As a computer programmer, I am LOVING working from home. My job is custom made for this. For the last 9 years I've been working in my city's downtown. Parking downtown is an expensive nightmare so I bus it. The first 5 years, I owned a townhouse in an affluent community and the commute was fine. Then I moved to a house. Bigger home, bigger yard, more of a blue collar neighbourhood. Wow, is the difference between public transportation between the rich ¬ rich ever night & day. Downtown is a 10 min drive. The bus is 45 min one way, and goes dead center through the city's grimiest hood so it's constantly full of drunk/high, disrespectful fucks. Also, the rich bus was never more than 5 min late. Now it's routinely 15 min late, and quite a few times just hasn't shown up at all. Plus our downtown is crowded and the shopping sucks so while I'm there I hate it. So I save about 2 hrs of my day. 1.5 hr commute, another 1/2 hr since I don't need to look so pretty. My laundry is cut in half without traditional work clothes. Everyday I go for a 45 min walk at lunch, and now that I'm home the dog and wife get to come with me. I have a full fridge if I get hungry, a TV when I need a break. I can do chores when things are slow. We're due for a baby in 6 months, so I can be around more to help with that. They're going to have to drag me back to that office kicking and screaming. Which the may do. The only, single, solitary con is that I work in a team with 2 other people. They keep implementing designs and changing my shit for the worse without consulting me when I'm not there in person to hear what they're up to. So thrice now I've found code put in without me seeing it that's complete garbage, so I have to rollback and redesign it properly, which is way harder and more time consuming than if it had just been designed properly in the first place.
When I quit and went to work for myself, people constantly asked me if the money was worth the stress. Not especially, no. However, the 5 minute commute is for sure. I’m home playing catch with my kids before my friends have even left the building in downtown Atlanta to start their hour commute. There isn’t a single way to boost your quality life more than to have no commute. Traffic is a slow death that you’re paying for.
This is my biggest fear about "growing up" (which I suppose I should have already done by now). My whole adult career I've intentionally lived within biking distance of work, so even with a moderate commute (30 min) that's 30 min of exercise each morning and evening instead of sitting in a car.
Before all this hit I was going to one of our locations 3-4 days a week. A bit of a drive. 1 hour each way if I didn't hit traffic. Anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours if there was an accident or traffic sucked, which it frequently did. Figure each day I spent about 3 hours in the car. Needless to say I was happy to get home and get to the gym. Though I'll still take driving over sitting at home at my desk. I enjoy being in the car and listening to sports radio and laughing at people with road rage and the rubberneckers looking at someone change a flat for the first time.
I got the call to return to work. On Monday. I had to explain that I'm 1200 miles away and I need a bit more notice then 3 days. So I go back on the 18th. The governor said the state might start opening back up after the 15th and I've been following new cases in the state....they haven't flattened anything, it's more like a roller coaster. So I'm kind of surprised they wanted me back on the 11th. It'll suck losing my unemployment "Raise", but I'll happily trade that extra $600 a week for having a job to return to. Not to mention that I'm going nuts sitting around doing nothing.
Las Vegas economy is really starting to open up again? I thought everything was basically dependent on the casinos, which are like the last place that should open up ever? In other COVID news, I think we now know @Nettdata's actual identity. You're move, Clark Kent Jr.
Is there any rural area in the U.S. where people are sane? I just received this steaming pile of shit in my inbox from a coworker. I don't think I'll have any friends left when this thing is over because I can't deal with the insanity any longer.
Las Vegas is more then The Strip. My job is in the medical field and I have to deal with offices in 38 states, some opening up, some not. I wasn't expecting to be called back to work so soon since the governor said the state wasn't going to start opening up until at least the 15th. Apparently my job opened back up. As far as the Vegas economy opening up, from everything I've read it's still locked down tight. Except my job. I can't wait to stand in line to enter a store and find the shelves emptied. Yay.
I hadn’t been on Facebook in months until yesterday. I lasted about 10 minutes as so many people I know were trying wax poetic about the possibility of that fucking video being the reality... I didn’t know so many of my acquaintances were actually retarded.
I dont even need to click the link to know what video you're talking about. My brother-in-law is heavily promoting it. I may have to get a divorce.
Never realized how many complete idiots there were until this happened. I mean I get it, in a way -- when everything seems out of your control and there are no real answers, you make your own answers and cling to anything that seems remotely logical. But still, the people I see falling for this shit are otherwise smart, logical people. They've all gone fucking batshit. Maybe one of the symptoms of COVID is joining a MLM scheme and listening to InfoWars?
The bitch in the video has no job, and also has no free time to debate anybody about it either. The Anita Sarkeesian method: state some lies, ask why nobody can debunk them, then spend the rest of the time never defending it again and declaring it true.
At least the Bakersfield video was two actual doctors who were just really shitty at statistics. It wasn't some wild eyed conspiracy about how Anthony Fauci is secretly Senator Palpatine.
I had a patient call this morning start asking me what I thought about plandemic and when she didn’t like my response she started talking about John of God. It was Not Great. If I wasn’t so sure I’d be lambasted for it I would insert facepalm emoji here.
She’s a disgraced scientist who was forced to retract paper(s) after she was found to be falsifying data. One of my normal friends on Facebook posted a brilliant refutation with links to actual studies and facts. And now my apoplectic rant: This video makes me absolutely furious. I’ve spent nearly my entire life in the pursuit of science and the pursuit of facts and knowledge - studying, experimentation, research (real research where you actually have to read something and judge its veracity), and career built on scientific and engineering principles. The fact that mouth breathing idiots watch a 30 minute video by some lunatic and suddenly think they’re fucking experts with all of the answers , and are in any way qualified to discuss any aspect of our current situation makes me fucking insane. Fuck you to hell you ignorant fucking morons. And go suck on a ventilator while you’re at it.
All it gave me was high blood pressure due to the stupidity. I was not nice to the sender and she's a good friend.
Where the fuck did we go so wrong, that we let stupid be this stupid and in such large numbers? I would love to see some scientific studies around that... seriously... if anyone knows of any, I'd love to see them...