I'm getting on a plane for a 6 hour flight in a few days. I'm bringing several packs of disposable masks, hand sanitizer and cleaner for my area. Not really much more I can do, right?
Florida is reopening some of the theme parks. Too early, but to be honest I don't give a shit at this point. I'm not planning on going to the bars, or theme parks any time soon, but I'm not going to jump up and down screaming at the people who do. The thing I've noticed is a lot of the people doing that are shaming people in the morning and massive hypocrites in the afternoon.
The wife and I are going to Wimberley the last weekend in July just to get away a little and possibly float the river. I'm looking forward to getting away for a bit, but I'm not sure if I should be concerned about smaller hill country towns. I know that a busy river will have people assholes to elbows, and a mask won't mean shit. But I need to get away.
I hate to say it, but I think the large-scale quarantine measures are basically over, whether there is a second wave coming or not. Bottom-line is that there is 0.5% (approx. 2 million) of the US population that has been infected against about 40 million unemployed, and that doesn't include those that have left the labor market entirely. I'm not sure mass poverty is a more desirable outcome than an uptick in infections at this point.
smaller towns are absolutely where you need to be concerned. People go there from larger cities and bring all the crap with them. My sister in law’s friend who tested positive? Was floating the blanco river. Can’t confirm that’s where she got it from, but at a minimum she was exposed there. I would avoid it 100% if you can. that being said, by the end of July you may have no choice because this whole state might be on lockdown again since people are fucking idiots.
We don't have the will to lock down again, no matter how bad it gets. We've got people in Orange County literally threatening the life of a health official for a mere public mask mandate, you think they'll accept locking down again?
People I know here in ( Upstate ) NY are complaining about the glacial pace of reopening here vs other states. The fact is, Cuomo knows there’s no going back to a complete shut down if or when a second wave hits. I figure it could be worse. We could still be stuck in Phase 1 like NYC
If businesses are shut down they’ll have nowhere to go. Though the whole “essential business” thing last time around was funny, since it was so broadly defined, at least here, that basically anyone could be deemed essential.
There isn’t even state level will to do it completely again. Turning off tax revenue long enough they realized they’ll have to keep something going lest they have to cut a single department or state job. I think you might probably see more nuanced closers. Outdoor stuff like parks will stay open and you may see bars and restaurants close again. Or stricter opening guidelines.
Agreed. No will to endure a shutdown again. At best, we may get a few hotspots shutting down city centers, but even that is doubtful. We'll get a "miracle cure" that doesn't prevent the virus, nor does it prevent some of the lasting damage, but prevents some of the death. Oh, look, here we go: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53061281 To paraphrase an old Chris Rock sketch: they don't cure shit anymore, they create medicine so you can live with it.
June 14th Clark County had 80 new cases, June 15th saw 342 new cases. Looks like I may be going back to Idaho soon.
If there were a way to ensure the second wave hit all the stupid fucks denying the pandemic, refusing to comply with preventative measures, etc.,( especially the Karens on YouTube with too much time on their hands making videos ) I'd say release the Kracken and thin the herd a little bit. But unfortunately their stupidity will affect everyone. Just save the crocodile tears when it's your kid, mom, wife, etc. laying there gasping for air, mmkay?
This morning: "LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — Nevada and Clark County are reporting the largest uptick in COVID-19 cases in a day since the pandemic began. Nevada health officials reported the highest uptick in cases overnight with 379 new cases Tuesday - with more than 6,300 tests completed on Monday." "
I'd guess quite a bit. California testing was averaging 30k tests a day in early May and now we're testing around over 60k a day since early June*. Our average daily cases have been trending up since mid April but the daily deaths have been trending slightly down during that same period. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/usa/california/ I think it goes back to the question of are we trying to flatten the curve or is one death is too many? Because that curve looks pretty flattened to me. * https://www.latimes.com/projects/california-coronavirus-cases-tracking-outbreak/#testing
I don't think it's ever been about "one death is too many"... it's always been about flattening the curve. "X number of people will die with the full help of the health care system... so let's keep the hospitals free enough to help keep that number down." As soon as the health care system gets saturated, no beds, no staff, etc, then the numbers go nuts because the rate of death will no longer be curtailed by medical assistance. It's just that nobody had ANY info or data up front, and they were seeing what was going on in China and other places where action was not taken. Now that there is data, with the more testing, they're making an educated decision on how to slowly remove the restrictions that helped to get shit under control while it was being measured. Keep reducing the restrictions in steps to keep the health care systems a viable option, all while letting medical science catch up with preventative measures or a cure. The only complaint I've had have been around actions taken without the data, or the opening without putting some protocols in place.