yeah I’m struggling socially. I’m a very social person and my job is extremely difficult to do from home. Drives me crazy not seeing my coworkers, but I’m slowly returning to the office. The schools are doing great and handling things extremely well. I’ll deal with it given the circumstances and am immensely proud we haven’t had to lay off a single person. My wife is very anti-social and is loving that part of it though. Overall I’m extremely impressed with how well this has all gone. I thought it was gonna be a magnitude of times worse.
I haven't checked in much in the last couple days. I would like to point out that I do, indeed, also like titties.
Id say my stress is down somewhat all do to the fact that my commute has shortened to 15 minutes each way. Hell my normal commute wasn't even THAT bad compared to others but 25-30 minutes of stop and go traffic is infuriating to the max. There is a set of highway patrol that are in the same place each and everyday a mile or so after I first get on the highway then it's smooth 95+ all the way to work.
I havent had any anxiety issues until recently and I dont know why, and its starting to manifest into weird OCD tendencies.
I am grateful for this time off, I needed a reset of sorts. I didn’t realize how stressed I was until all of this happened. I am still on furlough but I am not going back to that company. I felt an obligation to stay because of the special needs people I helped but I can still go visit on my time and skip the bullshit. Thankfully we are comfortable enough that I can take some time and figure out what’s next.
so this is a thing and it’s something to be mindful of. My doctor warned me that people who haven’t had anxiety in years (or not at all) are having it come back in force. The OCD stuff is just your way of controlling things you can when everything seems out of your control. My wife does it with cleaning — cheaper than a maid, just stress her out and the whole house gets detailed in a few hours.
Ive been spikes in anxiety/OCD before I go to bed. I realized the other day it’s taking me almost an hour to go lay down because I’m doing/checking random stupid shit. I’m not going to get on meds or anything, but it’s been weird and a bit concerning. Last night I was able to settle down without issue, but it’s been an odd few weeks for me.
I think it’d be weird if someone didn’t get anxiety right now. We’re living through a goddamn global pandemic. This is the worst event of our lifetimes, likely our parents and grandparents lifetimes as well unless they saw literal war. That would cause anxiety in people who aren’t prone to it. That being said, if it does start to concern you, please don’t hesitate to talk to a doctor. I take some background stuff for it just in case, to have in my system. Plus an anti-brain seizure med that also is anti anxiety. As much as I’m not a fan of the taste of it, chamomile tea works for me if I can’t go to sleep.
I fucking hope its the worst thing thats going to happen, but I think theres going to be a bunch of wars by the end of this decade. That aside, Im debating on whether mine is bad enough to warrant talking to someone. I guess it couldn't hurt? It has not been debilitating or anything, but its definitely been ramping up a bit. Ive never spoken to a therapist in my life, so I dont really know what to expect. When I had a real bad night, I would take a low dose weed edible and I would just drift off to sleep a little high, which was a nice way to shut things off. But thats not sustainable, Im out of edibles and the recreational pot shops are closed for now.
Y'all heard about the killer hornets that are now a thing?
My therapist has been crucial to the last few months. They are doing online sessions now, which makes it even easier. Can't hurt to open a discussion for better coping mechanisms. My current one is my third in the last 5 years. PM me if I can help give you some background. Also, surely some edible shops will deliver?
(posting this because I’m sure there are other people in your position as well) You can just call your GP and they’ll either refer you to a psychiatrist or prescribe something over the phone depending on how they are and your symptoms. Anti anxiety meds /=/ talk therapy necessarily. You can do one without the other, or both. All depends on the person and what helps them. Also, if it is even a bit concerning now, I wouldn’t wait “until it gets bad” because then it’s too late. A lot of the stuff takes a bit to get into your system, and you need it for when it does get bad, not after. What you hear on the news are people ODing on heavy benzos and the like and the super strong stuff being over prescribed. While that does happen, reality is a ton of people are on super low dose, fairly benign stuff like lexapro and it’s generic form. You just never hear about it because it’s another tool in the tool chest. Plus, you know, anxiety can weaken the immune system and exacerbate issues like COVID.
Unfortunately not, they closed all recreational dispensaries and operations until June 29th. Weed isnt fully legal in CT, NY or RI, so they did it to prevent people from coming across state lines. Solid points, Ill check it out.
I had a lot of anxiety in the beginning my wife is a nurse. I don’t want to lose my job. Who in the fuck is going to watch my kids? I don’t want mom and dad to die. I couldn’t sleep. I wasn’t eating. Then things mysteriously worked out. My kids day care stayed open for essential workers. The doctors my wife works for set her up so she doesn’t have to see patients. Grandma and grandpa are doing great. One of my work projects was maintaining the website for a chain of urgent cares. I’ve had requirements from them that’s kept me doing over time. my stress level is at an all time low. I’m sleeping more and spending more time with my kids because I no longer have a commute. I feel great. The main issue is I’m bored. I can’t find anything that interests me. There are no sports. Everyone has a bad political take. I can’t go anywhere. I can’t eat anywhere. I can’t hang out with my friends. I can’t go to the gym. And the weather on the weekend has been cold and rainy so I can’t do outside projects. I guess I’m blessed that this is the worst problem I have.
Getting pretty anxious. Our business has dropped in half and I see it getting worse before it get's better. Thankfully the wife is still working and we have a little nest egg to live off of if it get's that bad but most of our employees don't have that luxury. I've had friends laid off, friends who have had to take pay cuts, friend's restaurant is on life support etc. All for an infection rate of .07%. Yeah yeah, flattening the curve yada yada yada
As a person with terrible sleep habits and a reasonable amount of evening anxiety, I have found that routines and good placebos are very helpful. Do I think taking inositol and CBD and drinking a cup of herbal tea is having a massive impact physiologically? Probably not. But they might be doing something and that, in conjunction with the ritual and placebo of it, work pretty well for me. If you haven’t tried some little ritual things like that it might be worth a go. It at least makes you feel like you have a little control and can do something about it.
I know that downndirty and Jimmy James are going to red-dot the hell out of me, but I think that shutting down the economy was a big overreaction that is only going to further shift the balance of wealth in this country. I work in an essential industry, and Jungle Julia is working from home, but a lot of people DON'T. A LOT of people are going to be losing their houses, cars, etc., and guess who's going to swoop in and get all of that stuff? Banks. Real estate companies. THE WEALTHY. I think that life could have gone on just fine with a mandatory mask order.
“Researchers have named them Murder Hornets” ...researchers who are what, 19 years old? They already have a fucking name. Japanese Hornet. I know the Eighties are a real “thing” these days, but can media lay off 80’s-style killer insect panic?
The risk isn't to humans directly, the risk is that bees in the United States (native bees and imported European honeybees) have no meaningful defenses against them and could get wiped out by the colony if the hornets aren't eradicated. There's a crazy video on youtube where 30 Japanese Hornets wipe out a colony of 30,000 honeybees in a little over three hours. That could have serious knock on effects on pollination and crop yields if it's widespread enough.