Anyone remember that MW2 'Til I Collapse' trailer? That pretty much sold me on MW2 and now the video above has pretty much sold me on MW3. Fuck me
But you agree with the sentiment...I know. Cut out the Singleplayer? What the fuck is wrong with you guys? The campaigns are balls to the wall fucking crazy. MW1 and MW2 have the most epic "HOLYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SHHHHHHHIIIIIIEEEEEEET!" moments ever. Running out of a sinking boat and Ghillies in the Mist mission in MW2, the helicopter attack on the Gulag and Red Wolverines level in MW2. Holy fuck, you guys must be kidding me. The adrenaline and suspense those epic campaign moments create are absolutely nuts. I can name half the moments in those games and how it felt, I can barely remember my parents birthdays. If you think they should cut out the Singleplayer, you haven't played it all the way through. If you have played it and seriously thought "Meh" you need to find a psychologist and get your head scanned. If both of those check out...I just feel fucking sorry for you.
At the very least, I think they should sell the campaign and MP on different discs, at reduced prices. Economically, it makes sense for the people who only want to play one or the other, without having to shell out a full $60. It'll also work out better for the game's design; if there's one thing I hear the developers wax poetic about, it's about the memory parameters they have to abide by. "There's only so much space on the disc." There you go: problem solved. I'm sure it's not quite as simple as that, but I don't think it'd hurt.
I for one would be happy to be able to just buy the multiplayer game of MW3. As said before, the campaigns are very skippable. Not saying I didn't enjoy the mw2 campaign but had way more fun playing the MP. BC2's campaign was just boring and awful.
Yeah, if they didn't have those holy shiiiet moments the single player it would be totally fucking useless. Because, still, in 2011 single player enemy AI sucks dick worse than an Amish girl sucking her first black cock. It seems the go to is to make it more challenging by making the enemy nearly invincible and have ungodly accuracy (in hard modes). The gameplay boils down to just learning the AI's patterns. MEH. Give me real people any day of the week. I still want a ski mask with a skull on it.
Well I love me some multiplayer, but I need the feeling I went from Point A from Point B and had a blast doing it. If I run into a steam of noobtubers or connection problems are shitty, I want to do something with the game. Those holy shit moments are what makes the game. Oh and Rob, when they're bitching/wax poetic about the disc only having so much space, they must be talking about those bitch ass Xbox discs. *OH SNAP* /endfanboyism
Yes, they should, or they should massively expand it - the single player campaign was MUCH too fucking short - I expect at LEAST 25-30 hours gameplay out of a single player campaign for over $50, not one that can be thrashed out in 6-8 hours... I felt gipped. Maybe I'm spoiled by Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas having MASSIVE single player games... I paid all that money and was unable to play online because the internet is too fucking slow in South Africa and IW's shit peer-to-peer connections seemed to place me in games that must've been hosted fucking FAR away because I had nothing but impossible ping times. I'll second Rob's suggestion - separate discs for Campaign and Multiplayer. I wouldn't bother buying the multiplayer in any case... EDIT: I have played and own COD1, 2, 4 (MW), MW2 and BO - out of them, BO had a great campaign but it was also too short. CoD4 at least had the arcade mode, which makes it my favourite...
Thirty hours of campaign play out of an FPS geared primarily for multiplayer ? You're insane. I'm liking the videos I've seen so far - this really does look like an improved redux of MW2. I'll probably buy it just to enjoy the campaign and see the multiplayer for myself. I haven't touched XBL in months, but this might be a good reason to start back up.
Wow. Those trailers look awesome. The game looks to be a bumped up version of MW2, and I don't view that as a bad thing. As someone already stated, the color palette looks colorful and vivid compared to the drab murky scenery in BO. The gun animations look badass, the gun sounds seem to be improved, and it looks like a lot of little details were improved on (the one I noticed immediately is how the screen changes when you've been wounded or flash banged). Does anyone know if the killstreaks will stack like they did in MW2? That seemed to encourage camping a bit, which I am adamantly against. The killstreaks themselves looks cool however, albeit some a bit gimmicky. I am anxiously awaiting November 8th. I have been feeding my fix by playing Black Ops this summer, and that is only because I fell into a clan with a bunch of people that are fun to play with. The game itself is shit, and I am looking forward to accurate hit detection and no shitty connection issues. Bring it on.
Same here. I got into playing with a couple groups of people who are all really fun and entertaining to play with. With MW3, it'll be the first COD title where I'll have opportunities to play with such people on launch day, as opposed to playing solo and becoming frustrated from not knowing anything about the game, and getting beat soundly as a result. Ranking up and learning the game's various nuances alongside a few friends will make the game more engaging for me. To be honest, that's about 95% of the reason I'm planning to buy MW3 at all.
I get your sentiment on the multiplayer focus but I agree with his argument. If the story mode can be beat in two weekday nights worth of playing, they didn't put much into it. That's a rental at best.
I agree with this as well. That's why I made the argument that people who are only interested in single-player ought to have an option to purchase only that portion of the game. Look, COD is a $60 title only - and I mean only - because of how wildly popular the multiplayer is. People wouldn't shell out that kind of cash otherwise. However, not everyone who buys the game is necessarily going to spend, literally, 20-30 days of their life playing it. As fun as the campaign is, that's all it is: a rental. Just like Portal 2.
Exactly. COD is the only console game I play, and it is 100% for the online gaming aspect. I didn't even make it halfway through the campaign in Black Ops before I said, "Fuck it" and jumped online. I played through zombies a couple times, and that was only when the PSN was down and I didn't have any other options. If Activision offered the ability to just buy the multiplayer component for say, $30 or $45, I would be all over it. As it stands I don't mind paying the $60 for the whole package due to the amount of entertainment I get for that $60. I equate that to a couple nights out at the bar, so if that same $60 entertains me for 20 days (and counting), I consider it a great investment. And I do understand why people enjoy playing the campaign/zombies/Spec Ops/etc. It would be nice, however, to buy only the part of the game that you want for a reduced cost.
To continue with the argument, consider the Singleplayer an introduction to the game, a chance to play with some guns and attachments for feel and some holy fuck entertainment. Then on top of that, there is Spec Ops (I don't count BO as a game) to play with friends locally or online if you choose which adds on another 5 hours. Obviously the multiplayer is the focus, but you can't take out the wonderfulness of the campaign. Anyway, if MW3 is MW2 with a spitshine and a few new maps, okay with me. I don't need a bunch of new shit, I really don't. I'll just happy to have the feeling and sounds of the game back. Just happy to have a gun that doesn't sound like a popcorn machine and an actual gun.
To go along with my new PS3, I found a sealed copy of Black Ops on Kijiji yesterday and ended up buying it for $30. I'm just going to dive into the multiplayer and get ready for Modern Warfare 3. Black Ops on the Wii is fun, but I'm ready to upgrade.
Jesus, that really does wrap up Black Ops in a nice minute-long video. It perfectly demonstrates what is wrong with the game and the people that play it... Camping? Yep (and most likely with Ghost Pro). Second Chance Pro? Absolutely. Ballistic knifing? You got it. The only thing keeping me sane right now is knowing that MW3 is right around the corner.
That's why the SPAS-12 and Stakeout are #1 and #2 on my combat record. You guys have been doing it wrong. Unfortunately, they refused to patch Second Chance for sniper rifles. Twats.
Fine. Let's fucking do this. It's time for a 'Road to Spas12-#1-on-Leaderboards'. That's about 15000 kills. Who's up for some rape?