Texas is allowing gyms to re-open after the 18th. Except when they do open, everyone in there has to wear gloves (including when you lift), and the equipment has to be sanitized after each person uses it. My brother owns a gym and is freaking the fuck out right now. People are gonna expect him to be open and running and have it all figured out. Meanwhile, Texas is like "here, you can open, but the logistics of it are gonna make opening fucking impossible." That's the gym I go to -- it also has a bar in it, which Texas still hasn't put a date on opening yet -- and I'm content to exercise at home and not die or spread covid. I absolutely don't think opening them right now is the right decision, but I do think it's hilarious.
Massachusetts is shutdown until at least June 1. Schools are closed for the year and daycares closed until June 29.
Just went through the local Taco Bell drive-thru. There were people eating inside. I guess Idaho is open for business again.
I'm not going to a single place that I don't have to. Fuck this "open at all costs" bullshit. The second spike will be worse.
Total Wine and Lowes really impressed me. San Antonio and the people there are handling it really well and I feel comfortable, though cautious there. Smaller towns, yeah, fuck that. The place I was referring to where my co-worker went fishing was Corpus Christi. You know they're idiots down there under normal circumstances. Sounds like they're about to experience something worse than any hurricane.
Imagine having to wipe equipment down at the gym. They’re fucking IDIOTS. Make friends with your old P90X DVDs instead, how is any of it worth it?
It may talk to you, but your P90X DVD doesn’t hear you going “AHHH!!! NNNGH!! YEAH!! GET IT!!” Spoiler but neither does the dead hooker amirite? HEYO!!
Don't know how it's worth it. I'm used to wiping down equipment like with a towel where I sweat, common courtesy, but not to the level of completely sanitizing it. I have a spin bike, a cheap non-adjustable bench, a set of adjustable dumbbells and some old tires to throw around. When you don't have much to work with, you get creative. I'm actually lifting a lot more now than I was when they were open before all this. Nothing to do but eat, sleep, work and workout. Plus this delicious pumpkin pie protein shake is back in stock on amazon. I'm very happy right now.
For down here, yeah. On the larger end of small town, but not a major city. It's the 8th largest in Texas by population. If you're looking at a map that includes several states, it likely isn't gonna be named. Where I live isn't even on the list, which goes to 68, so it's a really small town, though I figure it'd probably still be quite large by Idaho or Nevada standards. Corpus is probably a major city in another state. Which means that yeah, some places are gonna get absolutely screwed by people not giving a shit about covid. What I think of as a small town being hammered by opening up and people not caring about extra sanitation, still means that hundreds of thousands potentially are gonna be infected, or at least exposed.
I don't understand this. Things are not reopened fully at all. They don't know what will happen with a second wave but they are winding down the task force. Why would they not follow this and keep advising?
Damn. For comparison, I'm back in my hometown which has grown much to big for my liking, it's population is now 7500. The closest town to me when I lived in Mississippi had a population of 500 with 8000 in the entire county. You can imagine how out of place and miserable I am in the Vegas valley with like 2 million people.
My entire province has a population of 158,000. Corpus Christi would be pretty big to me. Although living on a small island has it’s disadvantages, right now it’s a great place to be. We’ve only had 27 confirmed cases and 25 are recovered. Zero deaths and not one hospitalization. All 27 cases were travel related, no community spread at all. Of course it’s pretty easy to lock down when there’s only 1 road in, our airport is the size of a large house and 2 ferry’s a day.
I've played guitar more in the past month then I have in the previous 10 years. I'm not sure that's a positive thing since my alcohol tolerance seems to have doubled. Playing music and drinking has always gone hand in hand for me.
To give everyone a visual representation of all the stupidity going on down here, this happened over the weekend at Lake Travis. Austin, not a small town. Fortunately the dude who pushed him has been arrested. Park rangers can fuck your shit up if they want to, and sounds like that dipshit is getting what's coming to him.
The playing music more thing is definitely a GOOD thing. I was hoping to hear that from musicians. But the drinking more thing.... I personally would take a more “drink the same as usual” approach. I’m still at least saving any booze for Friday and Saturday nights, despite not having a job anymore (I am now laid off for good, thanks for the email). while you got the time, attack anything or everything that you need to have done. If not, hone your skills that you have. My kid’s been trying to do the entire sidewalk on our street in art. She draws obstacle courses on the slabs and yells at pedestrians to try it out.
I saw that. Fucking disgusting. It’s not like this was some teen prank, the snivelling prick that did it was 25 years old. That kid was being polite, doing everything properly and he gets treated like they’re petulant toddlers on a playground. I’m so glad the backlash swung in the right direction. Government employee doing their job, fuckhead. That’s felony assault and interference.
My county has 10,000,000. If it were its own country it would be the 19th largest economy in the world. This is why I ignore all those "counties won" election comparisons; if Loving County, Texas was the size of Earth, we'd be a third the size of the Sun.