As I've heard elsewhere "Community is turning into live action Simpsons" and I have no complaints with that. And Donny Glover is a lot more ripped than I would ever have guessed. Took me by surprise.
"Okay, why did I think this would work?" I loved Troy's idea of a Dracula outfit. It was like every girl costume but in reverse.
"Make me proud. Be the first black guy to make it to the end." Agreed, that was one of the best Halloween shows I've seen. All the credit in the world to the writers. Even the quick side jokes are hilarious, like the dean's voice memos being mixed in w/ the playlist. "Check Netflix for that movie where Greg Kinnear's a ghost .. no an angel. Oh and something called human centi..."
Funniest line of the episode for me was at the end when Troy was listening to Chang's message: "Why did he call me?" That was gold. I love how the episodes usually end with an Abed and Troy gag.
What show or genre do you want to see them parody at some point? The Modern Warfare episode did it for me.
Sometimes I think I lost something really important to me and it turns out I already ate it Troy was epic in this episode. Along with Annies tits.
Agreed. Considering how much they show the dudes shirtless they could throw a bone to the fellas in the audience as well.
I actually Googled Bottle Episode, because I missed whatever explanation there was. Troy was definitely awesome. "Have you ever shown up to a Puppy Parade in the middle?" Abed's monotone delivery of verbally identified sarcasm was pretty fantastic as well. My favorite line, by far, was McHale's delivery on this exchange:
When they kept talking about bottle episodes, all I could think of is the Fly episode of Breaking Bad.
Last night's episode was awesome. Easily in my top 3. Spoiler The blanket fort ("He's in the Turkish district!") and the scene in the study lounge with the prop guns was an amazing premise. When Troy and Abed pulled the tube socks as a self-destruct, I lost it.
Agreed, amazing episode. It's really quality writing to set up a conspiracy and enjoyably solve it 4 pages/minutes later. The blanket fort seemed kinda awkward at first, I think they had to cut out some scenes, but the chase was amazing - the Turkish District, the Latvian Pride March and Britta's Eyes Wide Shut looking lounge were all equally hilarious. When the cop came in with a shotgun it was game-over, I had to pause it.
This week's episode started out great, but kind of fizzled out in my opinion. I'm paraphrasing because I haven't rewatched it, but Troy's line about bathing in manhood or something like that had me rolling.