My friend and I did some spec ops last night. Sweet Christ some of those are difficult. I don't know why, but we had the damnedest time disarming the nuclear sub, and that is one of the very first missions. This was only on the medium difficulty too. This might point to the overall question of the map size, but I seem to be having a difficult time gauging the scale of my minimap. I'll see a red dot near the edge of it and think "Ok, got an enemy a good distance away in that direction" and then POW POW POW, I'm dead and he was sitting maybe a second or two's worth of running from me. The game looks fantastic however, and I really like the gameplay. It seems to take forever to throw a grenade, but that's probably just frustration on my part.
I don't know about frag grenades, but semtex easily throw twice as fast as MW2. I've nearly killed myself a few times when I pulled the pin from behind a wall and threw it before I could turn the corner and stuck it right next to my face. Concussion and Flashbangs seem to throw slower though. And how badass is the Osprey Gunner? I ganked one from an enemy care package last night. It's a fucking emergency airdrop combined with a chopper gunner. And they are tough as shit to bring down too. They have 2 flares and take an additional 3 missiles from the weakest launcher to destroy.
Good it's not just me. The mini map seems to be way off compared to the last MW game. I try and judge where a red dot is compared to a near by object on the minimap, say a bus, and visually the bus will be a lot farther away than what is represented on the minimap. Something seems screwy about it, either it scale has been changed or how the dots are represented on it has been changed.
Not working for me either. I got the page that is supposed to display all my stuff to load once, but nothing had been put up on it. I'm interested to see whats under the "get better" tab. I've worked my way up to about level 23 now with: Blind Eye Quickdraw Stalker Scar-H Silenced/Kick Semtex/concussion and a 3-4-5 assault package. I've only really played mercenary and have had several games where I'm top performer at like 17-6 and some where I get spanked with a less than .5 KD. I chalk the real bad games up to playing maps for the 1st or second time. Maps seem pretty small and really crowded, especially Dome, fuck that map. But overall I'm really pleased with the game the hit detection is far batter than BO.
I meant that almost no one seems to be using them. I tried it out and anything other than a direct hit only does damage. None of that wiping out an entire room with one nube tube through a window or people holding down a building because they are noob tubing the shit out of every entrance. This is more of a personal issue but I hate what they've done to the M16. That gun used to be my shit in MW2 and they've made it completely worthless. Not only does it do a very mediocre amount of damage, the fire rate is too slow to get off more than 1 or 2 bursts in a given fire fight. It has no chance against any automatic weapon. I don't even see proficiencies helping much. Disappointing. I hope there is another 3 round burst in there somewhere because I loved getting one shot kills from all over the map and using it like a semi-decent shotgun in close quarters in MW2. In any case, I'm itching to play more but probably won't have time until the weekend. Fucking hell. Quickdraw Pro let's you throw all nades extremely fast.
I completely agree, the M16 was my bread and butter in MW2, I love the 3-Round burst rifles. I think the type 95 may have a 3 round burst, but I'm just getting that from a website, I haven't unlocked it in game yet. I mostly looking forward to unlocking the G36, the ACR and the M14. Depending on which one I like the most, I want to use a prestige token to 'perma-unlock' it. That has always been my biggest gripe about the prestige system is that I will find a weapon that perfectly suits my play style, but you don't get it until the last 20 or so levels. I never prestiged in MW2 because of this. I'm also looking forward to getting to know the maps better and getting all the right perks and equipment to snipe.
The Type 95 is a sweet 3 round burst, getting lots of 1 burst kills with it. So far, my favorite gun, just ahead of the L118 sniper. I feel like the UMP45 got a much needed nerf compared with MW2. I don't get the fascination with the SCAR, I feel I shoot far to many times to get a kill with it - just doesn't it my play style. Map wise, I dislike dome. Love downturn, underground and arkanden.
I like the SCAR, but I've never been in love with it. I usually lose my discipline and wind up in a lot of spray and pray situations.
The type 95 is my next AR unlock, and I can't wait. In MW2, the M16 with stopping power was my jam. The M16 is ok in this game. If you throw on the silencer and Acog at the same time, you can rock people's shit. You just need to have a machine pistol as your sidearm for close in stuff. I also like the throwing knife with it, for that kick reaction kill. Elite has been working better, as of the later hours tonight, but it still randomly kicks me out some times. The thing I'm confused about is that I'm supposed to get some kind of special "Founder Status" package with the Hardened Edition, but I can't register for it until after all the other mooks finish their shit on the 13th. Shouldn't a special-edition preorder get you benefits before other people? I like Dome, it feels like Rust. Also a fan of Interchange for either domination or kill confirmed.
Yeah I just unlocked the Type 95 and it pretty much is the FAMAS. Since I am told the FAMAS was better than the M16 in MW2 anyway, I'm excited to start getting proficiencies for it. I've only gotten Kick so far, but that doesn't really serve much of a purpose on a 3-round burst. That rapid fire attachment is awfully tantalizing. Sucks that it is the very last proficiency unlock. With that thing on there I imagine it working like the G35 did in black ops which was my go to for that game. And now I get to actually put some sights on it. God damn this game seems all set to royally fuck my GPA. Why couldn't they do a Christmas release?
Holy shit. Got sent the MW3 key by accident and decided on a whim to pay for and activate it, never having played CoD before (aside from a few hours of CoD2 at a friend's place). This game is fucking awesome. I'm a tad confused by the game selection, though. I understand that there are no dedicated servers, but is there a way to connect to a specific ongoing game?
No. It's kind of like Halo's matchmaking, they just try to match you with 11-17 other players (presumably with similar pings) and then throws you all into a game, or if not that it will just throw you into a game in progress that someone backed out of. Although in Halo it would try to match with with players of similar ranks, I don't think it does that here. I would think the reason most people are using the SCAR so much, at least the reason I'm using it, is it is one of the first AR's you unlock. With the weapon leveling and proficiencies that we've got now there is an even bigger reason to pick a weapon and stick with it as much as possible. As far as the prestige tokens from previous games works, I'm wondering if there was a cutoff date where they preloaded people's data. I went back and prestiged in MW2 since I was sitting at 70 on Monday, but it isn't giving me credit for that. Bummer, I was hoping for another token.
I was just telling Parker/Smythe this last night, I felt like the stopping power was poor and had to pump 3-4 more rounds into someone to get them to drop. The UMP feels good, with out the bullet penetration it is nerfed a bit. I am just starting out with the Type 95 (wish theyd have came up with decent names instead of a bunch of numbered guns, just call it a fucking FAMMAS). Fun gun, sounds awesome pre silencer. I feel like it could really help me tone down the run and gun that gets me killed ow so frustratingly often. My most hated levels so far are that turkish bazaar map(don't know the real name), it's all narrow alleys and multi level apartments. It looks kind of like a non bombed out Karachi with nothing but close quarters. I was wrong earlier there are a few larger sniper maps, one with african militants and one that is greener, kind of looks like a British Isles type area. Again don't know the names. They are big enough for some decent sniping, which I fucking hate, but again there is a much bigger focus on close quarters with the amount of buildings in them.
The Scar L has been really weird for me, maybe it is an accuracy issue, but sometimes I'll be chasing someone hitting them in their upper back and head, and they'll take awhile. But then I'll be shooting someone further away and they'll go down faster. The UMP45 Rapid Fire - Kick / Semtex+Flash / Blind Eye - QuickDraw - Stalker is my best class. I gotta learn how to jump and dive down better to avoid fire. Also, the mini-map issue has fucked me up a ton. Especially on Interchange (great map btw). My KDR is not where I want it to be. I really don't get how Maltob and Pato does the run and gun so well. I get how the spawns rotate through the map, and I try to run and move with the flow to flank them, but I ALWAYS get a guy that spawns behind me. Ridiculous.