscoping and noob tubing still exist in abundance. I don't have the same frame of reference you or Rob do, but I have found that most games have at least one quickscoper, and when the tubes come out, they tend to come out by the team. That said, it's usually easy to find another lobby with more sportsmanlike players. A question for the BO players here: Does Black Ops online have an equivalent to the marathon/lightweight/commando freak?
Honestly BO seems slower than MW2. Everything about it seems to lag. I tried the run and knife with almost the identical set up from MW2 and got owned hardcore.
Lightweight and Marathon, yes. Commando, no. Because Treyarch was smart enough not to put in a shitty, game-ruining perk that doubled the knife range. On the other hand, the knifing is so wildly inconsistent across the board, that it doesn't really matter. Also, the ballistic knife (the go-to weapon if someone wanted to run a knife-only class), tends to have an occasional herp-da-derp moment and allows you to lunge halfway across the fucking room. Also, because of the way the perks are structured, there isn't a tier-2 perk that'll contribute much to such a class, other than Steady Aim Pro for its knife lunge recovery. So in that regard, it isn't as bad as a MW2 equivalent.
Ladies and gentlemen, a milestone has been reached. I've been chasing this dragon for over 20 days. So many times I've come horribly close only to be denied in the end. It's been awful. Truly. Didn't think it would happen today because I'm exhausted as shit but decided, hey what the hell, right? Popped in some Black Keys, turned up the volume.. That's right bitches. First game of the day nuke. And if that wasn't enough, the TV was muted. Setup: SoH SP Ninja pro AUG HBAR with a foregrip (seriously, try it out, it has the recoil of an ACR and kills in 3 bullets max at any range). Spoilered for size: Spoiler
I popped in MW2 the other day and it was sad I can't redownload the map-packs, the adrenaline was still there. Holy fuck that game is like an old fuck buddy that still fucks your brains out no matter what.
Except she's the fuck buddy that secretly wants more and banks on your love of pussy to weasel her way into a relationship.... Call of Duty Elite: The Subscriptions have begun.
Same guys, new community montage that just uploaded today. I'm happy, because the fucking trailer was at the beginning of April. I don't like it as much as the first one, but it's still awesome.
Haven't seen much discussion around here - but has anyone heard anything about the Escalation map pack and when it gets released on ps3? It came out on pc today apparently and I can't find shit all about when it comes out on Playstation. I hadn't even heard about it before today.
Is that the second map pack? If so, the whole PSN debacle probably threw a monkey wrench into the release date. I did get a chance to play it a bit when it came out on the 360 a while back, and I thought the maps were better than the shitty ones that came out in the first map pack. Definitely larger in general, but they seemed (in my limited game play) to be a bit more multi-leveled, so it wasn't one boring flat playground. Unfortunately some of the maps also seem to lead to extreme camping (Zoo, and the snowing warehouse level come to mind). It's probably worth buying if you aren't morally opposed to giving Treyarch more money. Which I am now, so I'll hold off.