Just a small chance, and I understand that the World Beyond is also covid free. And no work pemits needed.
If it helps put things in prospective for anyone, as I mentioned a while back I tested positive. I'm 57, have smoked for 40+ years, and am not exactly the picture of health. I'm not on my death bed or anything, but the last time I did actual physical labor or anything resembling exercise was a decade ago. On the plus side, I'm not overweight or have any underlying health conditions other then my heart, which has occasionally run away in a chaotic beat for the past 25 years. When I had it, the only thing I can correlate it to was a mother fucker of a hangover after a 5 day whisky fueled drunk. It didn't knock me off my feet, but it was rough. As far as long term effects, I have no idea. It took about 2 weeks from once it hit me till I felt somewhat normal again. I'm still wearing a mask and washing my hands constantly because we still don't know much about this disease. Last I read there are 5 different strains here in Vegas, and honestly I don't want to go through it again. It sucked, but it was pretty much on par with the horrible stress test I voluntarily put my body through as a young man.
For those playing at home, I'm still down on the border of Victoria/New South Wales helping the police check crossing permits. At one point while door-knocking in Melbourne(Victoria's capital) to confirm positive patients were self-isolating they found a quarter weren't home, it's ripping through aged care homes but thankfully has at this point stayed mostly confined to the city and other states are mostly free of it. Probably down here for another few weeks at least, a lot of guys are rotating out with others but I'm not fussed so I told them they can leave me here for now.
No cases out this way so far, it's a quiet checkpoint and I'm not handling their papers like some, we've got masks and gloves if we need them.
Our county just added 31 cases in two days. We were averaging about 1.5 cases a day for nearly two and a half months since the lockdown ended. If this is the new trend, it's a little worrisome.
Some new data analysis from the CDC is showing there are a shit-ton of "excess deaths" that are directly associated with COVID-19. It's so much more than the official "deaths from COVID" numbers going around... https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm There are looking to be 200k+ excess deaths over and above COVID deaths. Fucking hell. Again, as time goes on, and the science is catching up, it's looking worse and worse... stay the fuck away from other people... socially distance... and yeah, have fun sending kids to school. "Feel" however the fuck you want about what's going on, COVID don't care. COVID don't care what political party you follow, or your gut feelings... it's a ruthless bitch that just keeps going.
I'm don't think it means that there's 200k+ MORE deaths than the current total, but that the total of excess deaths counted so far in the US is 54,000 higher than the counted total of COVID deaths, meaning that more deaths were probably due to it than we think. Based on this quote in the NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/05/05/us/coronavirus-death-toll-us.html I'm not trying to take away from your point, I just had to clarify the headline for myself recently, and that's what I found.
I may have misread one of those dashboards in the link but it sure looked like the range was high 100k to low 200k of extra deaths. (on phone so can’t check).
But I think the 207,000 extra deaths also includes the COVID count. Meaning excess deaths over what would be expected, without a pandemic. The point being, if the count is incorrect, it’s undercounted, due to the evidence from the excess deaths count. I don’t think it’s saying that COVID + excess deaths = over 300,000 @downndirty maybe you can clarify or have more insight? Again, not trying to diminish your point, just making sure I’m (we’re) reading the numbers correctly.
If it weren’t for the fact I have to return to work, our soon to be 16 year old would be doing remote learning, like it or not. But he is probably on the verge of depression from not seeing his friends. So since I’m going back, he’ll go back two days a week and we’ll hope for the best.
Well I successfully made it to Florida and back without getting Covid (that I know of). My son starts public school next week. Time for the real show to start.
The wife heads back on Monday, kids don’t start back until the 17th here in NC but I am fully expecting to get infected with it, at this point it’s just going to be keeping it away from the grandparents. The great grandparents on the wife’s side are pack and a half a day smokers in there late 70’s, no way they would survive it.
Well this is not really a surprise... Days after photos of packed hallways go viral, Paulding high school reports 9 COVID-19 cases And these are just the people who felt bad enough to go get tested. Give it a week. The kids will all have it, and they will take it home and spread it there.
The POS principal suspended two students for posting the pics. They were making the school's look bad.
cant have school if there’s no teachers. Mark my words, staffing issues will be the #1 reason schools close, not health concerns