you have to put this in context of there being no fans, social distancing, everyone being tested and all the proper medical protocols in place for everyone he could potentially interact with. It’s not throwing out the first pitch in a crowded stadium, going through a locker room with a bunch of journalists and people who have been god knows where, etc. It’s in a hyper controlled environment where the risks are mitigated to such an extent as to be negligible.
If the dude is involved, then it’s being done properly. Full stop. If you think otherwise, then I don’t know what else to say other than Fauci is THE single most credible person around this pandemic shit, so I’m going to trust him on this. It’s also a minor celebration of a small step back to normalcy, and with him involved, it’s being done properly, and lends credibility to their protocols.
it's the whole science vs. politics thing. At the beginning of this, when we realized it was gonna be a major deal and you stickied this thread, I said somewhere I thought there was no way in hell that politics would get involved in something of this scale. Not referring to anyone specifically on this board, just in general, it is beyond frustrating how it has gotten politicized. People are listening to politicians who are experienced in running campaigns over scientists who have spent decades combating and beating deadly diseases. For some reason, a resume of saving millions of people just isn't important anymore, and we are seeing the impact that has as the death toll mounts. It's just sad, all around.
A perfect example of who cares more: a picture yesterday of the two tour boats of Niagara Falls gorge: the Canadian side has the larger, better and more popular Hornblower (eight people) and the USA side has the shitty, unkempt and less popular Maid Of The Mist (packed). This is the change that occurs IMMEDIATELY after crossing an invisible line. THIS is the evidence of who is taking this seriously. To our American TiB members: slap your neighbours:
how and why can't they limit that boat to a certain number of customers to ensure proper distancing? Oh, right, "muh RIGHTS!!!!" I swear to god if I hear one more person say that to me I'm gonna slap the shit out of them and say that's what you're doing do everyone by not wearing a mask. Is that your right?
The mental gymnastics my family back in Michigan go through now that Daddy Trump said wear a mask is astounding. Between him admitting he knows maxwell and the mask thing, now it’s all a deep state Q problem, whatever the fuck that means. They still refuse to wear a mask, even though my grandmother is 90 and they all still see her regularly, I can’t have conversations with them anymore it gets so infuriating.
My buddy's wife's parents were just diagnosed. They live down near Dixie in Texas. They're Hispanic, overweight and mid 60's. Not a good combo for this virus. His wife's brother passed away some years ago so shes' the last of the family and decided to head back to TX and care for them. I'm really not sure what her plan is when she catches it. Or how's she's going to quarantine from him when she gets back as they live in an RV.
My friend who’s father lives down there passed away from it yesterday and his mom is in the hospital right now.
If my suspicions are correct, a guy at a place we hang out at took his girlfriend back. She left him and took off to Florida late last year. He was seen driving a minivan with Florida plates on it. I don’t care if he is back with her ( although I told him if he got back with her I’d kick him in the nuts ) but if that bitch dragged the Rona back with her and he’s been spreading it, I’m gonna go nuclear on him.
It’s an organization, and we have a very strict set of rules in place to keep compliant with the regs. Masks, distancing, etc. So while there’s a slight risk, we’re doing our best to mitigate it. We’re seeing a lot of people coming here from the states that have a serious problem right now. And a lot of people from here are still going South for vacation. Knowingly traveling to and from states with higher infection rates pisses me off to no end. ( Also, turns out I may be incorrect. He’s allegedly driving a rental for some reason.)
To be fair, I believe at this point a majority of Texas is Hispanic, overweight, and elderly. I'm sure that plays into why we're being hit so hard, aside from all the other stuff like people being stupid and politicians not listening to scientists. Not the Hispanic part, but the fact that there are so many people who are elderly here, and especially overweight, just makes it a killing ground for COVID. In related news, I'm getting on an airplane in a few days to go from Texas to Florida, so that should be a fucking blast.
Isn't this like your fourth trip since this started? Coast, lake, ???, now flight to Florida? I think the CDC still says the best way to avoid Covid is to stay home. I'm certainly not anti-mask, I wear one, just noticed you have been cherry picking the recommendations and guidelines that you're following. If you're going to take these guidelines and recommendations that seriously, perhaps you prioritize the one that might actually keep you safe, staying at home.
If we all followed 'Nerd's example, half of the board would be dead. And seriously, 'Nerds, you sound like a huge hypocrite doing all this travelling.
staying with family. I don’t go out in public. Had to stop for gas once at the coast, make it to the lake and back with everything we need and not even stopping for gas. This will be the first time a trip (at the airport) I’m around anyone who’s not in the less than half dozen immediate family members who have followed the same safety protocols as myself by staying at home and only interacting with each other. so yes, it is traveling, but only to be with the same people as we were before, and previous trips have been from one house to another. edit: also got coffee at the cvs next to the gas station while I was at the coast. So limited to that.
I have not left my apartment for anything but food in 131 days. I've reached the point of researching Netflix releases a month out.
When my wife gets stir crazy this is the example I give her: we could be stuck in an apartment. as it is, we have the ability to safely move between here, a house at the lake, and a friend’s unused house at the beach with less outside contact than you would get going to the grocery store. Hell, just going to my parents in Florida, our exposure is limited to some very vacant airports (from reports I’ve read). Yesterday I took the riding lawn mower and cut about a quarter mile worth of dirt bike “track” into the pasture and between the trees for my boys and I. I can absolutely not imagine being in an apartment right now.... actually, I can imagine it. And it’s fucking terrifying. You have my complete sympathies man.