Not just being taken out when the virus is active, but something like 20% (I heard somewhere) will have permanently diminished lung capacity, and some small percentage of those will have their lives severely affected by that. It's pretty rough.
Reporters are gonna be camped outside the factory tomorrow. Didn't he tweet something a while back about how if he ever said something contrary to scientists, to believe the scientists?
In a move that should make everyone except Ted Cruz happy, San Antonio has denounced terms such as "Chinese virus" and "Kung Fu Flu" and other bigoted and antisemitic speech, paving the way for those who comitt acts of vandalism against Asian-American owned businesses and send death threats to be charged with hate crimes. So far the city has done a very good job with handling the re-opening, and this is another step in the right direction IMO. Hopefully other cities and states will follow suit.
Seriously, enough is enough. When will anyone admit they don't know the answers here? Trust is a funny thing, especially by those with authority. You can only be wrong so many times before people stop listening or flat-out do the opposite out of spite of that authority. This may have something to do with Dr. Birx statement about not trusting anything coming out of the CDC. God. Damn. Some of this I can corroborate, and it's damning. Simply damning.
I deleted the link to make a point- you could put almost anything happening right now in that blank space and still be correct. What a joke.
Lost me at Imperial College of London..... Their effort involved none other than Epidemiologist Neil Furguson, the man who proclaimed that 200 million people would die from the Bird Flu? He had a lot to say in the beginning of this event as well, he proclaimed America would witness 2.2.million deaths. Finally, he is where he belongs now. If you are listening to Furgeson, I don't think it is flying blind....not sure what to call it.
I see this argument a lot... and I don't get what the point is. Is it that "look around, nowhere near 2.2 million dead, so he must have been wrong"? The early estimates were based on a R0 calculation with zero impediment... as in normal, highly contageous viral spread with a 14 day incubation period... as if nothing was done to contain it. No social distancing, no quarantine, just everyone going on about their normal days as if nothing was wrong. Well of course those numbers are no longer valid or are close to what we've experienced so far, because people actually did a bunch of stuff to help reduce them. On top of that, a whole bunch has been learned along the way that constantly feeds into the equation. Was 2.2 million on the high side? Absolutely. Was it "out to lunch" or not founded? Not at all. Same goes for y2k... "it was all a scam because nothing happened." Well, I was one of those people who worked a fucking year solid to fix shit like online banking systems, government apps, etc, to handle it. So yeah, when the clock rolled over, there wasn't really much that happened, because we worked hard at ensuring it didn't. It didn't mean that the problem never existed in the first place.
I was skiing in Crested Butte when y2k happened. At midnight, every asshole and their brother had the bright idea to start flickering their lights and honking their car horns and shit. It's funny now, but it was terrifying at the time if that shit was real. Also, in the US the unemployment rate is higher than during the Great Depression. They aren't COVID deaths, but you think the massive spike in suicides isn't COVID-related? I've started returning to my physical office, very cautiously, and everyone I've talked to is beyond grateful just to have a job (we didn't have to layoff or furlough a single person and I am beyond grateful). My doctor said in early march that with all the layoffs, and people's health insurance being tied to their jobs, he was worried about a large increase in deaths from people both not being able to afford health care, and no longer having access to their meds. I've never heard a doctor so stressed out. And that was a month and a half ago. This isn't about the numbers being right or wrong -- there are, quite literally, truck loads of people dying each day. Not just from COVID, but due to COVID-related and COVID-caused problems. And then you think about the impact that this is going to have on industries, and people who have families to feed. We will be feeling this for years and years and maybe it will permanently change things. Some change will be for the better, but much of it will undoubtedly be for the worse.
Y2K got weird. It was a date glitch that would fuck up a bunch of software if not fixed, but some people got convinced that Bernoulli's Principle would stop applying as soon as the clock struck midnight and planes would drop out of the sky.
It was more like fly-by-wire aircraft could potentially stop responding to commands as systems could freeze or reboot... or nav systems that rely on date/time codes (like GPS), would provide wrong data. The only people who thought the laws of physics would stop also lost their shit around killer conveyor belts and planes.
Yeah those are the ones. Even a completely dead stick plane can still glide, but I remember people (not experts, but people) thinking that the planes would just drop out of the sky like rocks. This is one of the biggest concerns I still have: fucking with the death count for political reasons. That remains one of the more reliable data points, until we get a "review" deciding how to fuck with them. Currently tracking well over 100K by June 6th, and likely closer to 110-120k in the next three weeks. We are "right-sizing" our effort, liking shutting down the response cell by Memorial Day, transitioning all to HHS/CDC, who are surging for the first time in years. I've got staff transitioning off after 60+ days, and their frustration is palpable. The region that houses FL/GA and SC reported deaths increasing 6% and cases increasing 4%. Sigh.
"Doctor, his skull is fractured, he has bleeding in his brain, and his wife reports that he tripped and fell down some stairs." "Mark the cause of death as COVID." This is how the President thinks the medical community operates.
It's got nothing to do with the medical community, specifically. He thinks everyone is out to get him. That is his context. Whether it's fake news, or the medical community (Fauci on down), they are out to make him look bad. So how can healthcare make him look bad? By intentionally inflating the number of infections and deaths. So that's what he wants them to look into.
Remember when he didn't want the cruise ship to dock in California because as long as it stayed off shore it wouldn't double the numbers? This is the context through which to view him right now.