Anyone check Brazil's numbers lately? Yikes!
They may as well get their medical advice from watching The Flintstones. Remove the pain by making it more painful.
You mean claiming that Brazilians are immune from disease even if they swim in raw sewage isn't a good strategy for addressing a pandemic? Who'dathunk it.
In theory it should work. If the theory they're working on is that you don't need to hospitalize an already dead person.
that's a really good way of doing it. People aren't good at visualizing large numbers. I had a relative today try to tell me that the deaths from this were not much more the flu. Uhm..... ok. When we hit 100k deaths from COVID-19, that's like if 9/11 happened 33 and a half times. *edit* To add that's only 1,732 less than the total US deaths in the Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, War in Afghanistan and Iraq War COMBINED.
#6 on thier list, Jordan Haynes, 27 of Cedar Rapids. Surely this is a different Jordan Haynes, 27 of Cedar Rapids? There are also these events: I'm sure those are the only instances too. Totally localized, highlighted and corrected.
Yep, this is going to go great. Can’t wait to see the second wave numbers.
My home state had it's biggest one day spike on record and several other southern states did too. Alabama has some hospitals that are running out of ICU beds. Reopening without any attempt at test, trace, and quarantine is going great as expected.
Early this week I had what was either food poisoning or a bad stomach bug. Went and got tested yesterday out of an abundance of caution, negative. Interestingly I was the only one in a normally very busy clinic. The doctor was very casual, said they have a ton of PPE and have seen very few cases. He also works in an emergency room that is under half capacity currently. He said they’re attributing it to people staying extra safe not to get injured doing things that would require going to the hospital. He also said, from his observation, Texas has plenty of tests but it’s more a matter of trying to get people to actually go get tested. And that the antibody tests just aren’t good. That there’s so many false positives that hit on other coronaviruses, like the seasonal flu. We just need better antibody tests. More accurate ones. At least that clinic is also billing 100% through insurance, didn’t even have to mess with my copay. Said he expect hurricane season to be rough though with evacuations and his heart goes out to anyone working with fema.
That sounds like a LOT of car accidents, you guys should be more careful.. Would it comfort your state to know this is just some hoax started by Bill Gates? It only effects people who have worn out their welcome, anyways. ...this is the current rationale of about 50% of my social media feed.
At this point I'm resigned to sitting back, laughing at the idiots when it blows back on them, and saying I told you so. Does this make me a terrible person? Probably, but I no longer give a shit.
I’m right there with you. I’m pretty well done expending energy for anyone outside my immediate circle. Go. Be stupid. Kill yourself or some that you love. Don’t care any more. If you happen to get out scott free, congrats, but it’s not because of any grand plan on your part, it’s the genetic lottery.
I'm in the same boat. My step father is recovering from cancer, and the treatment that helped him recover from cancer. For a long time it was everyone don't touch anything because we don't want him to get the 'rona on top of everything else. Then come to find out dumbass is hanging with his boating buddies who don't wear masks, going out, not cleaning for shit, letting anyone in his house, saying this is no worse than the flu, etc. Well ok then! I'm doing everything I can to keep myself, my wife, and my children safe. Beyond that, you're responsible for your own decisions. If you wanna stay at home and be smart, excellent choice and I applaud you. If you wanna go tubing the river with every college kid who has nothing else to do this weekend like my in-laws are doing, well then don't bitch to me when you get sick. Your choices, you live with the consequences. I'm tired of trying to keep everyone else safe and worrying about it when they clearly don't give a shit. Cause of death? Not covid. It's "I'm a fucking idiot."
We have a family friend who was thinking of delaying a cancer procedure until "this all blows over" (the docs said things were closing down and getting the procedure done was a "do it now, or wait until corona is gone" situation). His wife flipped her shit, called him an idiot, told the doc they were getting the procedure immediately and then banned everyone (including their own kids) from the house while he recovers. She knew 'rona was going to be a shitshow for a good long while.
yeah this isn’t going away. It’s gonna be something we have to live with for a good long while. The whole idea of a “return to normal” is funny because “normal” is gonna have to be redefined. It’s gonna mean long lines are grocery stores. Everyone wearing masks. Dry hands from sanitizer and a run on hand lotion. Mass gatherings may seem like a joke now, like ha I told you everything is fine look at us at the beach! But by the end of summer, those beaches are gonna be empty again because everyone who went there is now in the hospital. yesterday my wife was sunbathing on our trampoline while her family was tubing at the river. Sure, it’s not glorious, but she’s not gonna have to get tested in a few weeks when she gets a bad cough and feels real lethargic. We’ve already had people asking to “borrow” our oximeter because they wanna carry it with them when they go out to see if they get it. Uhm, THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS! These next few years are gonna be interesting. Even when we do get a vaccine, how do they distribute it? Will everyone take it? How would they feel about the government making it mandatory? Will it even work? There’s a ton of questions and very few answers, and the current political climate only adds fuel to the fire.
Pretty dramatic stuff for something with a better than 99% survivability rate. I know, I know. Wait two weeks and the doom and gloom will arrive, right?
there’s almost 100 thousand people dead from COVID-19 in the US alone. And that’s just the confirmed cases. The ones they knew who had COVID and died from it. Again, just in the US. Meat processing plants can’t function as normal. Grocery stores have gotten so bad people like my dumbass are learning how to garden. Hospital workers are so overwhelmed and depressed they’re committing suicide. you’re thinking everyone is downplaying this?