It's very easy to understand. This shows you the stark contrast from Football and Soccer with Rugby. Guy breaks the rules, gets roughed up and still gets a penalty. Rugby is a hooligans game played by gentlemen and when you are wrong you are wrong; that is all that matters. EDIT: Just to be clear; that is the captain of South Africa mashing the guy's face who broke the rules and he still is not penalized. If you are curious as to how violent this game is, the Captain is Eben Etzebeth:
All I know about rugby is that when I was in Thailand and had no sports I was used to watching, I watched rugby on TV. It was some sort of world championship series and I found myself rooting for the All Blacks because they were just steam rolling everyone. I mean wiping them the fuck out. I'm pretty sure they actually killed a few of the opposing players. It got to the point that I would be out sight seeing, look at my watch, and announce "Gotta go, the game's on." As near as I can figure the game is a glorified "Smear the Queer" from my childhood. Everyone lines up in opposing inverted triangles and grunts and shoves like water buffalo for a while. Then some unlucky bastard gets stuck with the ball and everyone tries to kill him. Literally kill him. It's fascinating.
If you spend 5 minutes watching an "introduction to rugby" video, the game will suddenly snap into focus. When I played, it was that way for almost all of the girlfriends... totally bored until the rules were explained to them. It really does make a huge difference. Go figure.
It was interesting enough without knowing the rules. What would make it even more interesting is if the players had weapons.
On our high school rugby team, some of the guys made their own "custom" cleats in shop class. Ones with better gouging abilities. Have you ever met a pro rugby player? They ARE weapons.
They should be scattered across the field to be picked up at random by the athletes/killing machines. I want to see things like "Did not play--Mace Injury" next to one of the players in the box score.
Focus: Physician-assisted suicide for the terminally ill. If you're not recovering, your quality of life is non-existent, and you are just waiting for your body to stop working, you should be able to shut down that program on your own terms. Not the government's. Not sure how controversial that opinion is on the board, but it certainly is where I live.
Death threats no longer mean shit. Threatening somebody to their face is one thing but because of the Internet, death threats are as easy as ordering a glass of water, and a trademark of bored trolls. Nowadays whenever I hear some asshole’s lawyer whining to the press about how “My client is receiving death threats” all I can respond with is “Oh, so literally nothing happened?”
See, I think this is a big issue. They should be taken seriously, as if they were said to your face. For that matter, you have no idea if that anonymous hater is a sociopath with a gun, or just a 12 year old tough-talking girl with an attitude problem. You usually have no way of knowing, and it seems like playing the odds is not a smart thing to do if you have a family, etc. The internet is becoming a sewage dump because too many people are saying shit without any consequences, and it just keeps ratcheting up and up. It's bad enough that the news, the President, etc., are all saying shit without being held accountable for it. If more people were held accountable for the shit they said online, it would help make it a better place. People can still libel someone online, very, very effectively and with great impact, so people should be held accountable for threatening speech online as well.
Accountable how though? Death threats and other threats of violence, ok, I'm with you on that, but any restriction of speech beyond that is fascism in my mind. I don't care how hurtful what someone said is. Certain activists have been trying to regulate speech on the internet for awhile now, and frankly it's a little scary how many people think it's a good idea.
A favourite of mine is the “ban all comment sections” crew. As long as you prevent criticism from happening, then negativity can’t possibly exist.
I never said make people pay for hurting your feelings or for all speech. Make them accountable like the law calls for in meatspace, nothing more, nothing less.
I’d eat at a restaurant called MeatSpace. Probably wouldn’t go to a night club called MeatSpace though.