It's not nearly as bad as the Pansy in Chief makes it sound. I had it done a couple years ago when they were trying to figure why I was having respiratory issues and it only took a couple seconds.
I thought it was more weird and slightly uncomfortable than anything. It was over quick and barely hurt, just like sex! My wife was a little bitch about it. Wouldn't stop complaining for the rest of the day. Said it was the worst pain she's ever felt -- I had to remind her she's had two kids.
I'm not arguing DND, but World Virus has deaths trending down since April 20th. Is this just a lull between the number of cases going up and then deaths going up in 2-4 weeks?
that's largely how it's been in the hill country area. This is gonna be absolutely horrible before it gets better. A bunch of our idiot in-laws have tested positive in the last week or so, the ones who think it's ok to go to restaurants, bars, float the river etc. and there's no repercussions despite them having major health issues. A few days ago I had to remind my wife that the way this is going, statistically speaking, someone we know will die from this. I'm generally of the mindset that if you're gonna be a dumbass, I don't feel sorry for you dealing with the consequences. I'm worried about my immediate family, meaning my wife and two boys and myself. Everyone else, you do you. Just don't get around me if you're being an idiot. prediction time: all this is gonna turn Texas blue in November, and Abbott will be voted out in '22 and replaced by a Democrat. Dude shit the pan with this one.
He already rolled back bars and restaurants to 50% capacity just this morning. As far as I'm concerned, I think our mayor and county judge have done a really good job exhibiting responsible leadership over Houston at least. I'm just hoping we don't have a major hurricane in the middle of all of this.
Generally speaking, three things: 1. Doctors are getting better at treating this. So, hopefully the death rate will tick slightly down. The more cases they see, the more studies can be done, and the better they get at recognizing what stage someone is in, what interventions are successful,etc. It's still very dangerous, but I think of it as the likelihood of finding a doctor that just flat out doesn't know what to do, resulting in death is lower than it was in the spring. 2. Data problems with death rates. Way back when I posted about the Coronavirus deaths being flat, but pneumonia deaths being 4-5x their annual average in some states. We know there's been "excess mortality" that isn't attributed to COVID-19, and the reasons for that are either political, structural (no testing corpses) or circumstantial (died in the home, etc.). Considering the incentives in place (deaths spiking=economy collapsing, vs. pneumonia spiking=party/no one gives a shit), you can tack on 20-30% for the death tallies for some states. The cumulative mortality for states isn't as easy to monitor/report on, and it's pretty difficult to tease out what people are dying of in a situation like this, whereas the COVID deaths are easy to attribute and report on (or not). 3. You can have the virus for weeks, you can be on a ventilator for weeks, but you're only going to die once. There's roughly a 3 week lag time between estimated initial exposure and hospitalization and in some cases an additional week, then death. So, the folks that end up dying from this virus are just showing up as positive cases now. Also,'s a mess. The US has the misfortune of being the poster child, because our data is so transparent. Our data is far from accurate, but it's probably more accurate than what we're seeing from places like Russia, Ecuador and China. So, I'd take it with a grain of salt: we're under a bit of a microscope, whereas other countries, especially developing countries, aren't.
What’s the what’s the word on the new steroid treatment? Have they ramped up acquiring and distributing it? I’ve heard different things about it’s efficacy. 20-30 reduction of mortality for people put on vents but over all it’s only 1 in 8 for vent and non vent. It’s fucking tough keeping up with everything.
that's where it's gonna get interesting. You look at the hot spots, specifically Texas and Florida, and look at where hurricanes have a hard on for hitting. They love Texas, Florida, and New Orleans for some reason. Gonna be a very active hurricane season this year. Not only will a hurricane fuck up the localities it hits, but also where are those people evacuating to? What all are they bringing with them? We've had a lot of rain already, and if Houston gets a hurricane in the middle of this, it's like Harvey meets sharknado.
I can't recall the name, but it's not expected to be so widely used there's a run on it, and unless President Tide Pod advocates for it's use as a miracle prevention, there won't be. What I read/was told is that it's a good treatment for folks already in the latter stages, but right now it's kind of like 1 in 4 in ICU beds would respond to it, and with steroids, you have to be careful. I vaguely recall it's a generic medicine already, so we aren't anticipating supply issues.
My state has mandated masks for anything in public, unless you're eating at a restaurant or you have a kid 5 or younger. The state is having an outbreak in Eastern Washington, to the point that they are flying patients into Seattle because the hospitals are full. Meanwhile in Texas, Can someone from Texas explain to me why a judge had to make this order instead of a governor or mayor?
Massachusetts had a rough time for 2 months and now has the lowest transmission rate of all 50 states. Everyone else stay the hell out of here.
Everybody take three or four shots of something with at least 40% in it, and then read that twitter feed. They are going to die while at the same time smugly telling themselves that this is still some sort of hoax. If they do, good fucking riddance. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Into the Sun with them. Look at this. From the armchair specialists who are obviously smarter than doctors and scientists.
And you will not convince those fucktards any different, so I don’t even waste my breath. All 21% mask filtered oxygen of it.
Oh hell, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
that's rich. The old lady with "I don't wear a mask for the same reason I don't wear underwear: things gotta breathe!" I mean, if you put it that way.... edit: here's the full video of one of the crazies. Anyone find video of the whole thing?
It’s dexamethasone. The fun thing about steroids is that they reduce the inflammation in your lungs but they also weaken your immune system. So it’s probably working beautifully for the people who are on ventilators because their immune system is in overdrive, flooding their lungs (a la Spanish flu) but I would be more concerned about how effective it would be in someone already immunocompromised. Will be interested to see what data shows as time goes on.