This point has been made ad nauseum, but the idea that children need to go back to school for a sense of normalcy is a total farce. This is what school will look like in a district in El Paso. It's one of the most deeply dystopian things I have ever seen. Maybe its the music which sounds like it could double as the background of an 80s psychological thriller montage where a detective puts together the case against a serial killer/city councilman.
Florida has now closed covid testing sites in anticipation of the storm. Not sure how those two are correlated other than... Florida?
If it's a severe storm, you don't want to be out in it for any reason. Get the fuck out or hunker down.
we’re hunkering down in a very solid house. My sister is getting the fuck out tomorrow. 50+ mph winds expected here, but we’re on the gulf side and it’s supposed to stay in the Atlantic (and strengthen). A week’s worth of food and a full tank of gas should be good
The consequences of a vaccine failing aren’t necessarily just that you aren’t immune. You can be in a much worse position if you self experiment.
Can't wait to see the numbers when they open schools.
Yeah. Everyone I know is boycotting school or people that send their kids. We’ll wait a month and see how the numbers pan out. Never mind nobody knows what the long term effects will be on those kids.
This is the exact email we got from our child's teacher. So, like I said, she's acting like she wants him back in the classroom. I went on to tell her he'd be there and about how he has been wearing a mask and washing hands. Told her I would happily provide anything they needed to make all of them as safe as possible. We're not some gigantic school system. I'd be surprised if some school, somewhere, didn't get overwhelmed with the virus, I just don't think it will be our little community. But, they'll probably shut all of schools down if that happens somewhere in Virginia.
Sounds like you've done a good job teaching your kid good hygiene. Problem is, a lot of parents don't. I'd bet good money we'll see multiple large school outbreaks in places that reopen. That said, I hope your family stays healthy and virus free.
More and more I’m thinking the return to in person schooling could well turn into an absolute disaster in terms of infection spread. There’s large groups of parents I’m certain will send their sick kids to school, or at least try. Problem is, yeah we can check their temp as they board the bus but fever is just one of multiple symptoms, assuming they’re symptomatic. Furthermore, there’s enough difficulty trying to keep some students in their seats or acting otherwise human. The measures they want to take such as keeping students separated in the hallways or at lunch is going to require more adult eyeballs. Our state is broke. Our district is going to be stretched thin. And now we have to pay for PPE for staff and students in addition to all the other measures. More and more I think the smart thing is to stay with remote learning for a few more months. I confess, I’m a little nervous about being exposed ( how and where would I quarantine for 14 days? ) in addition to anxious about the logistical shit show that’s surely coming.
Thank you, I hope your's does, as well. He's autistic and in special education, so his class size is already much, much smaller than most. I've seen one of his classmates at the grocery store, another autistic child, he wears a mask as well. I think that's a pretty good bet, I don't expect the reopening of schools to last. Our kid won't be riding the bus and will only have contact with those in his class, I feel like he'll be safe until someone decides in-person education is causing too much transmission.
I’m sending my boys in person as well. They’ve both been going to our preschools which has been an incredibly safe and controlled environment. 6 year old will attend public school, im dropping off and picking up and won’t hesitate to pull him at the slightest sign of illness with him or anyone in the school. Paranoid about it. Almost 3 year old is so used to sanitizing his hands he asks for hand sanitizer any time he gets in the car now. They both ask for their masks any time they leave the house. I'm assuming this fucker and his/her fucker parents knew they were waiting on results from a Covid test. If schools opening has any chance of working, kids or parents that are waiting on results from a test cannot go to school. If you're taking a Covid test, it usually means you have reason to believe that you need to take the test. I've read too many examples like this. Person on a plane gets the call informing them they're positive, person gets the call while at work because they felt fine even though they knew they were exposed. I shake my head every time. How long is it taking to get test results now? If you've taken a test, stay home until you get the all clear. That little bit of consideration would save a ton of trouble.
Yeah. I don't think opening schools is stupid, if people can only not be stupid about it. Oh, well, good luck to kids and parents everywhere. I'm going to send that article to my son's teacher, see if she can get a rule made saying that kids or parents with pending tests need to stay home. That shouldn't be too hard. I know it's common sense, but apparently some people need to be told it's the appropriate thing to do.
This is why we are taking the online option for a while, I can count on people being stupid assholes.