Couple of scary quotes: "Meanwhile, officials in at least 19 states have recorded two-week trends of increasing coronavirus cases, including spikes of more than 200 percent in Arizona and more than 180 percent in Kentucky. Two months after the White House issued so-called gating criteria that it recommended states hit before resuming business and social activities, only a handful of states — like Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and South Dakota — currently meet all of those benchmarks, according to" "Texas, for instance, has reported two straight days of record-breaking coronavirus hospitalizations — highs that come shortly after the state kicked off the third stage of its reopening plan." And yet...."Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is preparing to resume his campaign rallies after a three-month hiatus, an attempted signal to voters that normalcy is returning ahead of November’s election, and that he’s all but put the pandemic behind him. “We’ve made every decision correctly,” Trump claimed in remarks in the Rose Garden Friday morning." This is what "every decision correctly" looks like: gives an interesting context where NY experienced 5.83 times the amount of normal deaths due to COVID-19. It's on par with famine or war. Virus don't give a quarter cup of fuck about your protests, your elections, your summer vacation, none of it. Virus is like Omar.
I understand the gating requirements, but much like the lock down it seems the goal posts have moved back to hospital utilization in some cases. What I can find here in Indiana is that while some parts of the state are seeing cases rising the hospital utilization is still very low for Covid so there is no reason to pull back unless that starts to get tighter, correct? That is why we shut everything down in the first place if I remember correctly, to build up resources to handle the inevitable spike when we opened back up. Based on our state website, you may have different or more accurate info, while we are seeing that a higher percentage of younger people 20-50 are getting the virus, only one person under 60 has died in my county from this. If those at higher risk are very careful (everyone should be) I don't see how this is an issue. We knew we would see more cases opening up, but we have capacity to handle the illness better than we can handle the loss of jobs/homes/whatever that continuing to lock down would cause. In my mind, I'm not the smartest guy so I fully admit I could be way off base, there is no reason not to continue to open up while stressing that everyone should be careful.
I really wonder what a future shutdown will look like given people’s and state’s appetite for opening back up? At a certain point we just reshutter everything and hunker down again?
Second wave is going to be bad. We don't have the political will to shut down again, so we're just going to ride it out.
So an absolute ton of people are gonna die, and and the wave is gonna be over relatively quickly because of it. Short and intense then, just like my sex life.
El Presidente actually thinks he will be able to hold a convention in August. Our governor told him it wasn't happening there so now he's looking at Florida or Texas. If he dies from Covid it's going to be hilarious. Wonder who the new candidate would be?
Im not sure it’s “hilarious” if anyone dies, but it would be a disaster if he does hold a convention with crowds present. I’m curious if Florida or Texas even want him? I’ve heard both states are in line to go blue this year.
But didn't you hear? He's taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventative measure, so the virus can't touch him!
While both the current protests and any future rallies Trump holds certainly aren't helping the COVID situation, the real danger is the consistent day-to-day interaction of the majority of the population.
I'm being an asshole, I know. But I really won't give a crap if he catches it because he brought it on himself. Unfortunately, his stupidity is going to cause a lot more death in the U.S. because of his moron followers.
Wasn't sure if I should post there here or the RANT/RAVE Thread but since I'm asking about COVID advice, I might as well do it here. Recently my 92 y/o grandfather had a light fall. My grandmother was taking him to the bathroom, he lost his balance and she isn't strong enough to keep him upright. I talked to the nurse that went to go see him and she said the fall wasn't too bad but it was a set back*. They upped the number of times a medical aide comes by their house to two hours a day, five days a week to shower him etc. Other than that, he's pretty much bed ridden now depending how strong he feels that day. *She said she's seen a quick decline in the last few weeks. I told her that we're in CA and due to all the covid stuff, we're not too keen on flying, possibly infecting him or my grandmother who is still in good physical/mental shape at 91 and should we try and wait it out? She said she'd try to come out sooner than later. Fuck. So, on to the COVID part. How can I safely go visit him? My wife suggested I take the antibody test and see if I've had it at some point but even then, is it possible for the virus to be on me somehow and I pass it that way? Hands, clothes, hair etc? Or, do we become a statistic of another family who can't say good bye due to the virus? 2020 is a real mother fucker y'all
I would think the actual Covid-19 test would be more useful in this circumstance than the anti-body test. You would want to know if you are currently infected when you see him. Depending on your area, it might be available. Pharmacies here are doing drive-thru tests. Its passed through droplets, but if you want to make yourself feel better about it, maybe stay at a hotel while you’re there and change out of the clothes you flew with it before seeing him. Maybe wear a mask anyway.
The nurse is giving you sounds advice. If I were in your shoes I’d get tested, get there, shower, change, and visit with a mask on.
Take the test. I'm not sure how quickly the tests are being turned around in CA, but where I am I got my results back in under 48hrs. Stay at another location from your grandparents (hotel, family member, friends, etc). Put the clothes you wore on the flight in a plastic garbage bag and store them separately from the rest of your clothes or launder them when you get there. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and wear a mask when you're visiting. Obviously don't visit if you're symptomatic. Flying probably carries the most risk as far as contracting the virus, although I've heard that planes currently have like 20 people on them so it might not be that bad. Maybe drive if you can?
Interesting read:
If you want to scare the crap out of yourself read his book "Deadliest Enemy." If bird flu ever attains the ability to spread in humans it will be ugly. The end of the article mentions the book. As mentioned, he was scary good with his predictions about the economy when a pandemic hits.
I gave up on the interviewer when he shoe horned in the cowspirscy line. The expert was great. One of the things I’ve started recently is a more Keto diet. My BMI is on the obese side for my height, 110 lbs is the low end of “normal “ for me 0_o. My last blood test my blood sugar was in the pre diabetic range. My cholesterol was good. Keeping my health in check has something I’ve started to take very seriously again.