Exactly. If you aren't sure where that extra money is going, then it probably isn't worth it. Like Frosty, I have X11s and I love them. $60 from Best Buy, and considering how much I use them (read: every time I play COD, or Xbox in general), it's money well spent. Something to keep in mind about the above link: it's an excellent price, but there's no microphone. If all you're looking for is a headset, then I'll take Pato's word that they're worth it. Just bear in mind that you won't have a chat option. If that's not what you want, then $15 is a great price.
Same here, haven't booted up MW2 in almost a month, MW3 can't get here soon enough. Still deciding if the Hardened Edition is worth getting.
I've been back on the MW2 train for a while now. I still don't know about MW3... The fallout from Activision and IW still doesn't sit right with me. I don't want to give Activision my $$. Plus I'm not sure on the quality we're gonna see since all the talent resigned. Ultimately though, it's probably gonna come down to what most of my friends want to get.
For what it's worth, virtually every review I've seen out of COD:XP has indicated that it looks, sounds, and plays like a polished version of MW2. Regardless of who the developer(s) is/are, I think that's what counts. How it'll play in the long term has yet to be seen, but if it lives up to expectations out of the box, I'd chalk that up as a win.
OH EM FUCKING GEE <a class="postlink" href="http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/10/20/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3-multiplayer-strike-packages-bts-vignette?objectid=69474" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/10/20/ca ... ctid=69474</a>
Interesting ideas. Have a feeling the most powerful "strike" packages will become the ONLY used packages in the game. Kind of concerned if they will be balanced well. Still shaping up to be one hell of an arcade FPS.
My concern is the exact opposite. It gives you control of turrets and attack robots that actually allow campers to camp more. I'm pretty sure people will jump on the support where your streak doesn't reset when you die and you can control a turret. That's pretty serious shit right there. You put that turret against a good wall, set up claymores and take that shit over. YESSIR. Good move to add that third specialist. No killstreaks, just become a complete beast. racking up perks. I'm pretty sure they're going to nickname that the "Maltob." Giving you the ultimate "I'm running this shit" feeling is what we're all looking for here.
So you think more campers is better or aren't concerned about the abuse that could happen with unbalanced strikes?
I am looking forward to trying the third specialist deal out. It seems like there is some major potential there if you are able to beast on people a la Sandy Ravage. It sounds like IW has addressed some issues that plagued MW2, but I wonder what perks/killstreaks/etc. will become abused by people? My fear is that people will camp as bad as they do currently in BO, but I am praying that isn't the case. Either way, I am fucking pumped. 11/8/11 can't come soon enough.
A point of emphasis early on was to reevaluate the map design process. The biggest such flaw in Black Ops (while not a product of Infinity Ward) was the smaller, more confined maps. Compare Derail in MW2 to, for example, Summit in Black Ops. Yeah. With a wider map and a greater number of routes, it won't be as much of a concern to stumble upon someone watching a single doorway.
Is the hardened edition available for pre-order? I checked gamestop (I want to pick it up ASAP) and all I can find is the normal edition.
I pre-ordered my Hardened edition from Amazon with release date delivery on 9-29. I just checked Amazon again and it is no longer available for pre-order. Not sure why, standard edition is still up and available.
Now, for the sake of fairness, I do not think "campers" are actually a problem. It is a gameplay style. Not all of us like it, but people can play the game they want to, and grenades/noobtubes can clear them out. I believe there are more people who want to camp and there won't be a disproportionate amount of people using one class or another. It also rewards all types of players, not just the run and gunners. It will also make domination and CTF playable because people will actually be able to get points from objectives and pointstreaks to enjoy the gameplay. We gotta see if the assault class seriously just gets Predator, Airstrike, Harrier, Helicopter, Bomber, AC130 and Chopper Gunner. I doubt that. Then again, they haven't mentioned if they're adopting the killstreaks contributing to killstreaks yet.
<a class="postlink" href="http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Assault_Strike_Package" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Assault_Strike_Package</a> The rewards are also listed in the above link. Be sure to check them out.
In my eyes, campers = free kills. If you don't play like a pansy most campers suck at CoD in every way.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/10/27/weapon-progression-in-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/10/27/we ... -warfare-3</a> Pretty sure MW3 is going to shit all over BF3. Shit just got real.
Gotten quite a few pms/reps saying "I love the BF3 Ad that plays before the MW3 video." That was done on purpose by the marketing wing/Ad Agency that bought the media for EA. They specifically asked "We want pre-roll on every damn MW3/COD video that gets posted and ads placed on every single MW3 related article." So this is extremely easy and not a coincidence at all. It's called "conquesting". IGN runs all on ad revenue and probably worked out a great deal on this.
Robert Bowling answered some questions about the game. Here are his responses: Part 1 (won't embed for some reason) Part 2 I'm curious about whether Elite subscriptions are going to catch on and what it may mean for other shooters in the future.
I completely fucking forgot that the Hardened edition comes with the free year to that Elite shit which gives you the free maps. Now I have to look all over to find any extra reserves available at local stores. On another note, check this out: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.gamergaia.com/xbox360/2083-earn-a-prestige-token-for-modern-warfare-3-this-weekend.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.gamergaia.com/xbox360/2083-e ... ekend.html</a> Apparently, if you've prestiged at least once in any previous COD game (only works for Xbox and PS3 users attached to that specific account you'll be using for MW3), you gain a free prestige token which is the currency spent once you prestige in MW3 to buy extra shit, like class slots and double XP bonus time. You get one token per game that you prestiged at least once in, so one for COD4, WaW, Black Ops and MW2. If you already prestiged at least once, you're good and don't need to worry. If not, they turned on double XP for MW2 and Black Ops this weekend until Tuesday to give everyone a chance to hit max level to prestige.