It's official: Li'l Bandit's grandma has the virus, so he's going to get it, too. He won't be leaving her house for the near future.
In dumb ass land it apparently is. Here in the real world you're talking about confining people in their own dwellings except for essential needs. It worked well. That's not the same as letting people gather because they are bored and have the mentality of small children. If you mean it was an overreaction to bar people from going outside as long as they socially distanced, I agree. The idiocy going on in Vegas will lead to outbreaks, period.
How’s everyone’s reopening looking? Massachusetts starts phase 2 of the reopening tomorrow (limited daycares, etc.). We’ve had a consistent drop in day-over-day infections/hospitalizations/deaths for a month. Nationally, it’s encouraging to see the sharp drop in unemployment numbers for May, if that rate Kees up, we’ll be in decent shape for a recovery.
I’d say New York’s is just shy of a complete clusterfuck without rhyme or reason. Mass demonstrations? Feel free. High school graduation programs designed for easy contact tracing and social distancing? Absolutely not. Furthermore, the phased reopenings have been with little to no guidance from the state until the last minute. Apparently we’re supposed to know the rules intuitively.
shockingly well. I've been back at work for a few weeks now. Went out to dinner with my wife on Friday for our anniversary, all the menus were paperless (scan something on your phone and it pops up), restaurants were distancing tables and there was an absolute ton of sanitizer and hand washing stations. Perfect example of the "new normal" people keep referencing. Started going back to the gym a few days ago too. They have more hand sanitizer than you can shake a stick at, they're wiping down equipment after each person uses it, and between keeping my own towel on me and just not touching my face until I thoroughly wash my hands, I feel comfortable with it. At a certain point, if you are at major risk, it's up to you to stay home and away from everyone. For those who do go out, you take the level of risk you're comfortable with. But I think as long as you follow the basics -- hand washing, no touching face, wear a mask, no hugging or being close, stay in open well-ventilated areas if possible -- then the risk is low enough to be acceptable.
Just had a record number of new daily cases and the % of positive tests is on the increase. Hospitalizations are starting to increase again.
The gym? It's spread via the air. Sanitizer won't do crap to stop it.
COVID-19 is primarily spread through respiratory droplets, but it's not totally clear how much contaminated surfaces play a part. Given that it appears to be able to live on surfaces, and a small number of surface infections can subsequently result in a lot of person-to-person infections, I'd say sanitizing surfaces should be a meaningful part of any re-opening plan.
I wish someone would try to replicate the German study that said they couldn't get the virus grow when picked up from surfaces. It may be bunk but who knows until then. The problem with gyms is all the heavy breathing. That's a great way to spread the virus. Churches have been major super spreaders due to the singing and I can't see how that will be any different.
My gym opened back up and I expected a mandatory mask policy. Nope. Just extra extra bottles of sanitizers and they covered every other treadmill with tape to keep people apart. I’ve been three days and not a single member has worn a mask. Workers have to though. Bars half assed have been trying to follow what ever rules they can but as the night wears on how are you going to keep people from standing when they are required to sit? Nobody gives a fuck about grandma I guess.
When the book is written later, that's going to be a great subtitle. The Covid-19 Pandemic: Nobody Gives A Fuck About Grandma
that was my concern too, but this one is really large and I'm one of only usually 2-3 people in there at a given time. High ceilings, a ton of space, good ventilation and if someone is even within 20 feet of me I can move to a different area to continue doing what I was doing. I'm much more concerned with small spaces with not great ventilation. Like gas stations and such.
I don’t want to be judgemental, but if you’re working out in gas stations your life has taken a dark turn. These indoor issues are going to make schools in the fall a nightmare. And we can kiss movie theaters goodbye for a long time.
Yeah I go to the gym in the morning there is probably 15 people there tops. In probably 50,000 square feet.
right on. That’s why when people ask if I go to the gym I say I do but only because I can completely control my environment. If it’s crowded, poor air circulation (people’s strong exhalations carrying to each other) then absolutely avoid it
The gym opens at 5am. I get there around then. I’ve been six times since they reopened. I’ve been the only one there three of those times. Some guy comes around and wipes the machine immediately after you move on from it. They removed half of the treadmills to keep them spaced. You flip a sign on the treadmill so that no one uses it until someone cleans it and flips the sign. the grocery store and Lowe’s are still the only place I’ve been other than the gym. In the morning before work it’s all old people. They all have masks on. In the evening it’s younger people and they don’t. I personally wear a mask out of respect for others. My work told us that we all now work remote unless we have business in the office. I love the extra time I have. I fucking hate driving and consider it the most dangerous thing you can do. on the other hand I’m super lonely and bored. Almost all of my social interaction came through work. Trying to figure out how to deal with that now. My wife and kids can only provide so much interaction.