im sure they edited it for the best reactions, but at least where I am, it is absolutely that bad as far as people not wearing them. I went into a cvs pharmacy a few days ago and I was the only customer in there wearing one. I got some serious “wtf is wrong with you” looks.
We are fucked if the largest uncontrolled spread is in Florida, because no other state has the mass movement of people like Florida. At work, we were discussing the data problem we have with FL, which is in a hurricane evacuation it's a real struggle to track the movement of people: we don't know how many people are vacationing, temporary residents, permanent residents. Imagine the look on everyone's face when they realized Florida is now a bunch of plague rats and an evacuation order is going to force them into other states. I hope this ends up being the straw that breaks the back of partisan politics: we are back on the path of the death count exceeding 6 figures, and we are the laughingstock of the rest of the world. It's incredibly frustrating to see these tales of willful ignorance play out on social media over and over and over again. Everything we've seen from this administration has made this worse than it had to be, slower, less effective, more contentious. The schools opening back up is a nightmare. Yes, kids will spread it. No, kids will not wear a mask all day every day (FFS, just ask a kindergarten teacher how many times a week they have to remind kids to wear clothes properly). Look at the PPE requirements and how much money that shit costs. It's staggering, and we now expect public schools to pay it? Out of what fund, exactly? You know how many bake sales there will have to be to supply these schools? Most of the parents I've spoken to aren't planning on their kids being in school all year, it's a "enjoy it while it lasts" thing. There's a lot of encouraging news around vaccines, and God knows it would be a game-changer. I am cautiously optimistic. However, a vaccine is not an eraser, and we're looking at upwards of 30% of the US population saying they would refuse it. Honestly, I can't say I blame them: after President Tide Pod suggested eating bleach, and the disregard for normal protocols, I dunno how much I'd trust a vaccine from this crowd. That is a startling and dangerous realization: the institutions we rely on, the very trust we place in things like "vaccinations work and won't kill you", being degraded is horrific. I also think that a vaccine is not going to revert us back to 'normal', no matter the effectiveness. Too much has changed, and by the time it arrives, too many will be lost. I pray for a reckoning of "how the fuck did we get here" and that the people responsible get strung the fuck up.
My wife, a very educated and respected health care professional, has already expressed her reluctance to take a vaccine they "miraculously" have out before the end of the year. I feel the same way. We're far from anti-vaxxers, but it's hard to trust that it's gonna be done right so fast.
I’m trying to imagine how hard I would be laughing if that fat fuck picked a fight with me for no reason. Even if it’s edited, the fact that even a single person is THAT stupid is frightening.
What a world we live in where one moment a game show hosts conspiracy theories are being amplified by the President of the United States, and the next hes all like "hey guys, my son has it so...oopsie." I would say fuck this guy, but....retired game show host. Life and its ugly sisters irrelevancy and wasted time have already fucked him.
But he’s NOT A “gameshow host”. He’s a being touted as a HOLLYWOOD ACTOR because he had a minor supporting role in the 1988 film “Cold Feet”. I cannot make this shit up. The straws they grasp at to say they have a “famous celebrity” in their corner is incredible. As if the opinions of actors ever mattered in the first place.
Wal-Mart will now require all customers to wear masks starting next week. Gonna be a lot of pissed off idiots
a) who the fuck cares what they think b) Think about it: this could add years to their life. They’ll have to walk further to buy their garbage, or have no choice but to kneel to the Satanic shrine of healthiness and disciplined consumerism. c) However the matter, the positive and GUARANTEED result is lots of fun meltdown videos will be incoming starting this weekend, featuring plenty of crass fat people with lab rat-killing voices.
yeah my immediate reaction was C. this is a great move by Walmart. If the government won’t mandate masks, then industry will do it because the pandemic is hurting them. We’ll recover in spite of our leadership, not because of it.
The second the majority of your people finally realize that a virus is not a political candidate, you’ll turn the corner on this. The Trump cult and the “Plandemic” dummies have to be cast aside, unfortunately. They are irrefutably hopeless people who will be in denial of the virus’ existence about even in the throes of their own death. Those people have caused the unnecessary death of tens of thousands more than ever should have happened in your country. A vocal, large majority of logical Americans need to come together and say “Do we care about each other or NOT?” Because you’ll keep getting knocked back down to Square One Until something like that occurs.
I'd bet good money that there will be a stabbing or shooting over this. Because a mask is just a first step in (insert crazy conspiracy theory here).
You're a bit late on that one:
The CDC data issue is terrifying. Its straight up cover up shit. I had a brief conversation at work, and no one can believe the audacity of it. "We will release the official numbers" Because accuracy, honesty and transparency are the hallmarks of this group. This is some 3rd world shit.
It's like he wants to be able to manipulate the data to make it look better before the election. It's a complete clown show.
I know it's hard, and I'm as guilty as anyone, but let's try and keep the politics out of this thread.