Was that an actual quote, or are you just guessing that he will sound like that? Wow, he is right on top of it.
The cases here in Mass have doubled overnight, with new cases in the town next to mine. The same town my commuter rail line stops at in 2 places. Great...
I'm getting pretty concerned about an upcoming trip to Barcelona.... getting quarantined (or sick) would be pretty inconvenient, so would not being able to do fun stuff because rules and shut downs. The number of cases doubled over the weekend, which also isn't inspiring a lot of confidence. All that being said, it will take a lot for me to say nevermind to a meal at El Celler de Can Roca. Here's to hoping it gets better and not disastrously worse in the next 3 weeks?
From what I can glean, the virus WILL spread. The current emphasis is on slowing the spread, and not letting the spread overwhelm local medical facilities. I'm seeing things around here oddly empty, from the gym, to a movie (Onward at 4:30 yesterday had 6 people in it), to restaurants with a 1/3 of the lunch/dinner rush missing. I think a lot of folks are just staying home: we're being encouraged to work remote for any excuse and cancel travel/vacations. I'm seeing a bunch of events and trainings cancelled right now, as well. How long before the cumulative effects of this amount to a recession? Most of the indicators I've seen (stock market, house/car sales, bond sales, etc.) are pointing to "we're in a recession already", with the exception of unemployment numbers. Is this a recession in all but name?
Friend of mine just got back from Italy and she said it was DEAD. Restaurant with 1200+ Five star reviews had them and one other couple in it.
I think we're in it already. The stock market dropped so goddamned fast that they stopped trading for a bit. Anyway, people not spending money prevents companies from making money, who then have to let people go, who then can't spend money, who then lose their homes, etc. I'm getting scared and pissed how many people are attacking Asians and Asian owned businesses. Apparently some people went to a pho place literally a 3 minute drive from my house and started yelling "ching chong coronavirus" at the people working there.
That's horrendous. I'm sorry that people are racist, bigoted garbage piles. It's amazing how a little bit of fear exposes the worst in a lot of people. Also everyone should know that pho is the #1 most best food for when you're sick, just get that shit delivered and don't share your germs. 2020: People are trash, the world is on fire, the economy is going to collapse and you're probably going to die!
Yeah, I fly out to Vancouver tomorrow for a week and there's absolutely NO hand sanitizer to be found in this city. Everywhere is sold out. It'll be interesting to see what the airports are like, seeing as I connect through Calgary, which has a few new cases that have hit the news in the last few days.
It's COVID. Come on dude, keep up. But really, they say that 80% of the cases will appear like a moderate cold/flu, so I really am curious as to how many people that think they have a cold or the flu actually have COVID? Odds are very good that they were not tested, so are only basing it on their symptoms.
I was reading that in Italy, a lot of the people who died, died from interstitial pneumonia. I wonder what the public health situation in like over there. I know its stereotypical, but a lot of Europeans do the double cheek kiss hello. I wonder if the overall close-knit culture mixed with lots of mass transit seen in many european population centers could contribute to higher numbers than we could see here.
I'm on the tail end of a nasty cold that lasted way longer than it should. But it was definitely a cold, it's just that season. It was all sinus pressure, congestion, and snot with a little sneezing. The covid-19 is supposed to have a fever and a cough. I could see it being confused with the flu though.
The message to us Canadians these days seems to be "stop being so close to each other for the next little while". Stop shaking hands, hugging, etc. Keep your distance. My family is going to a funeral (with tons of old people) next weekend, and we've already had the talk of "don't touch, hug, etc, ... fist bump and wave". Get in, don't touch, get out. Call out someone who falls into normal habits like touching their mouths, etc. It's really like replacing a whole life's muscle memory, and I can only imagine how impossible it is for someone even more touchy-feely than we are, like the Europeans.
You’re not really *in* recession until it’s been 6 months of it already happening. It’s 2 consecutive quarters of economic decline. A few wild weeks in the market doesn’t make a recession.
My mother is starting a really aggressive round of chemo treatments just today and I've already told her not to leave the house other than to go to her appointments. I was originally supposed to go visit her this coming weekend to see how she was fairing, but even though I've been fine, having two kids in my house under the age of 9 still makes me apprehensive to be around her since it seems kids are more likely to appear asymptomatic with this particular strain, but could also be carriers.
That’s possibly why Italy is so dosed right now. Those people are sex machines, even their TV commercials push the borders of soft core porn. In some places here like you said, it seems like they’re trying to program hypochondria into people. Being cautious and hygienic of course can’t hurt, but don’t tell me not to hug my kid. My family is not becoming Howie Mandell inside our own four walls.
It was literally the most weird cultural thing when I lived in China we had an expat friend that was from Italy. He did the double cheek kiss every time you said hello and goodbye. Coming from a culture that has a 3 foot personal space radius and you get #MeToo'ed for breaking it having someone physically kiss both cheeks was odd. Now the Chinese let their babies shit and piss in the streets but you could just avert your eyes and step over it. Thinking about it, no wonder both these countries are the epicenter for this virus.
Worth noting that today Italy has literally quarantined the entire country. They told everyone to stay at home until early April. so much for kissy kissy
I received a notice today that my mother’s nursing home is under voluntary quarantine. No visitors other than health care providers. At least now I have a legitimate excuse.