The copy of Black Ops that I bought included a First Strike DLC code. Unexpected perk. And I've gotta say... Transitioning from a Wii Remote to a DualShock 3 is weird. I'd say I'm gonna be doing a lot of firing from the hip at first.
Wasn't all of that stuff in MW2? Cold-Blooded, Last Stand, and Tac Knife with Commando (which included a gun and a knife)? Why are those the three things that apparently make every person who plays BO a shitty asshole? I have never understood the constant whining about Ghost. Someone's using Ghost and camping in a building? Put a motion sensor down and see exactly where they are. Or, put the Blackbird killstreak on and light that motherfucker up like it was Christmas. Second chance/last stand has always been a dumb perk, but when someone's using that, that means they're not using one of that slot's useful perks like Marathon/Ninja/Hacker. If someone wants to waste their perk slot to get themselves (maybe?) four extra kills a game, they can go right ahead. As soon as I see one person using Second Chance, that changes the way I play the rest of that game by making me shoot between two and three more bullets. I can deal with that.
I'm already at 3700 or so. I'd totally be down for that. Too bad for me, my Xbox account expired a couple weeks ago, and I can't really renew it until MW3 drops. I have one of those 'life' things to worry about in the meantime. How can you tell who has the most kills for a particular weapon, anyway? Is that part of COD Elite? I don't recall the game showing those kind of leaderboards.
Black Ops may be inferior, but that shouldn't take away from the gameplay here. I'm not normally into COD montages (they usually feature shitty screamo music and sub-par gameplay), but this is cool. It's different, that's for sure. How someone can be so good with the M-14 or Python in that game, I have no idea. My favorite part, by far, was at 4:07. Count 'em.
*Rocking back and forth crying in the corner...constantly asking the same question..."Is it here yet? Is it here yet?"
Question to you, Pato, and all the other nerds here: any preliminary thoughts on what your go-to setup may be? Obviously, we can't know exactly how the game will play out until it gets here, but I've had some fun looking at the weapons list, perks, point streaks, and strike packages, wondering how they'll all stack up against each other. Since I've recently become almost a strictly S&D player, I'm thinking: SPAS-12 or KSG (what can I say, I'm become partial to shotguns) FMG9 (that machine pistol with the awesome fold-out sequence) Stun Grenade C4/throwing knife (because I'm one of those clowns) Extreme Conditioning Assassin Dead Silence Specialist Package: 2 - SitRep 4 - Quickdraw 6 - Blast Shield Soundwhoring, ferdayz. Thanks to Infinity Ward, we'll be reacquainted with how an FPS is supposed to sound. Also, I may use the FAMAS again, if they do it right and make it a burst fire weapon, like it was in MW2. That was probably my favorite gun in the game.
Ok I'm going to use this opportunity to ask you something that has been bugging me for a long time. I too am a fan of the 3-round burst guns (M16A4 was my go to on MW2, G11 on BO) but why do you take the FAMAS over the M16? M16 was a much more powerful gun and with stopping was a one shot kill from most distances. So why not the M16? I never really understood why anyone chose the FAMAS over the M16 in MW2.
Im thinking SOH Assassin Stalker Scavenger Overkill Stalker again I just use whichever assault rifle best suits my needs, and some sort of machine pistol. Mix and match on the tier one to see what fits best. I normally play moving but conservative, not run and gun. I will probably go with the support strike package, mainly because I play TDM and I can get multiple kills from a UAV. Am I the only one who is probably gonna pony up for the hardened edition? I feel like if you buy all the map packs your gonna have that much tied up in it anyway? Plus it will track my play specifically enough to help improve my game (I hope).
The increased accuracy makes a huge difference to me. My go-to class was a Sandy Ravage knockoff (SOH/SP/N), and I'd use it only during times when I'd play in the same manner he does (quick, long-distance gunfights). For me, a FAMAS + Red Dot Sight was noticeably more accurate and reliable than an M16 + RDS. With the latter, I'd end up taking more shots. I think it was because, as I said, the particular play style was one that utilized long-distance gunfights - long enough to put a premium on accuracy, I think. Maybe it's just personal taste, like the difference between and L96A1 and a PSG1 in Black Ops.
PM from another TiB member: MW3's Wikia is the best resource out there right now, at least until the game drops and people start making analysis videos on YouTube (and there will be many). You can check out the weapon proficiency, perks, and strike chains. Most of what you'll read out there right now, regarding how the game will play, is largely speculative and not worth bothering with. These links are pretty reliable, though. Some of the game's alleged weapons inclusions can be found here. Here is also a table of the perks. Keep in mind: Dead Silence in slot 3 is believed to fully counter Recon in slot 1. In other words, it doesn't work at all (as opposed to "as well," as it's stated in the link). COD is getting deeper down the rabbit hole with another turning point in the game's level of strategy. Some other cool stuff on there:
Since SOH doesn't allow faster ADS time anymore, and you seem partial to Stalker, it sounds like you might play while ADS a lot. Which sounds about right, given the statement in bold. I think that'd be a cool way to go. I've been wondering myself if Stalker could carve its own niche by bringing out a faction of players who primarily play while strafing. Stalker certainly seems like it has the potential to make the biggest impact in the game, for that reason. I'm gonna keep an eye on that after release day. If you're gonna play with a support class, you may even want to try Hardline, specifically Hardline Pro. Racking up assists that contribute to your point streak, in addition to not having to worry about streaks resetting, will allow you to play a bit more outside of your comfort zone (read: aggressively), thus picking up rewards faster and more frequently. Time will tell who will win the battle of 'UAV spam vs. Assassin.' It could end up just as heavily-favored as Ghost in Black Ops for the same reason, but I wouldn't discount that as a negative thing, if it were to even happen. I plan to. I've never anticipated a COD title this much before. I didn't play COD4 (my first of the series) until a few weeks after MW2 released. And I wasn't looking forward to Black Ops when it first released; I ended up buying it two weeks later anyway. Now that I'm a fan of (Infinity Ward's take on) Call of Duty, I figure I'll go all-out just this once and get the whole shebang.
I think that ADS is probably the number one reason I lose gun fights. You round a corner and encounter an enemy, generally the first one to get a bead is the winner. I like SOH because I am a chronic reloader. I tend to use way more bullets than necessary. I also like scavenger, because my play style is generally to find a position and lock it down. I don't "camp" in the sit in a corner sense, but I will confess to finding a defensible position and roam within that area. This especially reigns true in TD if I can get a few people to cooperate with me.
I suppose it'll depend on what makes you more comfortable for getting past that ADS issue: using Quickdraw to aim faster, or using Stalker to aim all the time and maintain mobility. One or the other should work; then you can have free reign over slot 2 or 3 for a complementary perk. On that note, I get way too nerdy about this stuff sometimes. I'm off to bed.
And it looks like I'll also get to use a bolt-action sniper after all. Sweet. This also gives you a glimpse at what the class setup screens will look like. I hadn't seen any footage until now.
Yeah, let's not use the L118A. Instead, look at this one; That is the most badass gun sound I've ever heard.
"Flashback-inducing?" Why, just because it looks like the L96A1? Besides, Rob doesn't fucks with semi-auto snipers. Bolt-action is where it's at for me.
Can't find the post at the moment but THANK YOU to whoever mentioned how much better TDM is than Dom in MW2. I used to only play dom but I jumped on TDM 3 days ago and have seen almost zero noob tubes. The only problem is that I've gotten myself severely addicted again and find that most of my free time is taken by MW2 now. This makes me so impatient for MW3, I just want it to get here already. I'm probably going to shell out for a solid headset since I don't have one, I've heard Turtle Beach is great but is that only for 360 or do they make one for the ps3 as well?
First, check out reviews on it for yourself - I love mine, and I've heard mostly good about TB, but I've heard some complaints here and there (though these do seem to be limited mainly to the kind of people who like to wear headphones that cost more than a top-of-the-line Ipod). As far as functionality, one set will be interchangeable between your Xbox/360, PS2/PS3. I bought the Earforce X11s and they work great for listening to music when I'm at the computer as well.
I use these. They're cheap as hell, do the trick just fine. Don't be fooled into thinking you need to spend more than $100. MW2 Dom is horrible nowadays. Plus the hackers are slowly but steadily coming back. Think I'll take a small break until MW3, can't fucking wait.