I like how in one thought you went from "The President of the United States only mentioned it once" to "fringe-fringe retards" like those things aren't related. For the record, how often does Trump have to lie about something before it matters? Also, liberals aren't running the government right now. Conservatives are. The fact that we lead the world in cases and mortality suggests they didn't take it seriously enough. Overreacting, or more accurately being more careful than you absolutely have to be is part of the pandemic playbook, because the alternative is what we're seeing now: the deadliest months for Americans in history. Quick search at work resulted in 36 people discussing "hoax" with FEMA as they are applying for assistance. Let me restate that: 36 people called the Federal government for money to help them after an earthquake, flood, fire or tornado destroyed their home and felt so strongly about the hoax, they decided to discuss it with us.
A local restaurant posted on their Facebook page that since their dishwashers and servers refused to report back to work as requested ( presumably because they’re making more money on unemployment) they were fired and the place was now hiring. They’ve since taken the post down, probably from people complaining how unprofessional they found the post. Me, I thought it was fucking great. I’ve no doubt this is happening at a lot of places. Of course no one is thinking ahead to when that extra $600 goes away I’m sure.
Boy you’re in the wrong department of government for conspiracy theories with all of those fema coffins, trains, and secret fema death camps in Appalachia you guys run.
You guys need the Soviet Union to reform. At least then there IS a true boogieman to freak everybody’s shit. No time for chemtrails then.
All we need to do is stop propping up the national defense of everyone else and that wish will probably come true.
one of my idiot in-laws who thinks this is all a myth and "no worse than the common cold" just tested positive for covid (already tested positive for stupidity). about to be in for a really bad cold
So much this. I enjoyed getting 5 weeks of that sweet, sweet COVID pay. But, when I was called back to work, I jumped in my car and drove 1200 miles back here to take a pay cut. That bonus ends at the end of July last I heard, and come August there's going to be a lot of people scrambling for employment. My job isn't the greatest, but it pays decent and I'll happily trade a few thousand extra dollars I didn't earn for a decent job. Sadly, not many people agree. We've lost 1/3 of our employees and we're dealing with 3X our normal business volume.
“So I said to my people, slow the testing down...” And all I could envision was @downndirty having a massive stroke hearing that. Hope yer okay buddy.
his campaign quickly put out a statement saying he was joking when he said that. Just like how he was joking when he talked about injecting UV light and disinfectant into your body. "so then I said to Dr. Carson, look here you fucking n-.... hey hey! Gotcha! That was a real knee slapper wasn't it?" hit botched response to COVID-19 is not a joking matter
I got to be honest, I'm about at my breaking point with this thing. I've barely gone out since this started, and it's starting to really wear on me. It's been something like 16 weeks never going out for anything other than work and groceries. It's starting to look more and more like this is going to stick around for years, plural. I really don't want to waste the entirety of early 30s over this. In addition to that there's a pretty good chance I've already had it. A few weeks ago I stayed out of work because I had some symptoms, but I think that was too mild to be covid. However, back in December-January everyone where I work, about 200 or so people were sick for a month straight, and I mean everyone. No one died, but several (I think 6?) ended up hospitalized for pneumonia. Talking to people outside of work at the time everyone basically said no way it was covid and my feeling at the time was they were probably right, but looking back at how clueless everyone seemed about covid back then I think there's a good chance it was. There's also the fact that since testing has become widely available we've had basically no cases. Given how careless a lot of the people I work with have been that just doesn't seem very likely if it hadn't already cycled through. I'll probably wait and see what happens with this second wave, but at some point I am just going to "Fuck it." I mean, I'll still take precautions and not completely go back to my pre-virus life, but at some point I'm going to have to start living my life again.
This sounds a lot like where I'm at. Back in mid-February I had what I thought was a cold, and it didn't even dawn on me at the time that it could have been COVID. I went to concerts on February 7 and February 14 and then started to feel like I was coming down with something on the 18th, then felt it full on on the 19th. At the time my mom was in the hospital with pneumonia, so I have to wonder if she had it too. I did go on a dinner date 2 weeks ago. I thought about going out to the bars on Friday night and held off, but it probably won't be long until I can't take it and have to get out. One thing that concerns me though is that I am still working part time at Publix, and ever since the stay-at-home orders were lifted probably only about half the customers have been wearing masks. Before that virtually everyone wore one. I know that there isn't a consensus on the effectiveness of masks, but at minimum I do think that they help keep people who do have the virus from spreading it. I wish that more people were still wearing them out in public.
One of my father in law’s good friends just tested positive and is likely going to the hospital soon. My in laws haven’t been exposed to them but this stuff is starting to hit closer and closer to home for them now that more people we know are getting covid. Somehow in all this my mother in law, who can’t walk up a flight of stairs without stopping to catch her breath, doesn’t think she’s at risk despite being elderly, out of shape, on major medication and morbidly obese.
Just other friendly reminder of how fucking pathetic people are during this. when in doubt, openly name and shame minimum wage workers on social media.
Then you'd really like the Florida Walmart man that wrestled with a Florida NoMask man to keep him from going into Walmart.
What the fuck are the cops supposed to do? Besides hopefully arresting his parents for that shitty name.