Like clockwork, as soon as that extra unemployment money stopped we’ve been absolutely flooded by applications. Also a lot of people who are public school teachers not wanting to go there, preferring a much more controlled preschool environment (where we have the resources for ppe, can keep individual classes isolated etc). mark my words there is going to be a serious staffing shortage in the public schools. And that’s before all the teachers get sick
We've treated teaching as a shit gig with shit pay for years; are we surprised they don't want to accept it also being a suddenly dangerous gig on top of that?
We’ve gotten quite a few coming to us off referrals from coworkers and parents due to the fact that it is such a safe environment, especially relative to other jobs available out there. Plus job security, we made it through all this without a single layoff or furlough. But I wouldn’t go anywhere near a public school teaching job right now. Risks are too high, and if you do get sick, healthcare costs can sink you.
With the guy sitting outside not wearing a mask, I don’t really see him doing anything wrong. The rule here is that you wear a mask anytime you’re inside and when you’re outside it’s your choice. She deserved to see her husband get punched for her throwing coffee on the guy.
Besides the fact he was outside, how do you consume something without lowering a mask? She was the one who needed to be punched, but I hope she at least goes to jail for that. Her attitude just reeked of those idiot girls who think they have this force field around them where nothing bad can happen to them regardless of their behaviour. He should have blackened her beady eyes for that.
My sister sent her kids to school today in Georgia. I try not to think about it but the situation really worries me.
I like how she went with the “I bet you don’t get any pussy” insult, while at the same time being the exact type of person who would be faux offended by hearing the word “pussy” if the situation served her purpose. In regard to wearing a mask outside, if you’re not close to anyone else then who gives a shit? But yeah if you’re outside and close to someone, that’s an issue, so wear a mask. And if you need to eat, take it off and go away from people. If you see someone eating, clearly they don’t have a mask, so stay away from them. It’s not hard to understand but clearly the masses can’t grasp it
Generally we're wearing masks when going to and fro because no one has a sense of "distance", off while eating or at home. The dudes in the video could have deescalated the situation, and so could have the couple. The video isn't great because it doesn't show if the fella that was with the person recording had touched her first. From the dialogue, I have a feeling she was in his face, he gave her a little shove, and she went with the coffee. Hilariously enough, I think the guy who was with the girl is gonna have a case against the fella who came at him. You can't assault the person who was with the person who assaulted you. This isn't the 1950's and "control your woman" doesn't fly. He might have gotten away with hitting her, but the patriarchy would definitely have frowned on it.
KiDs DoNt SpReAd ThE dIsEaSe!
That article is scary. Yep, anybody with kids can just stay the fuck away from me for the foreseeable future, thank-you-very-much. I'm seriously considering pulling the trigger on a kick-ass Airstream Basecamp... Spoiler Looking at maybe being able to travel and set up a remote office in a campsite somewhere and get out of the house, working off of cell internet... The more I think about it, the more I like the idea.
Holy fuck, have you guys seen or heard the Axios interview with Trump? Quote of 2020: "It is what it is." He reminds me of the preacher at the end of "Inherit the Wind" who just keeps going and going, and trying to get everyone to listen to him, waving papers around.
When will they clue in that letting him do interviews with legitimate questions is a fucking disaster? Honest question: how stupid do you honestly have to be, to still support him (in ANY way) be after seeing both this and the Chris Wallace interview? He does not care that people are dying and it’s his fault.
“you can’t do that... you have to use cases...” “sure I can” “you should read the manuals, the books” “what manuals? what books?” “you should know that people say you can test too much...” “what people?” And the floundering around with paper... I honestly thought it was a comedy sketch.
Where was this caliber of questions and journalism in 2015? “you should know that people say you can test too much...” “what people?”....and why are you listening to them? No one supporting Trump depends on logic, reason or evidence. If they did, we'd have things like his tax returns, policy predicated on data, or at least the hallmarks of conservative rule found in the Bush administration. This is all about perception of "weakness", and how Trump is "strong". Things like showing empathy, regard for health, or compromise are signs of weakness. Even expressing scientific uncertainty, which is precisely how scientists SHOULD express themselves, is perceived as weakness. There are people who think Rambo needs a therapist, and there are those that think he needs more rockets. If you think he needs more rockets, and you go the extra mile of thinking the character is based in reality, you're a Trump supporter. This is what concerns me: those supporters aren't just going to up and die after he leaves office. It's going to take a lot of de-stigmatization to get those people to realize they've been lied to, that politics is not a contact sport, and that it's in our best interest as a society to act like a society, not a collection of mistrustful strangers in a spaghetti western.
More on reopening schools. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
And with that, my children will not be returning to school this fall. I've been on the fence for quite some time, and every week or so something new arises to warn me against it, and this one might be the final nail in the coffin. I understand the importance of school for myriad reasons, none of which can be understated, but this has bad news written all over it. I'll fucking homeschool my kids and do my best in that arena. Goddamn I feel for the school staff, getting zero leadership from our shit governance and nothing more than a shrug and a wish good luck.