That being said, I'm absolutely amazed at the amount of just plain WRONG information that is being spread about COVID, and just how many Americans are believing things based on political affiliations. Idiocracy is coming to life.
According to our local news, Pennsylvania is going to be clamping down on bars and limiting the size of public gatherings. We’re supposed to play an event in PA next Friday, but with the new regs I can’t imagine they’re gonna continue to try and continue. Who knows. Won’t break my heart if they don’t, but sounds like the owner is hell bent on having the event.
Meh, the "evidence" they give is that they guy who actually said that he was at one is dead so can't corroborate the story. Not exactly "they're not a thing", just that they weren't able to verify them happening. "Does this mean Covid parties are—gulp—a hoax? Not necessarily. You can’t prove a negative; proof may yet emerge."
I believe that COVID parties are a thing because chickenpox parties were a thing and I have no faith left that we're smart enough to know why chickenpox is different from COVID.
A family member is a nurse at the most recent hospital in question. She said that never happened, just some nurses gossiping and the news got a hold of it. Again, heresay, but nothing concrete that I’m aware of.
I live in the Southern US very near New Orleans in an area full of rednecks. It feels like living in the movie Idiocracy. I also have health issues and have not been in but a handful of businesses (that had only one or two cars on the parking lot) since March. My children are grown and have essential jobs so I may not even see them for Christmas. My first grand baby is due in March. Hopefully I will be able to see the baby. I haven't seen my "psuedo" grand baby (cousin's baby who has no grandparents) since March. I am used to normal flu protocols for myself each winter but this is ridiculous. I just sit in my house and watch the world burn around me and my husband and truly wonder how many years until it is safe for me to go anywhere.....
Kemp has overruled local municipalities in Georgia that have mandated masks:
Y'all have some stupid fucking people running the show down there. Excuse me while I go make sure that we've locked the border before I go to bed.
You mean this guy is a moron? I'm shocked There's also like a 90% chance he cheated to win his election, so that's always fun.
US, UK, Canada allege Russia is hacking their coronavirus vaccine trials The fuck is wrong with people?
Whoa, a candidate running an ad that plays to his base, while making jabs at his opponent? That is so rare for politics. There's also like a 100% chance he did not cheat to win his election, which is also fun. And there is 100% chance that his opponent filed a provision to allow non-citizens of Georgia to vote in the election. According to the CDC's statistics 99.97 percent of deaths in the United States are in people over age 15 and 99.9 are people over 24. Also according to the CDC, hospitalizations for the flu are greater than from COVID-19 for children. Instead of closing the schools, shouldn't we let the at risk teachers take precautions and send the kids to school?[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
[/QUOTE][/QUOTE] He says, completely ignoring the fact that cramming a bunch of kids in an enclosed space is a perfect way to ensure rapid transmission among those kids, and subsequently to their families and communities. Where, chances are pretty good, there are actually people over the age of 24. You should run for governor.
I have no interest in running for Governor. And, nope, I didn't completely ignore that fact. But, at consideration is weighing the risks with reasonable precautions and the impacts of keeping everything shuttered, and the impacts of children falling farther and farther behind in their education. Don't tell me what I'm ignoring. Not aimed at you, Misanthropic, but last year, parents were sending off their snot-nosed brats to school carrying the flu who transmitted it to the teacher who transmitted to grandma who died of pneumonia, and now those same parents are indignant about keeping everything shut down. Ok.
If I had it so bad that three in every thousand kids was killed by COVID, my daughter would not be going to school. Consider every child that has Athena, and how that greatly increases the dangers of COVID. Up HERE, The general response to sending kids back is “Go fuck yourself”, and places like Georgia are monumentally more infected than any place in Canada. That governor is a fucking idiot. Flat-out admitting that he rolled back mask regulations because it may effect his votes. It would be such karma if he gets sick and dies.
99.97% is .3 in every thousand, not 3 in every thousand? And, of the Covid deaths, 99.97% of them are over age 15. But, regardless, you and everyone else who wants to can ALWAYS keep your child home, if you don't think that's an acceptable risk. Just like you can decide to make your child wear a seatbelt, or wear a helmet riding a bike, but this seems more like saying you're not allowing them to ride in a car or ride a bike at all.
You don’t have to keep your child at home, you can send them back to school. Just explain to them that they can’t see their grandparents anymore. Because chances are while my child would survive being sick (a lot less of a chance than most kids), she will inevitably passing it off to older people like my parents, my wife’s parents, or her still-very-alive grandmother who don’t stand a very good chance against it— before she even knows she is sick. If education is delayed, if things are delayed I could not give less of a shit when It’s stacked next to the threat of killing people. Quality of life is more important, period. We’re just lucky this virus is so mild that it didn’t trap us in our homes for the rest of our lives. We’re just LUCKY this time around this isn’t the one that inevitably kills every person on the planet.