And anxiety shouldnt qualify you to get a service animal and bring it wherever you want. If you cant fly, take a bus, go to the store, or do any other banal or mundane activity without freaking out, then maybe you should refrain from participating or find an alternative. That doesnt mean that anxiety isnt a real problem, it just means it shouldnt be a qualifier for a service animal. Ive personally overheard people talking about abusing those rules. Its for people with physical disabilities not "Im a narcissistic asshole who wants to bring my pet with me wherever I go" license.
One other thing about service animals...make sure they're reasonable. I saw a woman recently with a Great Dane wearing a service dog banner. She was having a melt down because there wasn't enough room in a crowded elevator for her and her dog. I'm pretty sure whatever the case for her needing a service dog could've been easily accommodated by a much smaller dog.
There are two classes of companion animals: service animals and emotional support animals. The former are highly trained, highly licensed, and have numerous laws that protect their use. If your dog had to go through a period as a puppy where he wore a vest that said "please don't pet me, I'm training" he's probably a service dog. The latter, while a legitimate thing, has no requirements to be considered one, and no legal protections. Unscrupulous people claim their dog is the latter in order to abuse the social deference given to the former, or the consideration given to people who legitimately benefit from the latter.
Abortion I have no trouble with it so long as the fetus isn't old enough to live outside the womb. My only wish was that there could be some mediation of the situation. It takes two to tango, correct? If it was a bad decision, then it was a bad decision made by two people. It shouldn't be just the woman's decision whether to abort or keep it. What if the female wants to abort and the dad wants to keep it? Isn't that a decision both should have a say in or at least have the opportunity to have a third party mediate? If women have the ability to physically abort the child without input from the other half, shouldn't the male have the ability to abort himself from responsibility? White Burden I never owned slaves. I never subjugated the natives. My family came here after slavery ended and they were dirt poor. I was the first person in my family to go to college and I worked full time while paying my own way save for a few scholarships. I have to do better to get scholarships, I have to do better to get placement, I have to do better to get the job. I get told that I'm a bad person because of my skin color, I get told I am treated better by everyone. I get told I am where I am for no other reason that I am white. I am told it is my privilege to be white. My work is discounted and I keep hearing that I need to do more for people of color because of things that happened before my family got here. This sounds like prejudice to me. This sounds like people trying to get revenge on others for the past. Everyone looks at the past in this country in a vacuum. America was the only place with these problems? America created slavery? America created colonization? Everyone wants to knock away the foundations upon which this country was built. I have bad news for everyone of that mindset; the people you blame for your problems are also the ones that organized and built the world you live in. If it weren't for those same white people, there is no telling where you would be but I'm sure by looking at other parts of the world today, it wouldn't be better.
Thanksgiving. Christopher Columbus was a dick. Settlers did their damn best to wipe out the Native American population. I hate the way Thanksgiving is treated and Columbus is celebrated like a hero.
I think that, while there can be exceptions, if you're consistently on a diet without a specific medical reason to do so, you just have an eating disorder. If you're actually overweight and you plan a short-term diet with specific goals and you stop once you reach those goals, sure. If you're diabetic or have Celiac's or your blood pressure is high so your entire diet is going to be perpetually restricted, sure. But if you're never not "on a diet" or "watching what you eat" then nah, you just have an eating disorder. And I don't mean people who are generally health-conscious and try to maintain a good ratio of "food that's good for you" and "food that's bad for you" and care about portion control and things like that. I mean people who do things like stop eating carbs or sweets or bread altogether, and if they do they feel really guilty about it or they need to run to the gym to frantically work it off, or who are always counting calories. Dedicating that much of your mental and emotional capacity to your food and your relationship with food and having your life controlled so much by what food you can and cannot eat is not healthy. It doesn't matter that the diet itself may be better for you, you're still unhealthy in a different way, mentally rather than physically. I see no difference between the person who doesn't think it's that bad to eat an entire cake in a sitting and the person who makes themselves throw up after eating a piece of cake and the person who won't ever eat a piece of cake at a birthday party because it's bad for you. Pointing at someone who's not at their thinnest because baking brings them a lot of joy and declaring them to be less healthy than a thinner person who has to perform all sorts of mental gymnastics to figure out whether or not they "deserve" a piece of cake is fucked up. And I think that the rebranding of the weight loss industry as the "health" industry is contributing a lot to masking a shit ton of disordered eating in our society. I think it's dumb to cook/heat up your food until it's so hot that you're physically unable to eat it. I don't want to have to sit there waiting ten minutes for my food to cool down to a temperature that I can comfortably eat it. Please don't serve me food that's piping hot. I heat up leftovers until they're pretty much just not-cold from being in the fridge, and never wait until the water actually boils to make tea. I just need the heat to do it's job and then that's enough from you, heat. If I'm ever out to dinner and I send the food back to the kitchen because it's not hot enough, that'll be the sign that I've had some kind of psychotic break or I've joined a cult or I've grown a brain tumor.
It's the woman who has to carry it, birth it, and 99% of the time, raise it. Nah, he gets no vote. If he wants a child that badly, he can find a woman who wants one too.
I used to microwave leftover pizza until I got a pizza oven. Microwaving is for poor people who can't afford a pizza oven.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza to get cold. Just like there is no such thing as leftover beer to get warm. Beer and Pizza must be consumed in its entirety at the initial sitting.
The best way to reheat a slice is in a toaster oven. For us normal people that do not have a pizza oven at home (?). WTF is up with that shit?
Thats what happens when you only have $200 dollars in your checking account. Amiright, @ballsack? Toaster oven is the way to go I think as well. You can also do a cast iron pan with a little spritz of water in the oven at 350.
Something that looks like this: You've never seen a pizza oven before? Enjoy your soggy microwaved pizza with the rest of the plebs, then.