Good Lord. A casino opening tomorrow is taking temperatures of patrons as they enter the building. The red flag temperature? 104. One hundred fucking four! That's really keeping folks safe right there.
security theater. Not everyone who has covid runs a temp. But it shows “reasonable effort” or whatever they need to avoid lawsuits
104 that's at the go to the hospital level. You don't even wait in line when the triage nurse sees that temperature. It's just ice packs and a hospital bed.
Did Reuters change their title, or you find that title somewhere else? Nowhere in the article does it suggest that these are mutations. The only thing that's actually in the article is that positive tests are trending towards a lower viral load. And when a doctor says things like "In reality, the virus clinically no longer exists in Italy" (false, they are still reporting hundreds of new cases a day), and "Someone has to take responsibility for terrorizing the country" (at best this is totally misleading and inflammatory, at worst it's objectively stupid), it doesn't really give an air of authority to anything. Regardless, it's just a Reuters blip with no investigation, numbers, or evidence backing it up. I wouldn't put too much faith in it.
hmmm, it actually looks like they both changed their title and edited/removed some of the content. Don’t remember specifically what it said before but it went into a lot more detail. Guess they got gun shy so just made it a puff piece?
Ah. Probably a bunch of unsubstantiated BS that made it onto the wire before they got bitchslapped. Reuters is pretty good as a stream of mostly-neutral reports on things as they happen, but not so much for investigative reporting or stuff requiring evidence. I pretty much treat them as "huh, this is interesting, let me go research this elsewhere."
The only time I had fever >104 is when I had Hand, Foot and Mouth disease, and I was shaking uncontrollably. How the fuck is that the bar for entry when 100.4 is what actually qualifies as a fever?
In reality though, if you've seen some of these frequent casino types, the brain damage from a high fever might actually do them some good.
Because Las Vegas was built in an unimaginable hellscape with an ambient temperature of 104. The people who live there are demons whose bodies run hotter than humans.
The news station issued a correction regarding the 104 degree temperature...the news reader read it wrong. It's 100.4. I guess they got a ton of phone calls from people going "WTF?"
We'll, shit; Li'l Bandit is probably going to get the virus, if he doesn't have it already. One of his uncles (mother's side) came down to visit a couple of weeks ago, and recently tested positive. Now his grandmother is showing symptoms, which means there is about a 100% chance he was exposed.
Am I the only one who noticed the guy wearing a big ol' "Y'all Need Jesus" shirt in a fucking casino? I sincerely doubt he was wearing it ironically because he wasn't wearing a mask either.
Canadian Minister of Health has a message for Canadian protesters: "sign it, don't shout it... and wear a damn mask"
Well if nothing else, if there's no huge spike in outbreaks in the next couple weeks, maybe we can return to some sense of normalcy again?