I liked how the new episode was a (perhaps unintended) homage to The Hustler. Except, you know, with more stripping.
Anybody else crack up at Abed doing the Don Draper to Annie? Perhaps an upcoming spoiler to Mad Men? Honestly I haven't laughed that hard since Arrested.
This might be an overshare, but I'm not afraid to admit that grandma spanking Britta was fucking hot.
I love mafia movies. This was probably my favorite episode of what has become one of my favorite shows.
Goodfellas + the Godfather. Did anyone else catch the streets ahead joke? Click here if you thought it was just a throw-away line made up by the writers. It's a good idea to add @danharmon to twitter if you're interested in catching some of the more meta jokes.
This show has really found its legs. The little quick jokes like Troy saying, "just pretend to be asleep" when Shirley is confronting the group in this last episode are great. It took me a while to warm up to the show but now it's on my must watch list.
"My uncle was struck by lightning. You think it gives you superpowers but now he just masturbates in theaters."
Chang's gun was awesome. Not the tiger stripes, the fact that they gave it the sound effects of a fucking chaingun. Oh, and thank god they finally did it.
The Die Hard shot at the end was great. I don't usually fall for characters on TV (ahem, iczorro) but Britta is effing hot.