it's worth noting that the main reason behind Italy's quarantine is to slow down the spread of infection because the hospitals are getting too clogged up too fast; they can't give proper care to everyone coming in. It's not about death rates, it's about the speed with which it is spreading and overloading their healthcare system.
They’re almost twice the population of our country in a VERY small area. I completely understand the crackdowns there, at least they aren’t pretending it’s fake.
Makes complete sense. And that really sucks. Had to calm down a family member today who heard from someone else, who had a friend who says she just got back from Wuhan and says she heard that the coronavirus was a man-made disease by the chinese that was specifically targeted at the elderly as a form of population control. Completely convinced this was true because it sounded plausible. I thought the Internet was supposed to make people smarter?
I heard that one this morning from someone at work, just wanted to throw shit at her. She's also the same sort of person who talks about eating healthy and not eating meat but eating heaps of chocolate bars out of the brew fridge.
The bigger issue is that it could actually be a make-or-break moment for the EU too. Italy never really recovered from the 2008 Recession, and now that the economy there is grinding to a halt, if the EU cuts off credit from the central banks to stop the spread of the economic impacts or handles it incorrectly whatsoever, it could start a domino-effect of confidence loss by other member states who then may follow the UK out the door.
Has anybody but Germany honestly benefited from the existence of the EU, just in general? Because this “union” seems to have made quite a few once-great nations to hit the proverbial Skids.
Turkey and Russia. Germany will only be able to control the mountain of sovereign debt for so long. Anyone else think that without the internet there would be a worldwide economic collapse at this point? What would people be doing if they couldn’t work at home?
How cheap is everybody’s gas right now? Here it’s the lowest I’ve seen in at least five years, it’s now close to the same prices as when I started driving a car. I’m guessing this is a Kung-Flu fighting?
I've gotten four emails within the last hour regarding COVID-19, including one that states Trump is considering pushing back tax day, and another one with an article about how one attorney from NYC infected FIFTY people. What. The. Fuck.
I'm amazed at the amount of activities and events that are being canceled or "postponed". I was supposed to go out of town this weekend for two major gigs. Not anymore.
Gas prices haven't budged here. Although it would spike 10-15 cents in an hour if someone in the Gulf sneezed wrong. Funny how that works.
CDC numbers are bullshit, thanks to political interference from "Pray it Away" Pence. Unofficial estimate is 10k cases by this weekend. Conservative estimate is we are missing 10% of cases. Could literally be double that, we don't know. All things continuing as we are seeing now, 100k plus cases in a few weeks... We are on the far left of an exponential growth curve. The bottleneck we are aware of is insufficient ventilators and uneven distribution. Stay home and flatten the curve is the best solution being discussed right now.
Gas prices are sub $2/gallon here. The real savings are in the $350 round trip tickets to Paris. I've never seen prices like that before. When I first went to Europe in 2006, I paid $800ish round trip to fly economy. It almost makes we want to go for a week just to say fuck it.
This right here is what the average online expert doesn't understand ( among other things ). Here in our area there is one local hospital and two others about 20 miles away in two directions. There is no way all three of them have the ability to manage the possibility of large numbers of patients requiring ventilators. Hell, they don't have enough rooms to admit people who don't need them. And the ERs will be packed to the gills. I worked in the local ER during the H1N1 and it was batshit crazy the amount of people waiting around, infecting others, to be told the same thing they were told to do on the evening news.
I’m surprised it took this long, but I’m finally seeing the posts on social media telling me not to worry, just pray more, and everything will be fine. I’m currently praying there is a differential bias to ignorance in the transmission rates.