Thankfully that’s the same age group with the most self-restraint and challenges authority the least, so everything will be just fine, I’m sure.
Here, people will take that into consideration. Post that just about anywhere else, and you will be accused of posting an MSM false flag. “Pandemic? More like PLANdemic.” Those people are downright scary. Keep them the hell away from us. I can skip out on buying their awesome weed killer for a couple years.
Where are y'all buying masks? The ones I have aren't going to cut it when I'm back in the classroom 40 hours a week. Also, do you think a mask + face shield is overkill for a teacher? Any sources for cheap hand sanitizer, lysol spray, and clorox wipes would also be greatly appreciated.
I think you should wear whatever gear makes you feel safest, to hell with what other people think. If you wanted to put one of those Plexi shields on your desk like cashiers get and sit behind it all day, I'd support you. Hopefully parents have been using this time to teach kids how to do this safely. If I can get our autistic child to wear a mask and wash his hands on command, then it shouldn't be too difficult for neurotypical children to behave this school year. We want our child back in school and his teachers act like they want him back in class with them. He's in special education, with far fewer students than a normal class. If at any time the teachers start to feel unsafe, I'll respect that and keep him home. Our area peaked on daily new infections a long time ago, we're only getting 1-2 a day. We hit 200 cases on May 24, we've only added 77 in almost two months. We're a tourist town, people have been traveling here since it warmed up and we have kept the numbers down. We're not a giant city school system and we should be able to remain in school safely. If places like Richmond and Norfolk/seven cities area don't fuck it up for the rest of the state.
I just bought some face gaiter masks off of Amazon, they should be more comfortable than the paper masks that we get from our local hardware store. As far as hand sanitizer I found a local distillery and bought 8 gallons for like $180 or so. It's more liquid than gel but works well in spray bottles. It's pretty good here in the office where we have a lot of people in and out.
Studies are showing that the IgG antibodies (the antibodies responsible for long-term immunity an infection) are dropping over time. That does not necessarily mean that re-infection can happen with COVID-19, but it definitely means that, in the absence of further information, nobody should relax their protocols and just assume they'll be fine after they've been infected.
I found some on Amazon, and I have the bandana-with-coffee-filter in it that I wear the most often. It's washable and easy to change out. Yes, I think the mask is just fine. My local grocery store (Kroger) has bins of hand sanitizer regularly, Lysol spray sporadically, but wipes are still very hard to find. You just have to be on the look out. Grocery stores, you hit in the morning, right after the senior hours are over. I don't know if you have Dollar General where you are, but with their supply model, they restock stuff every day, just about.
It's already happened with a Doctor in Israel. Was infected, got better, just got re-infected 3 months later. Antibodies aren't a black or white thing... you have a certain amount of them in your body. If you are exposed to a minor (normal?) amount of antigens, the antibodies can take them out, and your antibody levels regenerated. But, if you're exposed to a huge bolus of the antigen, it could overpower the antibodies you have in your body and re-infect. There is some speculation that this is what happened here, as an ER doc that is intubating the worst of the worst COVID patients could be exposed to way higher levels of COVID than a normal person. So yeah, context matters when talking about re-infection. Even then, the antibodies are looking like they get weaker and weaker over a few months to the point that they may not be all that effective... but the science is still out on that one. I think this is where the early speculation about "no cure, you'll need to get a shot every 3 months" is coming from.
I'm at the point where we'll be watching a TV show where nobody's wearing a mask, or talking to random people in a park, or having a party, and it feels like I'm watching an alternate dimension. I'm super worried we're going to catch it. The health initiatives at hub's work are lip service. He submitted tickets on the problems with the current execution of policies and how to fix these problems and these tickets are ignored, because they do. Not. Care. Someone just tested positive at his building today. He feels like a rat in a cage, because no matter how meticulous he is, most everyone else is treating this like a big inconvenience at best, or a joke at worst.
It would take a huge coordinated effort (and uh, some of that "forced vaccination" shit a lot of Americans flip their shit over), but if you got everyone vaccinated at the same time you'd effectively wipe it out. You'd have to be vigilant and ready to do a similar, smaller-scale, vaccination program if it returned, but it could be done.
Can you imagine the shit show that would occur if the government tried that? With all the bat shit insane conspiracy theories floating around? What a sad nation we've become.
Thats looking to be the case real soon in NY anyhow. People are ignoring the regulations at a lot of bars and the governor's getting pissed.
When I say "it could be done" I mean the laws of physics allow it. I would never say that we are smart enough or organized enough as a society to actually accomplish it.
I propose to you that anti-vaxxers are not of this reality, therefore the laws of physics can not apply.
I'll take a vaccine. It'll have to wait, I don't particularly want to take the first one they threw together in a panic. We're having a birthday party for our son this weekend. Wife wanted a big cookout and big buffet style table, had to shut that shit down. They'll get individually packaged, ready to eat snacks and canned sodas. Hand sanitizer everywhere. And only people that are invited are people we're typically around anyway. Neighbors kids that our son has been swimming with all summer already, those people.
Pretty good and well-constructed take on schools re-opening:
Due to our work schedules, we've been taking our son to daycare. Today we found out that he had close and extended contact with a kid that tested positive last week. One of the staff and another kid has also now tested positive. None of use have shown any symptoms yet, but needless to say we're quarantined for the next two weeks. Today's also his 1st birthday....happy birthday buddy.