Not that anyone really cares about singleplayer, but I just beat the campaign and was introduced to the Kennedy Zombie Level. Nice touch. Nice ending. I'll probably put that game back into my PS3 zero times ever again. I wonder how much I can sell it on Amazon for.
What's that? Oh, no big deal. Just the MW3 multiplayer reveal. #want What stood out to me the most was at the 3-minute mark: his killstreak rewards appear to be more perks (sort of like Sharpshooter in Black Ops). If so, that's pretty cool. And it looks like you have to collect dog tags to use killstreaks, similar to Crysis 2. Also, notice the chicken at 2:07. I don't know why, but I found that to be funny.
See, I saw that trailer thinking: Here they go again, trying to impress people with all the killstreaks and stuff. It almost reminded me of that BO trailer (/cringe). Instead here's what they should have released; Oh what's that? Some actual gameplay? Awesome. This.. This could quite possibly be the best FPS for a while. I'm buying it.
What? What is this I feel? Is can't be, I haven't felt it in so it...hhhh...hhhhooo...hhhhope? I feel hopeful again! Yay! It looks crisp. It looks clean, it looks twitchy. Still need more gameplay video. They also shouldn't wait until 6 months in for a demo, assholes.
Yeah, I'd have preferred actual gameplay. I didn't realize there already was some. Awesome. To be fair, I wasn't paying attention to the theatrics of the reveal. I couldn't care less about that. What I tried to extract from that was relevant changes that have been made with the series that are worth noting. Someone repped me saying "it looks like a trailer for MW2," which would be awesome, because 'MW2 with some minor changes' seems to be the consensus for a great COD game. In other news, I had a quint-feed last night with an unsuppressed SPAS-12 on Nuketown Sabotage. 5 guys in under a second. Black Ops may be boring, but it won't stop guys like me from injecting life into that motherfucker with circus plays like that. [/nerdboast]
It looks like there's going to be a new game type. Notice that kills don't count towards the team's score until they are confirmed by picking up a dog tag. What's interesting is that if a teammate is killed, you can prevent the enemy from scoring by grabbing the dog tag before they do.
MW2 gameplay isn't the problem. It's a lot smoother than Black Ops and shotgun/sniper users get a lot of value out of the game. The problem is the glitching, hacked lobbies, and over-powered noob tubes (I'm not complaining about campers. Most people should be able to deal with them by now). So if they can make slight improvements to MW3 in terms of graphics/gameplay etc whilst totally eradicating these problems, then it's already a success. Adding in new game types, and an improved Special Ops on top of it? Even better! Also, it looks like (at least from the multiplayer trailers), that they've made the stun/flashbombs a bit more stronger. I like that, as I've often found them to be a little weak at times.
Can anyone explain this Revenge death streak? Can the guy see exactly where you are his entire lifespan? If so and if whoever is using that is anywhere near dedent they will definitely get the payback, probably just short of a killstreak.
I`ve been obsessing about the multiplayer reveal for a week leading up to the convention. Some thoughts: - Finally a game that doesn`t look like shit. The color palette is lovely and crisp. - The game looks speedy, smooth and crunchy. There is a sublime pleasure and rhythm in running and gunning, and this seems to be intact in MW3. - From the perk and point streak list, the game looks reasonably balanced. The major change is no Stopping Power, but guns still kill with 3-5 bullets. I love this. Also, no Commando or One Man Army. Still don`t know how or if they`re gonna limit Scavenger and Noob Tube-usage. Also, no nuke, which is nice. - Quickscoping has returned. Thank god. - It looks like you`ll be able to level your weapons and add different proficiencies, like rapid fire, extended range etc. Combined with the perks, attachments and point streaks, this has the potential for endlessly rewarding customization. - The hit detection looks very solid. - The sound design is good; the UMP, for instance, sounds meaty. - I really like the idea of a support class of kill streaks; nobody gives a fuck about capping flags, but imagine the points you`ll rack up throwing stuns while capping in domination, as objectives and assists add to the point streak tally. For balancing reasons I hope the point is only given if you, say, have more than 50 % capture time, to avoid people free-riding off of your hard work. There is excellent potential for solid teamwork. - The animation for the secondary machine pistol that you have to fold out looks badass. There are tons more things to consider, but these are my main first impressions. I can`t fucking wait until this game comes out. With any luck griefing will be minimized.
The guns sounding like cheap firecrackers is the thing that pissed me off the most in COD. Every goddamn gun sounds like it was shot in an underground barn. Put on a silencer and you were shooting nerf guns. And now they know to bring all that silly non-game stuff over from BO, we're going to have a damn good game.
I don't know what it is lately, but I've been beasting all week with the M14 plus foregrip. My only complaint is the iron sights on it are horrible and make it hard to correct as I shoot. If I don't land my first three hits, I'm dead. Anyway, MW3 looks amazing. I can only hope all the maps are as bright and vibrant as the ones in the trailer. I'm sick of depressing BO maps like Kalwoon.
Details on COD Elite are out. It costs 50 bucks a year on its own, but is also being bundled in the Hardened edition for 10 dollars off. So if you spend 100 dollars upfront, you get MW3 and all of its future DLC maps. I've never bought DLC in the past, but 40 dollars for 15-20 maps seems like a decent price. On the other hand, I have zero interest in the campaign and special ops, so 100 is kind of steep.
Not going to lie, I couldn't have cared less about the story mode. I think I made it to the level after the airport massacre before switching back to multiplayer exclusively. I read an article recently that upwards of 90% of people never make it completely through a games story mode these days. Which makes sense for multiplayer games. Socom 4 had shit you could collect by completing the single player mode for online use, skins and such nothing that could give you an edge, and that wasn't even enough for me to play through it. I am sure they're would be a huge uproar claiming Activision would be trying to bilk players out of a total experience, but I really think axing the first player mode wouldn't be a big loss, plus it would be a huge savings for them not to produce it.
Happy now? You know, I swore off the series a little while ago; the people more or less ruined it for me. But this looks like it will have a lot of fun things to offer. I'm in.
While watching this video, am I the only one screaming "Fuck Yes" like a little white Amish girl getting fucked by a black guy for the first time?
I agree - they should cut the cost by 25-30% and not make a single-player campaign. I know I will be waiting for the new Battlefield game and will not be buying MW3, since the single player campaign in MW2 sucked (and no Arcade Mode was included, as in CoD4).