No need. You zombies will be out of breath before you cross. Besides, none of us are doing much because our countries are each too ashamed to cross borders because we each hate/fear the guy in charge of the other place. And we hate our own guys in charge.
Speaking of zombies, bring Rob Ford back. As for Banff, I loved it. Except for all the Chinese tourists. Maybe a little Covid would do the place some good?
For real? Mine is a picture of Jungle Julia's cleavage. That was her idea, by the way. On topic, Li'l Bandit still hasn't shown any symptoms of the virus, and his grandmother's condition has remained the same.
Texas is turning into a complete shit show. We’re seeing the ramifications of people acting like this is no big deal now. My wife had to get tested today after she woke up with a low grade temp, because she was exposed to my sister in law who is showing symptoms after being exposed to someone who decided floating the river was a good idea and tested positive. fortunately our GP could test her in the car. All the other testing sites in the city had at least a 24 hr wait. It’s bad, and it’s about to get REALLY bad. maybe we should try injecting ourselves with some of that uv light and disinfectant?
Every time I think he can't say or do anything dumber he proves me wrong. The man is a walking Onion article.
you didn't think that was smart? No testing = no new cases. We'd be covid-19 free!!! He found a solution!!
...dude, this explains SO much about why we are in the state we're in with this virus. Trump doesn't like what the data says, he doesn't like what people do when they have the data and his solution is to get rid of the data. This has been his stance from the beginning, and I cannot fathom why. I cannot understand how you think "Man, if we don't test, all of the sudden this virus goes away!". This is the ostrich's mentality to problem solving, as evidenced by a guy with access to the world's largest nuclear arsenal. Rep Ilhan Omar's father died of COVID-19. I am begging you all to do three simple things: 1. Stay safe. This virus isn't over, it's not a game, and it will kill you. 2. Do NOT fall into the false dichotomy of "we should open" and "I told you we shouldn't have re-opened". That's not helping a fucking soul. 3. Take care of the people in your communities you can, because this is about to get worse. We won't see any meaningful response until after the 4th of July, by which time it'll be a shit show. Lock down if you can afford to. We are about to see places (plural) get hit as hard as NY over the next 2-3 months.
Going to a beach house about a week after the 4th to celebrate my and my mother in law's birthday. It's a family friend's house, fishing out the back door, I'm taking my grill and stuff so we have no reason to go anywhere but a very secluded part of the beach in my truck. It's the same "small town" I referenced earlier that everyone jumped on because what's considered a small town in Texas apparently is a huge (yuge?) city in other places. Same one that thinks COVID is a myth and mask shaming is a thing. It'll be interesting to see if that's still a thing when we go down there. Or if everyone is so dead they can't come out anymore.